Figura professionale: Project Engineer

Nome Cognome: M. B.Età: 53
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Sede preferita: milano

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Project Engineer




1998 – 1999    MORETTO Plastic Automation, Massanzago (PD)

Position:          Mechanical Design Engineer (Technical department)

Field:               Automation systems for plastics processing industry


1999 – 2001    SIPA, Zoppas Industries, Vittorio Veneto (TV)

Position:          Project Engineer (R&D Department)

Field:               Manufacturing of machinery for plastic bottles production

Notes:              Development and design of a prototype injection molding machine (3D CAD).


2001 – 2007     SOL Group, Padova / Monza

Field:               Technical gases production, storage and distribution systems for industrial applications (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, etc)


2001 – 2003       SOL, Padova branch

Position:             Field Service Manager (North East Area, Italy)

Notes:                Coordinator for design, construction and maintenance of technical gas facilities for area customers.


2003 – 2007       SOL, Headquarter in Monza

Position:            Engineering Project Manager (On site plant department)

Notes:               Development, design and construction of on-site gas generation systems and machines, for Italian and European market. Particularly: Nitrogen production through separation from air (PSA / membrane); Electrolytic units for production of Hydrogen and Oxygen; Syngas production on catalytic bed from methane.


2007 – 2008    HAWE, branch of Padova (North East Area, Italy)

Position:          Regional Sales Engineer (Sales department)

Field:               Manufacturing and sales of hydraulic components

Notes:             Sales Manager and Technical support to the area clients.


2008 – 2009    OM Siderurgica, Ponzano Veneto (TV)

Position:          Product Manager / Project Manager (Technical department)

Field:               Automated systems for steel plants, engineering and construction

Notes:             After a short experience as Product Manager for pneumatic conveying system, I became the Project Manager for all the projects of ILVA Taranto (steel manufacturing plant).


2009 – 2010    IBT Group, Villorba (TV)

Position:          Project & Proposal Manager (Technical department)

Field:               Cogeneration system with Microturbines, renewable energies

Notes:             Turnkey solution for cogeneration plants with strong focus on renewable energy (biogas). IBT is exclusive distributor in Italy for Capstone Microturbines (U.S. company). I was also at the head of the technical department, responsible for design, material procurement and construction.


2010 – now    Veolia Water Technologies Italia, Solutions Division, Zoppola (PN)

Position:          Operations coordinator / Project Manager (at the head of Project Management department)

Field:               Water treatment machinery and plant for industrial application. Pharma machinery (ultrapure water, clean steam generator).

Notes:             Veolia Water Technologies Italia, Solutions Division, is a production / business unit of Veolia Water that deals with water treatment systems, mainly vacuum evaporators. I’m the coordinator of the project managers and I am myself a project manager, reporting to the Operations Director (Purchase, Logistics, Technical dept., Production, Project Management).


Diploma di Perito Industriale con specializzazione in meccanica conseguito nell'anno scolastico 1989/90 presso l'Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale “G. Galilei” di Conegliano con il punteggio di 60/60. Laurea in

Ingegneria Meccanica conseguita nel marzo 1997 presso l'Università di Padova con il punteggio di 103/110. Indirizzo scelto: costruzione-progettazione.


Design & project man Design & project man gn & project management Progettazione di processo P&ID, automazione industriale, lay-out di impianti. Ottimizzazione del processo e problem solving nella gestione degli impianti automatizzati. Messa in servizio e commissioning. Project management di commesse Italia/estero. Gestione budget di commessa. Acquisti Acquisti Acquisto diretto della strumentazione di processo e dei materiali strategici. Gestione delle ditte installatrici e dei fornitori più importanti. Vendite Vendite Gestione portafoglio clienti consolidato. Ricerca di mercato e acquisizione nuovi clienti. Gestione distributori.

Coordinamento di personale Coordinamento di personale Coordinamento di un team tecnico nell'ambito della gestione e della manutenzione degli impianti. Gestione di personale tecnico dedicato alla progettazione e alla supervisione dei montaggi in cantiere. Ho inoltre coordinato aziende terze per l’installazione e la manutenzione degli impianti. Ho sostenuto l’interfaccia con gli studi di ingegneria esterni e con le ditte fornitrici dell’automazione.



Inglese: conoscenza professionale.

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