Figura professionale: Web Developer Senior
Nome Cognome | : M. D. | Età | : 48 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Roma |
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Since 07/2019
• Name of Employer Lynx s.p.a
• Customer Compass / IFIS Bank
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities (Compass project) Porting of CRM Compass from Riverstar to Salesforce. Development of rest services for registration of IVR calls and automatic creation of cases; automatic registration of new dealer accounts from external system OCS (platform for financial system integration); process of prospects and dealers acquisition; dossier management for new dealers; management of insurance claims; opening and closure of customer complaints; data integrations of practices from OCS system; claims’s assignment to queues; development of batches for registration and closing of disclaimer practices. Loading of activities from files csv for branch employers: management of activities for users subscription and documents dematerialization. Management appointments: planning of appointments at desk of each branch. Opening of tickets for specific products. Loading of dealer courses from files csv. Send email with attachment reports of courses participants. Configuration of permissions for different profiles: System Admin, Area Manager, Trainer, Branch Employee, Branch Manager, Dealer Monitoring. Exporting of metadata through package.xml. Data migration between sandbox and import data from excel sheets.
(IFIS Bank Project) Development of customer portal ‘PagoChiaro’ for monitoring postal payments and Sepa Direct Debit
•Computer skills Apex (Visualforce page, Lightning component, Batch), Salesforce Dataloader, Workbench, HTML5, GIT / GITLab, Visual Studio Code, Trello
• Dates Since 11/2018 to 06/2019
• Name of Employer Philmark s.p.a
• Customer Banca del Medio Credito Centrale
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Implementation of HTTP Proxy server for give access to private network’s services. Dispatcher WSE (project WebServiceEngine) for centralize management of web service / service REST calls, for automatic scheduling of calls and for caching of results. Services integration of WSE with web application for calculation rating of reliability of companies (project CalculationEngine). Extension of WSE engine for multiple service calls support. Refactoring of WSE with Spring Boot.
Portal for provision of guarantee funds to small / medium companies (project FEU). Integration through WSE with system Risk Central of Banca D’Italia. Processes of companies registry, companies updating and first information request. Business logic to calculate corporate bad debts. Development of console for monitoring requests and for resubmission of responses with doubtful outcome from Risk Central. Automatic scheduling of jobs for resubmission of requests in error toward Risk Central.
Design of a new web application for massive upload of automatic calls toward WSE (project flowngine). Scheduling configuration for massive upload. Charts of calls. Virtualization of containers for the web applications flowngine and WSE with Docker.
•Computer skills Java JSF PrimeFaces 6.2, JQuery, JAXB, Spring (Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot, Spring Security), Drools, JHipster, Angular 7, Liquibase, JBoss 6.2, Apache Tomcat 9.0, Oracle 11, MySql 5.7, GIT, SVN, Maven, Gradle, Postman, JMeter, Asana, Docker.
• Dates Since 1/2018 to 10/2018
• Name of Employer Philmark s.p.a
• Customer Everis s.p.a. – Acantho
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Development of CRM Salesforce for Acantho IT services selling: management of leads, accounts, billing accounts, opportunities, quotes, orders, contracts and cases. Development of test classes. Mask for monitoring of ServiceLevelAgreement orders and cases. Development of a component for sharing attachments on Nextcloud (cloud platform for files sharing). Integration of Apptus CPQ (E-commerce catalog) with CRM for products and prices definition. Analysis of interfacing CRM with Ericsson BSCS (system for invoices generation) through web services. Study of entities mapping and development of mask for Apptus catalog’s products publishment on BSCS system. Registration of CRM accounts and billing accounts as Large Accounts, of payment methods and contracts on BSCS system. Integration of all cycle life phases of orders (creation, activation, updating, suspension, cancellation) with contract management on BSCS. Development of web services for management of product’s prices, promotions, free units, discounts of traffic rates, invoices search and call detail records search on BSCS. Integration of CRM with OLOGateway (system for activation of phone’s lines) and DBU (system for numbers phone registration) though web services. Scheduling of nightly batch for automatic updating of accounts and for massive migration of CRM contracts toward BSCS.
•Computer skills Apex (Apex class, Apex trigger, Visualforce page, Lightning component, Batch), HTML5, Salesforce Lightning, Nextcloud, WebDAV, Apptus CPQ, Ericsson BSCS iX.
• Dates Since 4/2016 to 12/2017
• Name of Employer Philmark s.p.a
• Customer Assist Digital s.p.a. – Luxottica / Mercedes s.p.a
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Development of social network portal for Luxottica intranet: bug fixing and new features for internal researches.
