Figura professionale: Account Delivery manager

Nome Cognome: P. P.Età: 53
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Roma

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Account Delivery manager


Gennaio 2008 – Gennaio 2018

Figura ricoperta Account Delivery manager Datore di lavoro Hewlett Packard Enterprise Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità Technical / economic / contractual responsibility of customers mainly from the Central Public Sector, such as SOGEI, CONSIP, The Ministry of Economics and Finance, Rai Radio Televisione Italiana and INAIL.

Customer relations.
Risk Analysis and Technical Support.
Supplier management, negotiation and purchases.
Business development, Business Requirement analysis, sales support and creation of commercial offers.
Project Management, People Management, Change and Transition Management, staffing.
Business processes and governance analysis and review.
Critical IT Infrastructures Management of national strategic relevance (eg Tax Register at Sogei- Broadcasting and National Archives RAI).
HW and SW Maintenance Management, Contingency Plans, Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Infrastructure Evolution and Development.

Main achievements:
Contract responsible of "Manutenzione hardware di apparecchiature di elaborazione dati fuori garanzia per Sogei, per Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e per la Corte dei Conti – Lotto 1”, at Società Generale per l’informatica – SOGEI (2015-2018)

RTI Hewlett Packard Enterprise – Telecom Italia (with EMC Subcontractor) – Contract value > 14 M€ – Penalties < 2%. – 5 Subcontractors – 12 staff members.
Contract responsible of “Servizi Evoluzione Infrastrutture di Digitalizzazione ed Evoluzione della Produzione" presso Rai Radio Televisione Italiana (2011-2017).

Contract value > 3 M€ – 4 Subcontractors – 15 staff members.

Project Manager for “Asset Repository – Digital journalistic offices RAI” (2011-2016).
Responsible for the maintenance part of the SPC Cloud Tender (2015-2018).

Gennaio 2013 – Gennaio 2018

Figura ricoperta Cost & Revenues Manager (parallel role) Datore di lavoro Hewlett Packard Enterprise Luogo Roma

Principali attività e responsabilità Hewlett Packard Italiana Srl – Hewlett Packard Enterprise – Roma 
Cost and Revenues Manager (parallel role with the previous position described)               2013 –2018

Main Activities

Costs & Revenues Management, Actual and Forecast, BI Reporting.
Forecast and closing activities on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Cash Flow and Sales Pipeline analysis
Design and implementation of new processes in order to reduce costs and increase revenues.

Main achievements:

Forecast / Actual deviation <2% on a monthly and quarterly basis on all the amounts of the Business Unit, with a result achieved for 48 consecutive months.

Over € 7 million in cost savings in the 2013-2018 period, thanks to the design and implementation of new business processes (3P orders management), and internal resources optimization (Cost of Delivery).

Giugno 1999 – Gennaio 2008

Figura ricoperta Project Manager / Solution Architect / Business Developer Datore di lavoro Hewlett Packard Luogo Roma/Torino

Principali attività e responsabilità Activity of Project Manager / Solution Architect / Business Developer of many projects both private and public (Ministries / Telco / Commercial).
Technological areas of activities related to Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Data Management, Backup and Recovery, Storage and Storage Area Network.

Main activities

I have been involved in many projects in designing of cutting-edge solutions based on HP HW and SW products, in making of the offer for the customers and in working as project manager. 

Istruzione e Formazione

Data Maggio 1999 

Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni

Istituto di istruzione o formazione Politecnico di Torino

Luogo Torino

Conoscenze linguistiche

Lingua Italiano

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua

Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua

Lingua Inglese

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo

Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo

Note Frequenza al corso di Full Immersion presso "Speak in Italy", durata 10 giorni

Lingua Francese

Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono

Capacità di espressione orale Buono

Conoscenze informatiche

Capacità e competenze informatiche

Solid experience in a multinational company leader in products and services, playing several roles in Service Delivery, Costs e Revenues Management, Technology Risk Management, Supplier Management, Business Development e Sales Support. 

Methodology expert for Service and Project Management (ITIL, Agile, DevOps) used in the most modern contexts of Information Technology, in Storage, Cloud, On-Demand, Hybrid and virtualized solutions.

Extensive transversal technological skills in the Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Cyber Security and SOX and GDPR regulations areas.

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