Figura professionale: Ingegnere elettronico

Nome Cognome: E. M.Età: 59
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Sede preferita: Genova

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Ingegnere elettronico


·      Arzana' Cantieri Navali S): January 2017 – Now. Working on NATIVA (a 50mt yacht built by Arzana' Cantieri Navali) on the domotic system. In this role he has to reverse engeneer all domotic system and produce the related documentation. Also he has to verify, correct and optimize all the system especially the part related to ship monitoring and control.

      LEONARDO (ex Selex-ES): February 2013 – December 2016. Working as System Engineering Group becoming focal point for writing requirements for each part of WBDL system, designing algorithms and  becoming technical interface with the customer (Northtrop Group).

·      Working as consultant at Leonardo (ex Selex ES) as “Technical Writer”. In this role he has developed several DXL tools (DXL is the programming language C-like for IBM DOORS) for extracting and cross match requirement for the WBDL program (Wide Band Data Link). He is writing and correcting System design requirement and cross checking SW, HW and FW requirement documentation.

·      LEONARDO SISTEMI: September 2010 – December 2013. Working with Leonardo Sistemi srl (Genoa – Italy) as consultant full time. In this role he is covering different roles as needed. He is developing a complete test set in C/ATLAS for automatic test of Tornado’s SPILS computer (aircraft computer controlling pitch and roll) for Selex Galileo (Turin – Italy), he acted as project manager for developing QFMEA tools (a C++ tool for performing FMEA and FMECA analysis) and worked in analysing system requirements for the ALMOND postal machine developed by ELSAG Datamat (Genoa – Italy) for US Postal Service.

·      LEONARDO SISTEMI: July 2009 – June 2010. Working with Leonardo Sistemi (Genoa – Italy) as consultant part time. In this role he is working as Project Manager coordinating Software development in Genoa and in Swindon (UK). He is also writing and completing System Requirement for the project, interfacing with customer, and deciding Software architecture.

·      INTECS SpA: October 2009 – June 2011. Working with INTECS Spa (Pisa – Italy) as consultant (contract to project). In this role he was responsible of coordination of a small number of engineer to develop a dedicate tool in C++ for ANSALDO trasporti. The program was divided in three sections: a syntactic analyzer and a translator based on a customer syntax rules set, a graph generator taking data from XLS files. This project has been used by INTECS as one of the proposed project for CMMI level 3 certification. He had the role of project manager for CMMI level 3 certification (successfully obtained in June 2010.

·      INTECS SpA: May 2009 – October 2009. Working with INTECS Spa (Pisa – Italy) as consultant (contract to project). In this role he worked for Thales (Firenze – Italy) on the Information System for Dubai’s Underground. His role is to analyze requirement’s documentation and its implementation in order to discover and highlight any gap left or any missing requirement. He has been required by Thales for supporting architectural redesign of the system.

·      Motorola Ltd : July 2007 –  December 2008. Working in Project Management Group, he helped to blend and to merge processes and control procedures of two main development GSM groups into one process to minimize, time, costs and efforts. He has constantly given support ti MOL PjM team (project managers for resolution of customer’s issues) providing guidance, data and analysis and indicating some of the necessary changes in the process for keeping the program under control.


·      He then developed the idea of a Tool that will unify even more all processes, creating an environment where information will flow freely between teams located in different part of the globe and being readily available. This tool will concentrate in one place procedures and will generate easily and quickly all reports needed to track and control work, eliminating large part of human work and email chasing for information. The estimation is that it could save millions of dollars in a more efficient use of resources’ time with a minimal investment (about 200.000$). A part of the tool has been developed and deployed successfully.  Actually an extension of Customer support interface and Test Group interface is under development.


