Figura professionale: Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics

Nome Cognome: J. D.Età: 39
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: italia

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Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics



Mathematics teacher at the Colegio Bolivar, Caracas from 2006 to 2007.
 Seller of Civil Liability Insurance in Makled Sociedad de Corretaje de Seguros.
Caracas, from 2007 to 2008.
 Assistant Professor in the Practical Area in Mathematics II. Universidad Central de
Venezuela. (UCV). Caracas, 2007.
 Professor of Mathematics I and II at the Universidad Nacional Experimental
Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA). Aragua/ Venezuela, 2018.
 Person in charge of Purchases and Operativity in the Company VITALDENT.
Materials of Odontology. San Juan de Los Morros, Guárico /Venezuela from 2010
to 2012.
 Person in charge of Purchases and Operativity in the Company DIZA
INVERSIONES, C.A. Cyber, Stationery Materials, Computation, raw material for
recharging printer consumables. San Juan de Los Morros, Guárico/ Venezuela
from 2012 to 2018.


 Knowledge in Microsoft Office.
 Experience in refilling ink and toner cartridges.


 Native speaker of Spanish.
 Advanced English level.
 Medium skills of Italian


Higher Education: Mathematics. Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Caracas,
Title Obtained: Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. (2008).


English as a Foreign Language at the CVA (Centro Venezolano Americano)
Caracas, 2005.
 Resolution of Mathematical Problems at the Universidad de Carabobo,
Experimental Faculty of Science and Technology, department of Mathematics.
Valencia/ Venezuela. (30 hrs.).
 Approximation Theory: Some Special Topics at the Universidad de Carabobo.
Experimental Faculty of Science and Technology, department of Mathematics.
Valencia/ Venezuela. (30 hrs.).
 History of Mathematics. Universidad de Oriente. VIII TForma. Workshops of
Mathematical Formation in Honor to Mischa Cotlar. Sucre/ Venezuela. (40 hrs.).
 Online Digital Marketing Course in Google Actívate. (40 hrs.).
 E-Commerce online course in Google Actívate. May 2018. (40 hrs.).
 Bakery I (Sachertorte, Frasier Torte and Strawberry Tartlets). Cooking in Family for
16 hours. May 2018.
 Domestic Bakery. INCES Venezuela. Presential Course for 380 hours from April to
June 2018.
 Course on Digital Transformation for Employment in Google Actívate. Online
Course for 40 hours from June to July 2018.
 Course online de Cloud Computing in Google Actívate. Online Course for 40 hours
from August to September 2018.

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