Figura professionale: System Engineer

Nome Cognome: L. F.Età: 47
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: ITALIA

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System Engineer


  • Application Engineering – Technical and Test activities – Defence & Security
  • CAE Full Flight Simulators (FFS) – Sim XXI Technology (CAE Software, Computer Networks & Interface, Electromechanical
  • Motion & Control Loading, Medallion Visual System,CAE Full Flight Simulators (FFS) – S3000 Technology (Motion & Control Loading for S3000, Computer and Networks for S3000-
  • Military, Interface for S3000-Military, Barco Sim_5 s3000 Visual) ,ormazione Generale del Lavoratore (Art.37 del D. Lgs., n.81 – Accordo Stato Regioni – AiFOS, IT Security Training – CAE


Laurea quinquennale V.O. in Ingegneria Elettronica


â—‹ CAE, Flight Simulation Engineer (Aviation Training) 2007 – present
Technical Operations and Testing activities on Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs) for Helicopter Aircrews (Civil Aviation and
• Full Flight Simulators: AW139 FFS Level D, AW109E FFS Level D, AW189 FFS Level D, AW109 Nexus FFS, AW109 LUHS FFS
• Flight Training Devices: AW109E FTD Level III, AW189 FTD Level II
• Flight Navigation Procedure Trainers: AW109E FNPT Level III MCC
• Full-Mission Flight Trainers: NH90 FMFT
Further tasks performed
• Author of presentations to familiarize with the use of some AW139 Systems on board AW139 FFS (i.e. ATIS, TCAS…).
• Update of the Subjective Test Guide Forms (STGs) for all the CAE FSTDs in the centre according to Authority Guidelines.
• New hires indoctrination and basic training.
â—‹ GETS, Application Engineer (Signalling and railway engineering area) 2005 – 2007 (2 Years)
Involved in the put in place activities of railway facilities following modern safety apparatus and the “Sistema di Supporto alla Condotta”
(SSC). SSC is a new generation of automatic train protection solutions that increase the safety and performance of train operations.
It continuously monitors the actual speed of the train thereby guaranteeing that the maximum speed limit is not violated.
In cases where action is required, the system can enforce the train’s braking system.
The SSC system provides the train with a comprehensive set of information needed to ensure safe speed and distance.
When passing by each signal, the trackside equipment transmits signal information onboard to enforce the distance from the preceding
train while observing line characteristics such as bridges, tunnels, curves and construction areas.
The SSC design requires no devices or cables to be mounted near the track area, allowing for cost-savings in maintenance operations
and a simple installation process that requires no disruption of traffic.

â—‹ IT Army Lieutenant (NATO Code: OF-1) 09/2003 – 09/2004
Assigned as a Military Engineer at IGMI, an Italian public organization dependent on the IT Army General Staff (Stato Maggiore
dell’Esercito). IGMI is the national mapping agency for Italy and it supports our Military for operations inside and outside the country.
Command action and personnel government, Techniques of teaching, Systems Engineering, Project Management, Quality control,
Topography, Cartography, GIS, Technical writing, Environmental education, Tactics doctrine and military logistics, Military operations
law, Military engineering systems, Military transmissions systems, Platoon Leader, Weapons and shooting, Artillery and related
ammunition, Explosives, NBC Training, Laser and applications, Missile technology, Ministry of Defense, Defense, NATO, Security
Clearance, Physical training.).

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