·      Motorola Ltd : June 2006 – July 2007. Appointed to be MOL Program Manager Leader (MOL = Maintenance on Line). This role was similar to the one he had in 2004, but with much a larger scope: he coordinated work of more 90 engineers (not being directly reporting to him) mostly located in China Beijing Centre. He flew few times China to coordinate and organize work. He had full responsibility of the whole GSM BSS MOL program dealing with Customer’s issues worldwide. In this role he had to interface with all the groups working on customer resolution such as Customer Support, Quality, End to End team and Development. H e was also been appointed to be MOL PLT representative (PLT = Program Leadership Team) for the whole GSM (OSS & BSS) development. He had a close interface with Senior Leadership for any reporting and strategic decision. In this role he put in place and initiated strategic reorganization of the team in order to achieve faster resolution, with highest quality. Lots of attention was dedicated to “Track & Control”, monitoring constantly issue statuses and progresses. He developed some basic tools to keep track of the work needed and the work in progress, allowing him to prioritize appropriately and to distribute resources in a balanced way. Benefits were immediate and the huge backlog of issues Development was not able to cope with (more than 600) quickly reduced to a manageable level (actually less than 30). He also promoted and introduced important changes in End to End process so to simplify and to speed up resolution cycle time. The work done in “tracking & controlling” allowed him to make accurate forecast on resource and budget planning for 2007 in an unprecedented way, putting together a model of backlog resolution plan that was successfully achieved.


·      Motorola LTD: March 2006 – December 2006. Appointed as representative for GSM Division in Cellular Networks Vital X program (project for improving and spreading quality initiatives and best practises across the whole Motorola) named “Inputs for Software FMEA”. Scope of this project is to identify methodologies and processes to reduce defects of 20% using FMEA (Fault Mode and Effect Analysis: identify “a priori”, in brainstorming sessions, which could be final product’s failures, ranking them in importance order and then setting up corrective actions to eliminate or minimize effects).


·      Motorola LTD: April 2005 – June 2006.  Development support group resource manager. In this role he managed a group almost 20 engineers throughout all the aspects of Motorola management (Personal Management, goal assignments, dialogues, feedbacks, checkpoints). He was active part, with the other managers of the group, for distributing and managing the work in the department. He has been assigned to the role of Feature Champion for the introduction of a new board in BSS equipment that will provide Ethernet connection between BSS and GPRS system. In this role he collaborated closely with Chinese engineer and local FW developers.


·      Motorola LTD: December 2004 – April 2005. Involved in many initiatives and discussions about how to improve Software Quality, acting as a key promoter for a new process integrating on one side improving developers’ technical coding skills and, on the other side, using objective and precise measures about code produced.


·      Motorola LTD: January 2004 – March 2005. Responsible for EMEA SW MOL group (Europe, Middle East and Africa Software Maintenance On Line group) as section manager. In this role he managed a group of people on two different sites (Swindon – UK and Cork – IRL) reporting to a manager located in US. Main duties were organizing the group, prioritizing and assigning workload and being sure fixes were delivered on time and with high quality. Essential part in this role was dealing with all the aspect of management Motorola requires such as assignment of personal goals for the year, performing regular dialogues with team members (checkpoints, evaluation of performances and behaviours at the end of the year).  The group worked closely with Customer Support and Local Offices in different countries in EMEA zone and it was of vital importance building and maintaining strong relationships of mutual trust. The work had to be coordinated with similar MOL groups in US and China and workload had to be balanced and shared carefully. The few spare moments were dedicated to problem investigations, fixing and testing them. This exciting role has been terminated as Motorola, for strategic decision, decided to move all MOL to a low cost centre in China.


·      Motorola Ltd : September 2003 – January 2004. Assigned to Team leadership for Swindon (UK)/Cork (IRL) GSD Motorola sites for Process Improvement group.


·      Motorola Ltd : technical leadership of a small group of people (4/5) for the implementation of a new GSM BSS feature (AMR – Adaptive Multi Rate). The leadership includes time and resource allocation, progress tracking and technical decisions for all the Software Lifecycle (Requirements/HLS/LLD/coding/testing).


·      Motorola Ltd : technical leadership in the “Refactoring C code Project”, developing a method to refactor and reengineer C code (with a bottom-up approach) to improve the overall quality of the SW. Development and delivering of an internal course to improve coding skills (it should be delivered in China and Ireland in the next months).  Key role in the identification of process improvements to achieve high quality software.


·      Motorola Ltd : Since November 2000 : joined to Motorola GSM BSS division (Swindon – UK) with the position of Senior Software Engineer. Main interest in SW development and maintenance for Base Station Subsystem for GSM networks.


