Figura professionale: Data analyst

Nome Cognome: A. G.Età: 34
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Milano

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Data analyst


From 03.2015 to now INGM, Milan Internship in bioinformatics. – Methods: molecular dynamics, docking, python, R, machine learning, data visualization, database interrogation.

From 10.2015 to 12.2016 Bioscience Department, Università degli studi di Milano. Thesis internship in biochemistry and structural biology. Dealing with all the activity from the wet-lab to the modelling and analysis, I resolve and characterize a protein complex involved in the epigenetic regulation moving the state of research near the final goal. – Methods: DNA and protein manipulation, electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, gel-shift assay, DNA electrophoresis), gene cloning by restriction-ligation strategy or PCR, medium preparation, growth of bacterial culture, soluble protein purification (IMAC and GF chromatography, AKTA system) – Structural methods: macromolecular crystallization (sitting drop, hanging drop) both by hand and using robot (Douglas Instruments), molecular replacement, macromolecular modelling and bioinformatics analysis of the structures. This project gave me the opportunity to visit the ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) in Grenoble, for collecting my own data.

DIGITAL SKILLS Usually working on Ubuntu or Windows but I have acquired enough experience for easy migration to other OS. In the past I engaged different programming language for simple task and personal projects. Since the last year I have been focusing on the following tools: – Bioinformatics: bash, csh, Data analysis with python and R, specific software for structural analysis like gromacs, haddock, CCP4, COOT, PHENIX, EBI WebTools, Database interrogation by SQL. – Languages: python (knowledge also of numpy, pandas, scikit-learn), R, SQL (PostgreSQL). Beside, especially during high school and the subsequent period, I had some little experiences with C / C ++, Java, web language (JS, PHP, HTML), SQL (MySQL). – Graphic: basics of Illustrator and Inkscape to realize small project in support of report and presentation. – Office suite: Office, LibreOffice.

VOLUNTIRIEE EXPERIENCE Joining different experience and reality I felt the importance of giving my contribution to society and the environment. These experiences trained me in be versatile, the different value of both autonomous and group work, managing relationships and other so-called “soft skills”. Furthermore, these gave me the opportunity to taste the responsibility in coordinate and leading other people also in critical situations. Principal experience: – Scout Movement: educator. – Fair-trading: shop assistant. – Retirement home: animator.

LANGUAGE Italian: Mather language English: B2, TOEFL (Intermediate) 

EDUCATION Ending on 31 January » 12.2016 » 12.2014 » 07.2009 Master1 in bioinformatics and functional genomics: Istituto Nazionale di Genetica Molecolare (INGM) and University of Milan “La Statale” Master degree in molecular cell biology: 107/110, University of Milan “La Statale” Bachelor degree in biological science: University of Milan “La Statale” Graduation in Information technology: Istituto tecnico industriale Artigianelli, Brescia


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