Figura professionale: Java Full Stack Developer

Nome Cognome: A. S.Età: 36
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Chiasso-Lugano

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Java Full Stack Developer


09/03/2017–Present JEE Analyst/Developer NTT Data Italia (Italia) Zurich Project: Analysis and development new features, bug fix, 3rd level Help Desk and analysis with customer to solve functional bugs. Full Stack Developer, front-end with JSF, primeFaces and Spring WebFlow integration. Business Logic with Spring Service, Component and Repository for persistent layer implemented with Hibernate and Spring JDBCTemplate to interface Oracle DB. Technical analysis and release documentation. Application install on development environment WAS 8.5. Support and availability for architectural team during application install. Planning and estimation new features and activities to be released in different development environments. Two java application, one online used by all italian agency for managing the Insurance policy. This portal allows to collect all Zurich policies, auto, damage and life, manage cash with different payment methods; cash in cancellation, anti fraud check, daily account closures, report generation, different types of data search; communications with external systems, manual creation of policy insurance. Each movement is transmitted from and to different external systems via WS SOAP or via Oracle gate table. Second java intranet application for night batch executions, automatic daily account closing, manage data flows incoming and outgoing from and to external systems. Development Environment: Eclipse Kepler Java Enterprise 7 JavaScript JSP – HTML – XHTML – XML PL/SQL Spring Batch Spring Web Flow Oracle DB SVN Repository Nexus SOAP webServices IBM WebSphere 8.5 Hibernate 4

11/05/2018–Present JEE Analyst/Developer NTT Data Italia Iveco Project: Development new features, bug fix, 3rd level Help Desk. Full Stack Developer, front-end with JSP, javaScript and Spring MVC integration. Business Logic with Spring Service, Component and Repository for persistent layer implemented with Hibernate to interface Oracle DB. Technical analysis and release documentation. DevOps Integration with Jenkins to build Iveco applications. Applications install on development environment Tomcat 8.5. Planning and estimation new features to develop. Two intranet java applications, one used by all authorized mechanical workshops to purchase and consult Iveco spare parts, understand the assembly and download technical documentation. Many communication with different external systems via WS SOAP. Second intranet portal used by administrator users. This portal allows to upload new catalogs, editing, make them available or not in particular countries. Development Environment: Eclipse Oxygen Java 7 Spring MVC Spring Boot Java 6 Struts 1 JavaScript JSP – HTML – XML PL/SQL Oracle DB SVN Repository SOAP webServices REST webServices Tomcat 8.5 Hibernate 4 Apache Maven Gradle Sql Developer, SOAP UI Jenkins

06/2015–03/03/2017 JEE Analyst/Developer – IT Consultant Accenture Italia, Naples (Italia) BNL Project: Development new features, bug fixes and joint analysis with Client Team to solve frequent issues.  Full Stack Developer, front-end with JSP, javaScript and JFWeb BNL Custom Framework. Business Logic with BNL Custom EJB and persistent layer with simple resultSet to interface IBM DB2 db. Technical analysis documentation. Estimation new features to develop. XML transmission to COBOL systems via Service Manager framework for recovery scoring and communication with external systems like "Anagraphic System" and "Trust and Warranties System" by gate table and SOAP ws. Report generation with Jasper and Apache POI. Web portal used by all Italian BNL agencies to manage bank loan, loans, overdrafts. Creating a bank loan practice from the insertion of working income and personal data, then Estimate phase, Instructors, Deliberation, Stipulation, Minute and Essential Documents. Development Environment: JFWeb – BNL Custom Framework, based on Struts 1 Java 1.4 EJB 2 Apache ANT IBM DB2 IBM WebSphere 7 HTML – JSP – JavaScript – XML WebServices SOAP Java 6 Service Manager interaction (invoke Cobol Program) Agile Methodology Class Diagram Sequence Diagram Statechart Diagram Use Case Diagram IDE Ibm RAD, SQuirreL for DB2, SOAP UI

