Figura professionale: Android developer
Nome Cognome | : L. B. | Età | : 32 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Tutti |
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Feb – Jul End of studies project: Web Banking
BGL BNP Paribas, Luxembourg
Trainee and member of a mobile team that aims to maintain and develop the
Web Banking and myWealth Luxembourg applicatons that serve the bank's clients.
Among the treated subjects: PSD2, fingerprint, fix bugs, etc. The languages of the
realizaton: Java & Kotlin, Objectve-C & Swit.
2018 August Summer internship: Teachers’ dashboard
Just Smart, Tunisia
The applicaton was dedicated to the teachers’ school. This applicaton is used
to view daily events, mark student absences, add feedbacks, download tme
schedules, ask for a day off, etc. Used technologies: Java, Swit 4.0
Demo for the iOS applicaton: htp://
2016 Jul – Sep Summer internship: Collectve restaurent
Alliance Design, Tunisia
Design and implementaton of a catering applicaton for complex companies to
ensure that employees can order their food online with the possibility of reserving tables.
Realizaton of graphical interfaces from PSD models. Technologies: Photoshop, Symfony,
2016 Mar – Mai End of studies project: Celebrites recogniser
Innova Tunisia, Tunisia
The project was a part of the research and development department of the company.
It was conceived to detect and recognize celebrites from the images to extract the
useful informaton from them using the Django framework and the OpenCV library.
Tizen project: BooksNQuotes
Private Higher School Of Engineering And Technology
Creaton of a mobile applicaton for Tizen devices using the Goodreads library. The
purpose of this applicaton is to list the best books sold periodically by the
New York Times, search and consult books and their descriptons, consult the various
authors and their famous quotes, read online some books available. This applicaton is
published in the Samsung Tizen Store following the link: htp://
Mobile integratng project
Private Higher School Of Engineering And Technology
Implementaton of a soluton based on the growth hacking. Develop an automated
script that can send private messages and comments in social networks including
Facebook, Twiter and Instagram. Its goal is to help companies to atract the maximum
potental customers. The used languages are: Python & Javascript.
Link for the power point presentaton: htp://
Integrated development project
Private Higher School Of Engineering And Technology
Design and implementaton of a Host&Guest project consistng of a Desktop applicaton
with the JavaFX API, a Symfony web applicaton and a mobile applicaton in
Link for the power point presentaton: htp://
Private higher school of engineering ans technology (ESPRIT)
Computer engineering student (Field: Mobile informaton system)
Sciences’ university of Bizerte
Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
High school Habib Thameur Bizerte
Baccalaureate in experimental sciences
Soon graduated as an engineer in computer science, had made various experiences,
among which an internship in Luxembourg in a big company, looking to use my strong skills in
development and my expertse in a positon of mobile engineer, including Android and iOS developpement
Samsung Tizen (Framework 7)
Unity (C#)
Agile / Scrum
SQL & SQLite
iOS & Swit 4
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