Figura professionale: Software Engineer

Nome Cognome: M. V.Età: 31
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Torino

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Software Engineer


Tango Workshop I took part of a Tango course hold by Dr. Matteo Di Carlo at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino. July 2018

Workshop on Three-Dimensional Forensic Facial Reconstruction, San Marcos, TX, USA. I participated to the workshop organised by Karen T. Taylor, reconstructing with clay the face of an old case murder victim upon the resin cast of her skull. February 2017

Museo Lissone Design Contest, Turin, Italy: My design project “themisfero” was exposed in the catalogue of the museum. June 2013

AFS Intercultural Program Study abroad in Ranong at Phichairatanakarn high school, Thailand September 2010 – June 2011

Education MSc: Computer Animation and Visual Effects Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication: • Animation Software Engineering (78) “Lindermayer’s system generator” • Computer Imagery Tools (75) – “Erscher’s staircase 3d interpretation” – “Procedural City Generator” • Computer Imagery Techniques (73) “Mathmatical Essay and Report” • Group Project (72) “Protect Hanami: video-game” • Simulation and Rendering (65.5) – “Smoothered Particle Hydrodynamics for Newtonian Fluids Simulations” – “Procedural Shading” • Personal Inquiry (68) “Predatory, prey and sheepherding novel algorithms for flocking, herding and schooling behavioural models” • Master Thesis (62) “Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Simulator according to different SPH approaches” Results: Merit September 2017 – September 2018 

BA: Computer Animation Arts Bournemouth University, Faculty of Media and Communication: Bachelor Degree: • Mathmatics for Computer Graphics (92) • Computing for Graphics (86) • Design for Animation 1: practice and theory (58) • Computer Animation Production 1 (72) • Computer Animation Preproduction (72) • Animation Principles (50) • Computer Animation Production 2 (52) • Computer Animation Specialist Production (63) • Aesthetics and Techniques 1 (48) • Design for Animation 2 (54) • Critical and Contextual Studies (65) • Innovations: “CGI 3D Forensic Facial Recontruction” (70) • Masterclass in Computer Graphics Techniques (43) • Aesthetics and Techniques 2 (58) • Major Project and Report: “Lux an interactive Experience” (63) Results: Second Class Honours September 2014 – June 2017 

Politecnico di Torino, (Polytechnic of Turin), Corso di Design e comunicazione visiva (Bachelor degree in design and visual communication) • Two years: Concept Design, Chemical sustainability of materials, History of Arts, Project Representation and English language. September 2012 – July 2014

Diploma di Stato liceo scientifico Liceo Scientifico Nicolo Copernico (High School of Science) • Mathmathics, Physics, English, Latin, History, Chemestry, Biology Certification: Diploma di Stato. September 2005 – June 2010

Other Training IELTS English Language IELTS Certificate Grade: 6.5 August 2014

Skills • Knowledge of C++, Python and Maya Python API programming languages. • Software Engineering Skills • Experience on data management for animation pipeline • Game Programming and Design • OpenGL and QT Experience • Unreal Experience • Confident user of most 3d software packages used by industries for CGI productions (Autodesk’s Maya, Pixologic’s Zbrush, Foundry (Nuke,Katana, Mari), Adobe Suite, SideFx’s Houdini) • Experienced Unix user (Linux and OSX). • Confident user of Microsoft Office packages and good overall IT skills, experienced in social media feeds and web content. • Analytical and critical writing and research skills attained from scientific studies. • Ability to work collaboratively, effectively and professionally in a team. • Great attention to details. • Good Artistic skills achieved in the study of music and arts, good ability in sketch drawing. • Thai intermediate speaker. • Italian Mother Tongue. • English fluency

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