Development of RESTful services for delivering portal contents toward 2 APPs (for iOS and Android): mobile APP “Office” for Luxottica’s clerks and mobile APP “Operations” for factory’s workmen. Design of authentication and authorization system by encrypted token. Analysis and configuration of IBM Web Content Management (CMS). Development of proxy services toward IBM Connection. Configuration of searching indexed service of IBM Portal Server. Pages and portlets management in IBM Portal Server. Deploy in different environments. Documentation of services implemented.
Development of Mercedes portal for business and customer service. Study of migration from Liferay 6 to Liferay 7. Restyling of existing portal. Development of services for invoices and for loan extinction early. Desing of RESTful services for pages and documents management in mercedes portal (based on Liferay CMS). Implementation of RESTful services for searching contract proposals . Configuration of production and test environments.
Bug fixing of RESTful services for APP MyMerfina (Mercedes mobile APP) and sending push notifications. Automatic virtualization and provisioning of machines for development and test environments.
• Computer skills HTML5 , JQuery, Servizi RESTful, java Portlet 2.0, WebSphere 8, IBM Portal Server, IBM Web Content Managment, IBM Connection 4.5, EJB 3.1, JMeter, Postman, Liferay 6.x/7.0, JBoss 7.1, WildFly 10, MySQL 5.6, IntellJ, Gradle, Maven, Git, VirtualBox, OSGi framework, Ubuntu 16, Vagrant, Ansible
• Dates Since 1/2015 to 3/2016
• Name of Employer Tecnonet / Matcmind s.p.a
• Position held System Engineer / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Configuration and Analysis of telephone exchange PBX MonkeyVoice and VoIP phones. Development softphone MonkeyClient and automatic multiplatform (for differents OS) installers. Study of integration of MonkeyClient with VPN.
Design and development of a new product for management of audio / video conferences, based on open source platform Freeswitch: design of proprietary system for authentication and authorization; development of GUI, back-end services and DB; management of gateways and instances of conferences with moderator role; configuration of video conferences with different layouts and resolutions; scheduling of conferences in ICalendar format with automatic calls; integration with Outlook’s email service, import of phone numbers and contacts from server LDAP and from Active Directory, functional and performance tests; manuals and technical documents writing with UML diagrams.
Porting graphic interface of MonkeyVoice from Adobe Flex project to Adobe AIR project.
Design and development of a new call center platform based on Freeswitch: agents registration (read in real time from external PBX), configuration of queues with different strategies of service.
System support for customers on MonkeyVoice configurations, phones VOIP configurations (Yealink, Grandstream, Polycom, others) and telephone traffic problems. Remote problem solving.
• Computer skills J2SE (Awt, swing), Java (iCal4j, javaMail), Google Web Toolkit, Hibernate 4, Aspect J, Apache Felix, Lua, C, Jitsi (soft phone), Freeswitch (telephony cross-platform), network protocols VoIP e VPN, openVPN, SSLExplorer, Ubuntu 14 (desktop e server), Mac OS x 10.9, VMware, MySql 5.4, Tomcat 7.x, Wireshark, vSphere, Putty,UML.
• Dates Since 10/2009 to 12/2014
• Name of Employer PRADAC s.r.l
• Customer Engineering s.p.a. – Ministry of Health
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Portal of Ministry of Health (project NSIS).
Web system for management of medical devices: management of life cycle of medical simple and assembled devices consisting of registration, updating, searching, validation by smart card, publishment, certification and registration to repertoire. Development of new process for data simplification; exclusion of payment for registration to repertoire. Management of organizations indicated to release new certifications. Insertion and monitoring of requests for download data devices in XML format through scheduled batch. Mask for download documentation related to medical devices. Automatic creation of pdf containing summary of devices. Updating of agents for device manufacturers of extra UE. Transfer functionality to european data bank EUDAMED. Acquisition of personal data of device manufacturers by web services from “dati camerali” system. Mask for monitoring back end process of deleting old devices data.
Integration of new typologies of devices (devices in Vitro and devices for performance evaluation) in existing system. Upgrading of batch process for massive loading of devices by XML files.
Web system for incident reporting of medical devices: development of mask for monitoring of warnings by administrators. Management of accident report for officers. Transfer functionality to european data bank EUDAMED of incident report.
Bug fixing in web system of management of chemical analysis.
Web system for management of custom medical devices: updating of technical data and reports.
Web system for monitoring of sales flows of devices : bug fixing, data extensions and integration with BusinessObject reports (SAP module).
Development of web service to list all medical devices for specific year or period and integration of results in custom pages on portal of Ministry of Health.
Migration of web apps from WebSphereAS 6 to WebSphereAS 8.
