Figura professionale: WordPress Developer

Nome Cognome: M. B.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Toscana: Arezzo, Firenze, Prato, Siena

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Software Developer



Parkingorama  February 2016-Current
An Android/IOS application for park sharing booking. I developed the Android application.

Car Game  June 2014-July 2014
An automotive video game written in C++ with SDL and OpenGL libraries.

Realsound On Stage September 2012-November 2012
A webapp for studio sessions and music lessons online booking.

Falterona Reggae Camp website  May 2012-August 2012
Website of the Falterona Reggae Camp Festival

August 2010-November 2010
An Evs Distribution Generator written in ANSI C in collaboration with Simone Pagliuca. The aim of the project was to investigate the potential of electricity end-users to actively
participate in the electricity energy market when aggregated under the Virtual Power Plant (VPP) concept and acting as a Balance Responsible Party (BRP) for the provision of ancillary services. The study provided an insight into how the flexibility offered by the demand-side (in terms of aggregated capacity) can be assessed and applied during the planning and operation of the power system (e.g. to operate as secondary control reserves, or to mitigate wind load fluctuations). I've collaborated for the software
development and process simulation strategies. Also, I've made some "workaround" in the
AB@CUS source code.

KAYA February 2010-July 2010
Kaya is a monolithic multithread OS for MIPS written in C.We developed project for the Operative System course.Team developed the skeleton of a modern kernel: the definition/implementation of basic headers(like type.h),the pcb data struct,the scheduler;the waitIO syscall,the Verhogen and Passeren syscall,the interrupts handling(like timer interrupt, serial line interrupt…),the devices semaphor,the vector exception handling.The code was tested with the umps simulator and crosscompiled
with GCC for mips.At moment the kernel run some multithread/devices test.
MPtree – Multihoming Proxy

An application-layer network protocol to extend communication in a multihomed TCP/IP network architecture.MPtree was first introduced at MoCa 2008, a popular italian hack-meeting by MetroOlografix.

Università di Bologna / University of Bologna
Bachelor's degree, Computer Science, 2005 – 2017 (expected) (three exams to graduate)
Liceo Scientifico Francesco Redi (AR)

1999 – 2004  Hobby
Computer Science,Network protocols development,Embedded System, Domotics, Voip, Open Source, Applied Science, Energy Sustainability, Social Philosophy
Web Developer;Open Source Promoter,Computer Science Popularizer

Associazione Culturale Step Forward  May 2012 – August 2012
Falterona Reggae Camp is a festival by non profit organization "Step Forward". First edition was in August 2012. The aim was to promote reggae music in a multicultural environment and the Staff tried to follow the purpose with many activities,in order: one Martial Arts stand, one Astronomy stand,one Yoga stand and one stand about new technologies (also known as Hacklab). Usually these topics ,for many reason, do not match. The Staff would try to overrun these walls. I was an eventguest
and I handled some things like: the development of Festival website;the Internet access
assurance via outdoor WIFI (the network was developed with low-cost unspecfic hardware and opensoruce tools);the schedule of talks and lab activities about OpenSource,php,website development,computer network design,system administration.
All talks and lab activities were taught for newbies.The project would be a concrete example of how to build and develop a lowresources network.
Speaker presso Linux Day Arezzo(indirectly Italian Linux Society)(read below)

October 2010
Italian Linux Society, once a year,choose a day to promote an event named Linux Day. The event is national and it is organized,by different intermediary actors, in almost totality of italian town. The purpose is to spread Linux OS between people. The event is totaly free and usually people come to gain information about Linux and its usage.In Arezzo the Linux Day was organized by Michele Bursi with support of Arezzo municipality. I was involved in the event and I was the speaker of a talk about multihoming technologies.I explained some simple issue about multi-stream computer network and I showed a part of MPtree source code and its usage.

Software Development ,Software Design ,Problem Solving ,Algorithm Design ,Network Design,Socket Programming ,Process Simulation ,Multithreaded application development ,Web Development ,System Administration ,Database Design ,Linux application development,POSIX,GNU C,PHP4/5 ,HTML ,GNU tools ,Bash ,MySQL ,Kernel Programming ,Software,Documentation,OpenGL ,Java ,Doxygen ,LaTeX ,ARM7 ,PowerPC ,x86 Assembly


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