01/2014–06/2015 JEE Developer – IT Consultant Engineering Computer S.p.a, Naples (Italia) SNAM Rete Gas Project: Development new features on web application for the management of gas trasmission plants. Insertion of plant data, data management for pressure calculation, distances and new structures compliance. Full Stack Developer, front-end with JSP, javaScript and Spring MVC Integration. Business Logic with Spring Service and persistent layer implemented with JPA/IBATIS to interface Oracle DB. Communication to external systems for information validity and transmission of the necessary permissions vis SOAP ws. Two java application, one is online with a public area for consulting information and business contacts and a personal area for the management of gas systems. The other is intranet, it is used by administrative users for the technical management of gas installations, the "REMI". New plants, some to be updated according to the law, some to be disposed, maintenance agreements and other operations related to the REMI. Development Environment: Spring MVC Java 6 EJB 3 Apache MAVEN Oracle 11g Ibatis 2 JPA WebLogic 11g WebServices SOAP HTML – JSP – JavaScript IDE Eclipse Juno, IDE Oracle jDeveloper, SOAP UI, PL/SQL Developer, TOAD, Serena CM Dimensions 10

11/2013–05/2014 Mobile Developer SoftItalia Srl e Dicashnet Srl, Marano di Napoli (Italy) Design and Development of an Android application on 3 levels. Application Management and Advisory use (within the Restorative). It consists in the creation, management and Electronic illustration of a Menu. Development Environment: Web Service RESTful Java 6 Windows Batch Scripting Oracle 11g Jboss 5.1.0 GA Hibernate 3

03/2013–12/2013 Programmer Analyst Bc Soft S.r.l., Naples (Italy) Analysis and programming in Java Enterprise Edition: UML, JSP, Servlet, Struts, Hibernate, XML,XPATH, WebServices Rest , WebServices SOAP (Annotation , Dispatch) Main patterns used in enterprise applications: MVC, DTO, VO, DAO, BO. Project Management Curriculum Vitae Full develop of a web portal for managing Curriculum Vitae. Application based on three MVC levels, inserting master and work data, goals, experiences and more, at the end you can create a downloadable pdf document and it was also stored in DB. In addition, the user could search for candidates based on several selectable filters. The application, built on two levels, Client (JSP, Struts, Javascript) – Business / FROM advantage of the DTO pattern to exchange data between Client (Dispatch Action) and layer Business button. Development Environment: The also uses the Domain Model pattern for the management of the object model of the system, persisted by the ORM Hibernate 3. The database used is Oracle 11G. The control system used is SVN version. Also used Log4j library. Struts 1 Java 6 EJB 2 – 3

2005–2012 Computing professional Napoli (Italy) Repair, service and computer assembly

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 03/2016 Oracle Certified Associate – OCA Java 7 Programer Oracle 2008–10/2013 Degree in Computer Science University of Naples – Federico II, Napoli (Italy) 2002–2007 High School Science High School Renato Caccioppoli, Napoli (Italy) 

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) ITALIA Foreign language(s) English B1

Job-related skills Languages: Java/JEE v5, v6, v7; Java/JEE mobile (Android), ANT, MAVEN, C, C++, Html, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery, Batch, SQL, PL/SQL WebService REST e binding 'jaxb', SOAP con axis 1, axis 2 e jax-ws Framework: Struts (EJB 2, EJB 3), GWT, Spring (MVC, WebFlow, IoC, Aspect) ORM: Hibernate, Ibatis Application Server: Jboss 5, Web Logic 11, WebSphere 8.5 DataBase: Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, MySQL, IBM DB2 Repository: SVN, Serena IDE: Eclipse Juno, Eclipse Kepler, JDeveloper, NetBeans, ADT (Android Developer Tool), DevC++, ArgoUML, Balsamiq Mockups. S.O: Windows e Linux; Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access Competence in the use of special libraries such as: 'POI', 'jstl', 'tinymce', 'log4j'

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