Figura professionale: Java/J2EE Software Developer

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Java/J2EE Software Developer


Maggio 2010 – Oggi Figura ricoperta Impiegato Ufficio Acquisti Datore di lavoro Leali Steel Spa Luogo Odolo

Dicembre 2005 – Maggio 2010 Figura ricoperta Responsabile Magazzino Ricambi Datore di lavoro Leali Spa Luogo Odolo

Istruzione e Formazione

Studio in corso Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Java EE 6 Web Component Developer Certified Expert Istituto di istruzione o formazione Oracle University Luogo Villafranca di Verona Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite Introduction to Java Servlets

Describe web applications, CGI, and the role of Java, Describe benefits of Java servlet technology, Create a simple Java Servlet, Define three-tier architecture, Define Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture

Introduction to Java Server Pages

Describe why Servlets are not the whole solution, Describe essentials of JSPs, Understand the fundamentals and reasons for MVC architecture

Implementing an MVC Design

Code a controller using a servlet, Code a view using a JSP, Forward control from a servlet to a JSP, Understand fundamentals of EL, Implement a simple MVC system

The servlet's environment

Understand more details of the HTTP protocol, Understand fundamentals of HTML forms, Understand fundamentals of the HttpServlet and related APIs, Write code that manages client sessions and cookies

Container facilities for servlets and JSPs

Understand the purpose and structure of deployment descriptors, Control context root and servlet mapping, Create and use context and init parameters, Use annotations to configure servlets

More view facilities

Understand the four data scopes, Understand and use EL dot and array access operators with Java Beans, arrays, and collections, Understand and use EL implicit objects, Create and use arithmetic expressions in EL, Identify the need for iteration and selection in the view, and use JSTL tags to address those needs

Developing JSP pages

Understand the origins, benefits, and weaknesses of JSPs, Describe JSP technology, the conversion of JSPs to servlets, and the lifecycle of JSPs, Understand JSP scripting elements, declarations and directives, Use JSP implicit variables, Understand and use jsp: tags

Developing JSP pages using custom tags

Relate the JSTL to common job roles in web application development and understand the use of tags in JSP development, Recognize correct syntax for tags, Configure a JSP to use tags from the JSTL, Write JSP code using several standard tags, List capabilities of JSTL tags/span>

More Controller facilities

Understand the servlet lifecycle, Describe and use more advanced elements of the servlet APIs, Create filters and use them in web applications

More options for the Model

Understand the roles of JDBC and JPA, Understand the many elements that make up the model, Understand fundamentals of connecting to a database using JDBC or JPA

Asynchronous web applications

Understand the interactions that are essential to asynchronous web pages, Understand the role of AJAX-style client side programming, Implement asynchronous servlets using the facilities of Java EE 6

Web application security

Understand the role of the container in security, Describe and implement four authentication models, Force the use of encryption between a web application and the client browser, Understand the role of JAAS in pluggable/extensible authentication for web applications

Studio in corso Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Java EE 6 Enterprise JavaBean Dev Certified Expert Istituto di istruzione o formazione Oracle University Luogo Villafranca di Verona Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite

Introduction to Java EE

Gain an understanding of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), Examine the Java EE application architecture, Examine Java EE container services, Examine the EJB component types, Evaluate the EJB Lite Container, Compare Java EE application development with traditional enterprise application development

Implementing Session Beans

Examine session beans, Identify the three types of session beans, Choose the correct session bean type given a business constraint, Create session beans Package and deploy session beans

Accessing Session Beans

Understand the purpose and role of JNDI in relation to EJB components, Configure JNDI environment properties, Use JNDI to look up a resource, Write code that receives a resource reference through injection, Create a session bean client, Create a session facade, Use dependency injection to locate an EJB

Advanced Session Bean Concepts

Understand the relationship between the EJB container and an EJB component, Describe the life cycle for stateless and stateful session beans, Implement session bean life cycle methods, Use a session bean to perform asynchronous communication, Have fine-grained control over packaging and deployment

Singleton Session Bean

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using a singleton session bean, Create a singleton session bean, Describe the life cycle of a singleton session bean, Implement singleton session bean life cycle methods, Describe singleton concurrency access, Implement a concurrency management strategy

Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging

Review JMS technology, Describe the roles of the participants in the JMS API messaging system, Create a queue message producer, Create a synchronous message consumer

Developing Message-Driven Beans

Understand the short-comings of using session beans as messaging consumers, Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans, Create a JMS message-driven bean, Create life cycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean, Configure a JMS message-driven bean

Using Timer ServicesObjectives

 Describe timer services, Create a timer notification callback, Process a timer notification callback Manage timer objects

