Figura professionale: Programmatore

Nome Cognome: S. B.Età: 38
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Livorno

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January 2016 – Present Research Associate Name of institution: Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Address: Jakkur, Bangalore-560064, India Phone: +91 80 22082750 Fax: +91 80 22082766 Website: Duties and responsibility: • Data analysis of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations of polymers, silicon and water. • Developing of new faster simulation codes in C, C++ and Fortran language on Linux systems. • Developing of serial and parallel (MPI) data analysis codes for understanding, manipulating and improving new results by using C, C++, Fortran and Python programming language on Linux systems. • Using of 3D molecular visualization programs like VMD, Avogadro and Ovito. • Organization of seminars, conferences and group meeting. • Coordination of PhD and Master's students.

January 2012 – October 2014 Teaching assistant to the class of “General Physics” at the 1st year of the undergraduate program in Biomedical Engineering Name of institution: Department of Physics, Pisa University Supervisor: Prof. Dino Leporini ( Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Phone: +39 050 2214000 Fax: +39 050 2214333 Website: Duties and responsibility: • Teaching assistant in class of about 350 students. • Topics covered: kinematic, dynamics and thermodynamics. • Preparation and evaluation of exams. • Office hours for students once a week.

October 2013 – December 2013 Teaching assistant to the classes of “Mathematics and Physics” at the 1st year of the undergraduate programs in Scientific Information on Pharmaceuticals and Herbal Sciences (Pharmacy department) Name of institution: Department of Physics, Pisa University Supervisor: Prof. Maria Luisa Chiofalo ( Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Phone: +39 050 2214000 Fax: +39 050 2214333 Website: Duties and responsibility: • Teaching assistant in 2 classes of about 50 students each. • Topics covered: equations and inequalities, study of functions, probability, kinematic, dynamics and thermodynamics. • Preparation and evaluation of exams. • Office hours for students twice a week.

October 2012 – December 2012 Teaching assistant to the classes of “Mathematics” at the 1st year of the undergraduate programs in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (Pharmacy department) Name of institution: Department of Mathematics, Pisa University Supervisor: Prof. Adele Manes ( ) Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Phone: +39 050 2213223 Fax: +39 050 2210678 Website: Duties and responsibility: • Teaching assistant in 2 classes of about 100 students each. • Topics covered: equations and inequalities, study of functions, derivative, integrals and probability. • Preparation and evaluation of exams. • Office hours for students twice a week.


January 2012 – October 2015 PhD degree in Applied Physics with an University three-years grant EQF level: 8 Dissertation title: Microscopic order and mechanical response in polymeric liquids, glasses and crystals. Supervisor: Prof. Dino Leporini ( Name of institution: Department of Physics, Pisa University Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Phone: +39 050 2214000 Fax: +39 050 2214333 Website: Main Topics and activities: • Molecular Dynamics simulations of polymers on Linux systems.. • Polymer physics and elastic properties of polymers on Linux systems.. • Developing of data analysis codes by using C and C++ programming language on Linux systems.. • Using of 3D molecular visualization programs like VMD and Avogadro. • Coordination of Master's students. October

2009 – October 2011 Master's Degree in Physics EQF level: 7 Title of thesis: Ordine locale e dinamica in fasi polimeriche (Local order and dynamics in polymer melts) Final Mark: full marks with honors (110 / 110 with honors) Supervisor: Prof. Dino Leporini ( Name of institution: Department of Physics, Pisa University Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Phone: +39 050 2214000 Fax: +39 050 2214333 Website: Main Topics: • Molecular Dynamics simulations of polymers. • Polymer physics and elastic properties of polymers. • Developing of data analysis codes by using C and C++ programming language.

October 2006 – September 2009 Bachelor's Degree in Physics EQF level: 6 Title of thesis: Risonanze plasmoniche in nanostrutture metalliche ( Plasmon resonance in metallic nanostructures) Final Mark: full marks (110 / 110 ) Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Fuso ( ) Name of institution: Department of Physics, Pisa University Address: Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy Main Topics: • Light scattering of gold nanoparticle. • Investigation techniques of physics surface. • Use of the microscope SNOM (Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope).


Mother tongue Italian

Other languages 

English C1

Hindi A1

Communication skills • I have successfully worked in various types of research teams interacting with people coming from Europe, USA, India and China. • Oral communication skills expressed in presentations and in talking with academic and nonacademic environments during seminars and conferences. • Writing skills developed by writing articles and projects.

Organizational skills • Excellent organization skills developed by periodic organization of seminars, conferences and group activities. • Excellent work planning daily tested in research activity in order to achieve new results as soon as possible.

Computer skills During my research activity I developed the following computer skills: • Excellent knowledge of C, C++ and Bash programming language. • Good knowledge of Fortran and Python programming language. • Good knowledge of parallel programming by using MPI. • Excellent knowledge of 3D molecular visualization programs VMD, Avogadro and Ovito. • Excellent knowledge of operating systems Windows, Linux and MacOS X. • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel and Power Point, Access). • Excellent knowledge of Open Source tools for Office and scientific tools. • Aware of various tools to monitor performance of a cluster.

Other skills • Excellent ability to quickly analyze a problem and develop a proper response developed by research activity. • Excellent knowledge of Tex documents and LaTex compilers. • Fully available for assignments abroad. • Follow various blog about computing and scientific issues.

Driving licence A, B

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