Figura professionale: Program Manager, Scrum Master, BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING

Nome Cognome: F. G.Età: 35
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Roma

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Help desk II livello


  • SQL, Oracle, Toad
  • C, c++
  • Software MATLAB
  • db relazionali query


Work experience

September 2015 – Today
Occupation or position held Program Manager, Project Management Office
Main activities and responsibilities Co-ordination of the programme’s projects. Planning and designing the programme and proactively
monitoring its progress, resolving issues and initiating appropriate corrective action. Agile project management with Scrum.
Name and address of employer MEDArchiver
Type of business or sector Information technology, Healthcare

October 2013 – September 2015
Occupation or position held R&D Analyst, Product Specialist on site
Main activities and responsibilities Onsite customer engineer at University Hospital Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, providing
technical assistance on MEDarchiver software.
Name and address of employer MEDArchiver
Type of business or sector Information technology, Healthcare

January 2013 – July 2013
Occupation or position held Junior Buyer, Procurement office
Main activities and responsibilities Procure all necessary materials needed for production or daily operation of the company,
evaluating price and business scouting.
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector Alliance Medical Healthcare

Education and training

October 2010 – October 2012
La Sapienza, University of Rome
Italian degree similar to a master's degree

April 2012 – October 2012
Experimental training for master's degree dissertation
La Sapienza, University of Rome &
MARLAB (Movement Analysis and Robotics LABoratory)
Children's hospital Bambino Gesù – IRCCS
Effectiveness of the neurorehabilitation treatment of subjects affected by Friedreich's Ataxia
through force fields generated by a planar robot

October 2007 – October 2010
University of Rome “La Sapienza
Italian degree similar to a bachelor's degree

April 2010 – October 2010
Experimental training for bachelor's degree dissertation
Fondazione Santa Lucia – Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Care Scientific. Hospital of
national importance and highly specialized for neuromotor rehabilitation.
Cortical connectivity’s study during the execution of complex immaginative tasks

September 2002 – June 2007
High school “P.P. Parzanese”, Ariano Irpino (AV)
High school leaving qualification in classical studies 100/100 

Other language

PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner of Project Management Institute)
SCRUM Certification

Agile Project Management (Scrum, XP, DSDM, Lean Software Development)

Computer skills and competences
Good knowledge of standard office software (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher,
OneNote) including e-mail and Internet.
Software MATLAB, LabVIEW
SQL, Oracle, Toad
C, C++

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