Figura professionale: CEO

Nome Cognome: F. P.Età: 61
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Europa

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2009 – Today    KI Energy S.r.l.    Rome
Ki Energy was created by a highly qualified managerial and technical team in the field of energy and environmental R &D, to design and operate small-scale, efficient and clean plants for co-generation fuelled with waste, limiting significantly polluting, logistic infrastructure while simultaneously increasing economic efficiency.
Market exposure: Italy, Europe and North America.

1998–2009    Sabif S.r.l.    Rome
Sabif was a consulting boutique, aiming to provide tailored advisory services  to industrial companies, financial institutions and PE funds. Its clients were among the most important Italian financial institutions such as Mediolanum, Mediobanca, Unicredit, Autostrade per l’Italia, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. Have had leading roles in establishing Private Equity Funds such as Helios Private Equity sponsored by Unicredit and a Euro-American LBO Fund, for an aggregated value of 300€ million. Have participated in syndicated transactions with PE Funds and Investment Banks:the largest transaction was for a value of 900€ million.
Market exposure: Italy.

2006–2009    Shap Corp S.r.l.    Rome
Shap Corp is a company active in the area of electricity production, using biomasses: its focus is on designing and building power stations fuelled by renewable sources. Particularly the key products are 1MWe Fludized Bed Combustor and 0.2MWe Fixed Bed Gasifier.

–    Created a built-on strategy, based on selling either projects and value added services, using EU funds to boost construction;
–    Turnover brought from zero to 3.6€ million;
–    Commercial pipeline built for a value of 8€ million;
–    Coordinated a working team of 12 people.
Market exposure: Italy and Europe.

2004–2006    Siena Digitale S.r.l.    Siena
Board Member and Chief Strategist
Siena Digitale was a company operating in the telephone traffic wholesale, sold to an industrial buyer after three years. The related IRR was over 30%.  The company got to be the second largest player in Siena, after Telecom Italia but well above national players such as Fastweb, Wind, Albacom and others. 

–    Created and supported a multi-level marketing strategy, playing on local pride and integrated help desk;
–    Combined the basket of services offered with satellite provider (SKY);
–    Turnover brought from zero to 1.6€ million.
Market exposure: Tuscany.

2001–2004    Accenture S.p.A.    Milan
Business Strategist
Served, as external advisor, the Business Unit “Strategy & Development”, supporting teams to deliver solutions to Clients, mainly Banks or Financial Institutions. Projects were related to:
–    Bank M&A;
–    Private Bank start-up, with particular reference to Company’s Commercial 5 years Plan;
–    Investment valuation;
–    Acceleration of business through acquisitions and internal growth.
Market exposure: Italy.

1999–2001    Bloomberg Investimenti S.r.l.    Milan
Board Member and Co-Founder
Bloomberg Investimenti was a weekly magazine, dedicated to financial news, set up jointly with Michael Bloomberg International and a group of Italian Investors. After three years the company was sold to an industrial player, with an aggregated IRR of 35%. We were selling over 10,000 copies per week, second largest magazine in Italy.

–    Supported company’s logistics, devoted to printing and distributing locally the copies;
–    Supported market development through agreements with clusters of Subscribers;
–    Turnover brought from zero to 1.4€ million.
Market exposure: Italy.

1997–1998    Piaggio & C. S.p.A.    Pontedera
Executive, responsible for Business Development and Assistant to the President
Piaggio & C. was the holding company of the Piaggio Group.

–    Divestment of non-core assets of the Piaggio Group. In order to divest, it was necessary to restructure an Industrial Holding Company, which was losing money (10% of the annual turnover). After the turnaround, the Holding Company was sold with a net profit of more than 20€ million;
–    Structuring, launch and management of a Private Equity Fund open to Piaggio Shareholders’ only, aiming to raise 200$ million. Morgan Stanley was the bank supporting the fund raising;
–    Managed litigation, contract negotiation and investor relations.
Market exposure: Italy and Europe.

1996–1997    Exor America    New York
LBO Analyst
Exor America is the financial holding of the IFI Group, at that time entitled to invest in the US market (both Real Estate and industrial companies) with funds to be invested greater than 2€ billion. Exor has a track record, since 1967, of returns higher than market average.

–    Private Equity transactions, for an overall amount of 2.8€ billion, including Riverwood Capital and Western Industries;
–    Acquisition of the Rockfeller Center, 500€ million transaction;
–    Involvement into three due diligences related to urealized transactions for  more than 1€ billion.
Market exposure: North America.

1993–1996    Piaggio V.E. S.p.A.    Pontedera, Osaka
Controller, Business Unit Minivan
Piaggio Ve S.p.A. was the industrial holding of the Piaggio Group. To this company belonged all productive entities, including P&D S.p.A., a joint-venture between Piaggio and Daihatsu, producing a minivan.

–    Annual turnover of the BU equivalent to 140€ million;
–    Drafted industrial and commercial budget for the BU;
–    Monthly reporting to Top Management and Japanese Partner;
–    Negotiated with Japanese partner an extraordinary contribution to the J-V of 5€ million in cash.
Market exposure: Italy, Europe and Asia.

1992–1993    Piaggio Asian Corporation    Pontedera, Hong Kong
Piaggio Asian Corporation was the newly established Operative Holding company for the Piaggio Group in the Far East area, aiming to develop all the industrial investments in China.

–    Drafted industrial and commercial Plan for the Company;
–    Negotiated with financial Investors their involvement into the Company.
Market exposure: Asia.

1987–1992    Andersen Consulting    Rome
Senior Project Manager (Business Unit Strategy)
Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) is a leading consulting company supporting its Clients in implementing their strategies, their information systems and advising them about restructuring.

–    Managed mixed teamforce up to 14 people;
–    M&A projects, involving leading Italian banks;
–    Profitability control for leading Italian Conglomerates;
–    Speaker at the Italian AC Annual Meeting about Planning & Control.
Market exposure: Italy.


University of Rome “La Sapienza”; degree in Economics, summa cum laude, 1987


Fluent in Italian, English and Spanish, excellent comprehension of French, basically spoken.

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