Figura professionale: Chief Scrum Master, Product Owner
Nome Cognome | : N. B. | Età | : 35 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Milano, Roma |
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My Work Experience
SNAM SpA San Donato Milanese (MI)
12/2018 Chief Scrum Master
Responsible of the Agile Process (SAFe methodology) followed by the project “Jarvis”, the new
commercial platform of Snam that will cover processes currently distributed among 17
applications. The new platform is being developed by 5 Scrum Teams working in parallel.
Learning how communication
plays a fundamental role when
there are many people to synchronize
Fabio Perini SpA Lucca (LU), Hamburg (DE)
04/2018 Agile Product Owner
Product Owner of “Cousteau” web app for technicians’ troubleshooting help used by Customer
Service and developed together with Koerber Digital, whose MVP resulted in 450h/year of
Capacity Gain. Team member of BA Tissue Smart Factory Sprint.
Learned AGILE approach: focus
on the problem, listen to the
customer, minimize the work done
05/2017 Smart Factory Project Manager
Project Manager of “Tissue GO” app, an internal tool used to improve the visibility of
Operations KPIs and to perform 5S audits, resulted in 240h/year of Capacity Gain. Team
Member of Koerber Smart Factory Sprint.
Learned how different cultures approach problems differently
02/2017 Industry 4.0 Intern
Process Mapping of Operations Department and development of KPI aggregation tool used by Operations Director and Managers.
Salvatore Ferragamo SpA Firenze (FI)
10/2016 Supply Chain Department Intern
KPI tracking of warehouse performances and freight costs simulation.
Learned how to use Excel
Panguaneta SpA Mantova (MN)
03/2016 Thesis Intern
Heat Plant software simulation and investment analysis on potential revamping. Huge outcome
summarized in: IRR>20%, NPV(20years)>3M€.
Learned that data are gold but anyway sometimes they are not enough
My Education
07/2016 Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering – University of Pisa (PI)
Thesis: Energetic simulation of thermal plant in a process industry for new power investment.
10/2013 Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering – University of Pisa (PI)
Thesis: CFD simulation of rotating valves in a Wankel expansor.
07/2009 Science High School Diploma – Liceo Carducci of Piombino (LI)
Thesis: the figure of God in different branches of knowledge.
Generic Skills
Languages Software Certificates
Italian (Mother Tongue) Microsoft Excel (high) Scrum Master
English (C2) JIRA (high) Agile PM
French (B1) MATLAB, ANSYS (medium) (plan to) LSS Green Belt
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