Figura professionale: Software Developer .NET

Nome Cognome: S. M.Età: 38
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Roma

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Software Developer



Connect Informatics s.r.l Rome SOFTWARE DEVELOPER Dec. 2016 – Sep. 2018
• Implemented a sending medical report system with SQL Server, Windows Forms and ASP.NET MVC. • Implemented parts of the medial records application interface with 
AngularJS, TypeScript • Implemented software for massive importation of data inside SQL Server database with Windows Forms

eLog s.r.l Rome SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 2015 – 2016
• Developed a portal for a prize campaign with the system of instant win with ASP.NET MVC . • Maintenance of several websites with WordPress, Umbraco and Drupal . 

eLog s.r.l Rome SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 2008 – 2011
• Member of development team for public administration software with ASP.NET Web Forms


La Sapienza, University of Rome Rome B.S. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2011 – 2015
• Graduated in computer science at the ”La Sapienza” University of Rome with the thesis ”Development of an environment
for exper-imental analysis of parallel applications”. This thesis exhibited a framework on which running and analyzing
parallel application performance. In this course of study I acquired the key theoretical computer science knowledge: software
design and algorithm analysis, relational database theory, program languages theory and Artificial Intelligence fundamentals. 

La Sapienza, University of Rome Rome MASTER IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 2016 – Now
• Study is focused on the Artificial Intelligence field and theory of models of computation and algorithms

About me
Knowing what be there behind the things visualized front of me has always intrigued me. I have always
wanted to be able to build these software, this is been the initial push for beginning the Computer Science
I have decided to make an experience abroad for learning other languages and specialize me in Computer
Science.Berlin has been an opportunity, it is a city in which I was knowing someone who could help me with
this new adventure then after one month I couldn't go back anymore. Berlin kidnapped me with his tranquility,
livability, and charm. Computer science is not merely a work or an academic topic for me, it is been always present in my interests.
It is not ever been a live reason but a field in which I find a lot of exciting topics also philosophical topics if

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