Figura professionale: Developer IT

Nome Cognome: S. R.Età: 31
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Torino

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Developer IT


12/Nov/2019I am a Computer Engineering student of Politecnico di Torino currently in my last academic year. By virtue of linkedIn I observed this exciting job opening and I consider myself suitable for the criteria laid out. This job presents me an opportunity to work in an environment and discipline that thrills me.

TEAM WORK is a fundamental functionality for any organization to prosper.I happen to know its importance because I have been a part of a great team in a research project with Politecnico di Torino. The project was an Ambient Intelligence based research program and the motive was to create smart living spaces. I led my team in this project and as a leader the responsibility of specifying roles, checking the progress at all times and meet the necessary criteria that system demands were my duties. We created a fully functional system from scratch named as “SMART HOMES” where the system facilitates the users to clean their living spaces with the help of our technology that always keeps an eye on the condition of their living areas.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS are a must for an individual to become a part of a group in order to play a quality role. I have excellent communication skills, by nature I am curious and I polished these skills by taking part into projects on and off the university campus. I am a part of 2 young organizations too that promote cultural, art programs and organize festivities that promote cultural harmony among different ethnicities.

CHALLENGES excite me and I am always ready for them. What better way to get into a new professional environment alongside the projects and the IT field that I love the most. Information technology is not just my study career but my PASSION. Projects that I did, had only one sole purpose and that was to learn as much as I can. I have operated in these projects in C/C++ programming, SQL for relational databases, JAVA for mobile applications, Arduino coding for sensors, MATLAB for stabilizing the feedback control systems. All of these skills I acquired because of my passion for IT, and ENGINEERING SECTOR  only passing exams was never my goal. My goal and desire is to be really and extremely top notch in what I do.

I would love to work in a team of extremely talented professionals working for the same goal with the same devotion, with the identical interests of fields, looking forward for this great opportunity.


Computer Engineering
Politecnico Di Torino, Turin (Italy)

Main Fields Of Interest:
    • Computer Networking
    • Relational Databases
    • Automatic Feedback Control Systems
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Programming
    • Signal Processing
    • Quantum Physics

Technical Skills:
    • SQL-Programming
    • C-Programming
    • Arduino Projects
    • Ambient Intelligence
    • Matlab Projects
    • Simulink Models

Soft Skills:
    • Teamwork
    • Projects In University
    • Projects with local bodies of Turin administration
    • Managing Cultural festivities and projects with youth organizations like “Open Mosques", "GMI" etc ).

Mother tongue(s)
Foreign language(s)
Spoken interaction
C2    C2    C1

B2    B2    B1

C2    C2

C2    C2

Communication skills    ▪ I believe I have excellent communicational skills gained through all the projects I have been part of.
    • By nature I am curious so my curiosity makes me engage more with people so from a very young age I developed good skills to interact and communicate.
    • Always eager to learn and that makes me a good listener, people like to talk about what they are passionate about and I want to learn about it so both sides are happy.
    • Ability to motivate myself and people around me and I have realized how big of an impact it makes in our working environments.
    • Speaking diverse languages always helps.

Organizational / Managerial skills    Leadership:
    • Performed in the project of university, collaborated in the professor's research plan.
    • Was leading the team in the project, approving Ideas, division of the work load, responsibilities(duties), deadlines and targets to achieve were my duties.(Completion of  the project went great and got up to the mark assessment).
Organizational skills:
    • I had opportunities to be a part of cultural projects with Turin's local government body in cultural and festival activities.
    • I learnt a great deal about interacting in the more effective way with the local organizational bodies and grasped hold of how things function.
    • And learnt a great deal linking with people who I am responsible for and to get the work done efficiently on time.
Social Skills:
    • I have outstanding ability to relate with people of different nationalities and cultures. 
Work Ethic:
    • Ability to perform in stressful situations, a skill acquired because of managing projects both on and off university campus.
    • To manage and organize in the best way I needed to develop a healthy and productive Work ethic and I am confident that it functions successfully.
    • Responsible and good in prioritizing my work and setting up my goals.

Job-related skills    Coding:
    • C- Programming
    • SQL- Programming
    • Learning JAVA Databases:
    • Relational Database (RDBMS)
    • Matlab
    • Simulink Devices:
    • Arduino Micro-Controller
    • Automatic Controls /feedback systems
    • Computer Networking

                     Digital skills    SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information processing
Proficient user
Proficient user
   Proficient user
Proficient user
Proficient user
  Operating systems:
    • Windows
    • Linux Tools:
    • Matlab
    • Simulink Databases:
    • SQL for Relational  Databases
    • Bit of Oracle Database Work Experience Project Participation:
    • Ambient Intelligence
    • Arduino Micro-Controller
    • Networking
    • Programming Languages
    • Hardware Sensors

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