Implementing Interceptor Classes and Methods

Describe interceptors and interceptor classes, Create a business interceptor method in the enterprise bean class, Create an interceptor class, Associate multiple business interceptor methods with an enterprise bean, Include life cycle callback interceptor methods in an interceptor class

Implementing Transactions

Describe transaction demarcation management
Implement CMT, Interact programmatically with an ongoing CMT transaction, Implement BMT Apply transactions to messaging

Implementing Security

Understand the Java EE security architecture,Authenticate the caller Examine Java EE authorization strategies,Use declarative authorization, Use programmatic authorization Examine the responsibilities of the deployer

Using EJB Technology Best Practices

Define best practices and state the benefits of using EJB technology best practices, Select and apply known patterns to Java EE application design, Incorporate effective exception handling into your Java EE application design, Package and Deploy EJB applications, Perform EJB Exception Handling


Studio in corso Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Java EE 6 Persistance API Dev Certified Expert Istituto di istruzione o formazione Oracle University Luogo Villafranca di Verona Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite

Overview of the Java Persistence API

Describe the basics of Object Relational Mapping (ORM), Define the key concepts of the Java Persistence API (entity, entity manager, and persistence unit)

Introducing the Auction Application

Describe the auction application, Define the domain objects of the auction application, Describe the implementation model for the auction system

Java Persistence API Entities

Describe the difference between objects and entities, Describe the difference between persistent fields and properties, Identify and use common Java Persistence API annotations, such as @Entity, @Id, @Table, and @Column

Understanding the Entity Manager

Describe the relationship between an entity manager, a persistence context, and a persistence unit, Describe the difference between a container-managed entity manager and an application-managed entity manager, Describe the entity life cycle

Modeling Entity Relationships

Examine association relationships in the data and object models, Use relationship properties to define associations, Implement one-to-one unidirectional associations, Implement one-to-one bidirectional associations, Implement many-to-one/one-to-many bidirectional associations, Implement many-to-many bidirectional associations, Implement many-to-many unidirectional associations, Examine fetch and cascade mode settings

Entity Inheritance and Object-Relational Mapping

Examine entity inheritance, Examining object/relational inheritance hierarchy mapping strategies, Inherit from an entity class, Inherit using a mapped superclass, Inherit from a non-entity class, Examine inheritance mapping strategies, Use an embeddable class

Persisting Enums and Collections

Persist entities that contain enums with @Enumerated, Persist entities that contain lists with @ElementCollection, Persist entities that contain maps with @ElementCollection

Introduction to Querying

Find an Entity by its primary key, Understand basic Java Persistence API query language queries, Understand native SQL queries, Understand basic Criteria API queries

Using the Java Persistence API Query Language

Examine the Java Persistence API query language, Create and use the SELECT statement, Create and use the UPDATE statement, Create and use the DELETE statement

Using the Java Persistence API Criteria API

Contrast queries that use the Criteria API with queries that use the Java Persistence query language, Describe the metamodel object approach to querying, Create Criteria API queries

Using the Java Persistence API in a Container

Use the Java Persistence API from a servlet, Use the Java Persistence API from a stateless session bean

Implementing Transactions and Locking

Describe the transaction demarcation management, Implement container-managed transactions (CMT), Interact programmatically with an ongoing CMT transaction, Implement bean-managed transactions (BMT), Apply transactions to the Java Persistence API

Advanced Java Persistence API Concepts

Specify composite primary keys, Override mappings with the @AttributeOverride and @AssociationOverride annotations, Understand entity listeners and callback methods

Aprile 2016 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer Istituto di istruzione o formazione Oracle University Luogo Villafranca di Verona Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite
Java Class Design 

Use access modifiers: private, protected, and public, Override methods, Overload constructors and methods, Use the instanceof operator and casting, Use virtual method invocation, Override the hashCode, equals, and toString methods from the Object class to improve the functionality of your class, Use package and import statements

Advanced Class Design 

Identify when and how to apply abstract classes, Construct abstract Java classes and subclasses, Use the static and final keywords, Create top-level and nested classes, Use enumerated types
Object-Oriented Design Principles 

Write code that declares, implements and/or extends interfaces, Choose between interface inheritance and class inheritance, Apply cohesion, low-coupling, IS-A, and HAS-A principles, Apply object composition principles (including has-a relationships), Design a class using a Singleton design pattern, Write code to implement the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern, Design and create objects using a factory pattern
Generics and Collections

Create a generic class, Use the diamond for type inference, Analyze the interoperability of collections that use raw types and generic types , Use wrapper classes, autoboxing and unboxing, Create and use List, Set and Deque implementations, Create and use Map implementations, Use java.util.Comparator and java.lang.Comparable, Sort and search arrays and lists