·      Marconi Communication: September 2000-October 2000 : joined to Optical Networks – SDH equipment (MSHxxx). Main interest in SW development and maintenance (C++ language).


·      Marconi Defence : March 2000 – August 2000: collaboration with University of Genoa (DISI – Department of Informatics and Informatic Systems) to develop a program to optimise telecommunication networks. The program is based on the state of the art in graph optimisation theory and should find virtual path to reduce traffic in an existing network or  help to design a new one.


·      Marconi Defence : Analysis, development and maintenance of the above mentioned database; C programs aimed at the output of C files necessary to the configuration of the switch as customers' requests or agreements require.


·      Marconi Communication, Defence Division (Italy): October 1994 – September 2000. Main interest: real-time Database for the Army Switch CD1xx (circuit switch – Frame Relay – TDMA). In this field, expertise was reached in the field of telephone communication and particularly of data-bases development and maintenance (development of the C source code of the database). The database is designed for the Motorola (68000 family) processor; the OS is RMS68K. The program handles, elaborates and distributes data necessary to the activity of the switch, handling in real time messages reaching the terminal from the operator (data entry, modify, visualisation, self configuration) and from local or network telephone process (users search for transfer, affiliation, telephone activity and so on).


·      January 1992: Laboratorio Integrato di Robotica Avanzata (LIRA LAB) at Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Telematica (DIST: Department of Informatics, Systems and telematics), in order to develop the research project of the MA thesis. Fields developed include derivative and Gaussussian filtering, temporal and spatial smoothing, remapping, grey scale equalisation, false colours, equalisations, frameworks extraction.

·      June 1992:  GRASP LAB, Pennsylvania State University (USA): stage.

·      Co-operation with ARTS LAB, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, to develop a pilot unit for the station designed in the MA thesis.

·      A panel concerning the station designed in the MA thesis at the European Conference Computer Vision 1992 (ECCV 1992), S. Margherita Ligure (GE).

·      Attendance at the “IX Colloquio di Informatica Musicale, Genoa, November 1991, and co-operation with the Musical Informatics laboratory of the Engeneering School, University of Genoa, to develop an algorithm aimed at the tonal interpretation of MIDI-ADAGIO files.

·      Junior member of “Vision As Process II” (ESPRIT Project BR 3038/BR 7108). Attendance alt the Workshop held in Genoa, March 1993.

·      Stage at IMEC (Leuven – Belgium) in August 1993, to develop a pilot unit for the retinic sensor designed in the MA thesis.

·      Since September 1993: cooperation with Laboratorio Integrato di Robotica Avanzata (LIRA LAB),  Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Telematica (DIST) Engeneering School, University of Genoa, to develop new hardware boards aimed at control and piloting of the sensor designed in the thesis.

Co-operation with IMEC (Leuven – Belgium) aimed at the development of new hardware for the retina-like sensor and at the development of a new model.

Of particular importance is the development of a new “frame grabber” designed for acquisition and real-time normalisation of images obtained by the retina-like sensor, and of a new pilot unit, that makes possible a better piloting regulation  of the sensor, and the construction of a smaller size camera. These boards make possible the development of a new video-telephone system (IBIDEM project), accepted by the European Union in 1994. According to the first results, this system should be able to transmit 15-20 images/second on telephone cables.

·      Stage at IMEC (Leuven – Belgium) in July 1994, for the final tuning of the pilot unit for the retina-like sensor.

Seminars & Courses

·      Centro Nazionale Ricerche (CNR), Genoa: Paradygms of Object-oriented Programming (March 1995)

·      A “Windows NT” seminar (Marconi Communication)

·      A “C++” seminar (Marconi Communication)

·      “Productivity Improvement through defect-free development” Michael Fagan Associates (Motorola)

·      “C++ fundamental and intermediate” course (Motorola University)

·      “S3 – Software, System, Simulation Symposium” – Chicago (US) June 2004 (Motorola)

·      “Essential Motorola Management” (Motorola University)

·      “Conflicts, influencing and negotiation” (Motorola University)

·      “Business Management” (Swindon College)

·      “Program Management” (Motorola Univerity)

Other Information

·      Hobbies : music, reading, cooking, photography (

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