String Processing 

Search, parse and build strings (including Scanner, StringTokenizer, StringBuilder, String and Formatter), Search, parse, and replace strings by using regular expressions, using expression patterns for matching limited to: . (dot), * (star), + (plus), ?, \d, \D, \s, \S,  \w, \W, \b. \B, [], (), Format strings using the formatting parameters: %b, %c, %d, %f, and %s in format strings.
Exceptions and Assertions 

Use throw and throws statements, Develop code that handles multiple Exception types in a single catch block, Develop code that uses try-with-resources statements (including using classes that implement the AutoCloseable interface), Create custom exceptions, Test invariants by using assertions
Java I/O Fundamentals 

Read and write data from the console, Use streams to read from and write to files by using classes in the package including BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, File, FileReader, FileWriter, DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, and PrintWriter
Java File I/O (NIO.2) 

Operate on file and directory paths with the Path class, Check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory with the Files class, Read and change file and directory attributes, focusing on the, BasicFileAttributes, DosFileAttributes, and PosixFileAttributes interfaces, Recursively access a directory tree using the DirectoryStream and FileVisitor interfaces
Find a file with the PathMatcher interface, Watch a directory for changes with the WatchService interface

Building Database Applications with JDBC 

Describe the interfaces that make up the core of the JDBC API (including the Driver, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet interfaces and their relationship to provider implementations), Identify the components required to connect to a database using the DriverManager class (including the jdbc URL), Submit queries and read results from the database (including creating statements, returning result sets, iterating through the results, and properly closing result sets, statements, and connections), Use JDBC transactions (including disabling auto-commit mode, committing and rolling back transactions, and setting and rolling back to savepoints), Construct and use RowSet objects using the RowSetProvider class and the RowSetFactory interface, Create and use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement objects


Create and use the Thread class and the Runnable interface, Manage and control thread lifecycle, Synchronize thread access to shared data, Identify code that may not execute correctly in a multi-threaded environment.


Use collections from the java.util.concurrent package with a focus on the advantages over and differences from the traditional java.util collections., Use Lock, ReadWriteLock, and ReentrantLock classes in the java.util.concurrent.locks package to support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables., Use Executor, ExecutorService, Executors, Callable, and Future to execute tasks using thread pools., Use the parallel Fork/Join Framework


Read and set the locale by using the Locale object, Build a resource bundle for each locale, Call a resource bundle from an application, Format dates, numbers, and currency values for localization with the NumberFormat and, DateFormat classes (including number format patterns), Describe the advantages of localizing an application, Define a locale using language and country codes

Novembre 2015 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer stituto di istruzione o formazione Oracle University Luogo Villafranca di Verona Principali tematiche / competenze professionali acquisite

Java Basics

Define the scope of variables, Define the structure of a Java class, Create executable Java applications with a main method, Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code

Working With Java Data Types

Declare and initialize variables, Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables, Read or write to object fields, Explain an Object's Lifecycle (creation, "dereference" and garbage collection), Call methods on objects, Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods, Creating and manipulating Strings

Using Operators and Decision Constructs  

Use Java operators, Use parenthesis to override operator precedence, Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals (), Create if and if/else constructs, Use a switch statement

Creating and Using Arrays

Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array, Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional array, Declare and use an ArrayList

Using Loop Constructs

Create and use while loops, Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop, Create and use do/while loops, Compare loop constructs, Use break and continue  

Working with Methods and Encapsulation

Create methods with arguments and return values, Apply the static keyword  to methods and fields, Create an overloaded method, Differentiate between default and user defined constructors, Create and overload constructors, Apply access modifiers, Apply encapsulation principles to a class, Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed  into methods that change the values

Working with Inheritance

Implement inheritance
Develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism, Differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object, Determine when casting is necessary, Use super and this to access objects and constructors, Use abstract classes and interfaces

Handling Exceptions

Differentiate among checked exceptions, RuntimeExceptions and Errors, Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow, Describe what Exceptions are used for in Java, Invoke a method that throws an exception, Recognize common exception classes and categories

Luglio 2000 Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Dilpoma Scientifico/Tecnologico Istituto di istruzione o formazione Itis Benedetto Castelli – Progetto Brocca Luogo Brescia

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Ottima conoscenza linguaggio Java/J2EE conseguente ad ottenimento certificazioni Oracle, buona conoscenza di application server quali GlassFish, Tomcat, buona conoscenza di RDBMS quali Mysql, Derby, buona conoscenza dei principali framework di sviluppo quali Hibernate, Maven, Ant,  buona conoscenza di application testing quale JUnit, buona conoscenza del protocollo di comunicazione HTTP /1.1,  

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