Bug fixing in production enviroment. Configuration and deploying in internal test enviroment. Code merging of branches. Preparing package for deploy. Writing functional and technical manuals
•Computer skills J2EE, WebSphere 5.0/6.1/8.0, Spring (Spring Core, Spring JDBC Template, Spring WS), PL-SQL, Oracle 9/10, Apache XMLBeans, OpenEmcee Microflow, Spring Suite Tool, Maven, iReport, jQuery
• Dates Since 7/2009 to 9/2009
• Name of Employer PRADAC s.r.l
• Cliente Engineering s.p.a./ Capgemini s.p.a – ANAS
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Principali mansioni e responsabilità Document software for management of projects and tenders by ANAS (project PDMANAS). Development of java scheduled process for massive upload of personal data sheets. Web interface for track records of uploaded data sheets.
• Computer skills Tomcat 5.5, Eclipse 3.4, AJAX, Filenet 8.
• Dates Since 3/2008 to 6/2009
• Name of Employer PRADAC s.r.l
• Customer Engineering s.p.a. – Rome Municipality
• Position held Analyst / Developer / System Engineer
• Main activities and responsabilities System activities: Study and integration test of Dynamic Web TWAIN, product for electronics scanning of documents, in web applications. Study of usability of Central Authentication Server, authentication system Single Sign On. Integration of C.A.S. with a web application protected by Acegi Security installed under Tomcat. Configuration and contents management of server portals Exo Portal and Liferay. Integration of Exo Portal and Liferay with MySQL and Oracle. Study and installation of ServiceMix. Creation and delivery of web services in ServiceMix. Integration of Liferay with Alfresco CMS.
Portal of region Sardinia for enviroment and territory (project SIRA): Tomcat configuration for SSL / HTTPS usage. CAS integration with Exo Portal. Installation and configuration of server LDAP as users container. CAS and Exo Portal’s integration with server LDAP. Development of a custom portlet for authentication extended management. Liferay installation at Cagliari Data Center.
Portal of Rome Municipality for service’s delivery toward citizens (project POLIS).
Analysis, definition and creation of JBoss JBPM processes as services for citiziens. Integration of JBPM engine with Liferay portal. Development of services as java portlets triggering execution of workflows deployed in Liferay. Automatic generation of reports and email sending. Polis users administration: registration and updating of citizens, of back-office agents, of local authority administrators, enabling citiziens to services, assignment users to portal communities, grant management. Definition and development of processing of service’s requests for back office agents. Portlet for searching service’s requests made by citizens. Preparing package for deploy in test environment. Writing manuals.
• Computer skills Dynamic Web TWAIN, RAD 7, Net Beans 6.5, Tomcat 5.5, Exo Portal 1.1.4 e 2.0, Liferay 4.3 e 5.0.1, ServiceMix 3.2, Java Portlet, web services, Maven 2.0.8, Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.0, Alfresco, Axis, Jboss JBPM, Hibernate 3.0,IReport, Ubuntu, VNC.
Security: CAS, Acegi Security, SSL, OpenLDAP 2.0, Softerra LDAP Administrator 3.0.
• Dates Since 8/2006 to 2/2008
• Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Cliente ATOS Origin s.p.a – Groupama Insurance
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Web application for car claims management (project Sinistri). Analysis of full life cycle of a car claim: opening claim, classification damage and updating claim, payment definition, registration of credits recovery, issue of the parcels, legal disputes management, acquisition of data from ANIA system, closing claim. Development of fake services and real services communicating with COBOL procedures as back-end tier. Development of intermediate persistence for temporally saving of user’s actions. Development of authentication and authorization services through SYNC system (custom java software powered by external company). Configuration of SYNC. Internal system for sharing messages between users and for automatic assignment of activities from administrators to agents. Bug fixing in test and production environment.
Web app for issue of insurance policies (project Danni). Integration in presentation tier of AJAX components.
• Computer skills J2EE, WebSphere, Struts 1.2, JAXB, Hibernate 3.0, DB2, Junit, XML, AJAX
• Dates Since 12/2005 to 7/2006
• Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Customer IBM Tivoli
• Position held Developer / System Engineering
• Main activities and responsabilities Development of test automation for API of product IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler (automatic scheduler of tasks in distributed environment and mainframe environment). Test execution, automatic generation of reports, opening software bugs.
Bug fixing of product IBM TWS4Apps (component interfacing IBM TWS and PeopleSoft) and product IBM Option Editor.
System activities: installations of linux servers, engine TWS, DB2 and configuration of network interfaces..
• Computer skills Java, J2SE (Swing), JUnit, IBM TivoliWorkloadSuite, CMVC, ANT, DB2, CygWin. Linux Red Hat AS, Suse Linux ES, Unix AIX, Windows 2000 AS
• Dates Since 8/2005 to 12/2005
• Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Cliente Engineering s.p.a. – Eni s.p.a.
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Web application for administration of plans of shareholding (project GPA): management of stock options and stock grant. Development of mask for calculation stock option’s values. Analysis and development of report in pdf and excel format for managers of ENI.
• Computer skills WSAD 5.1.1, WebSphere, Struts 1.2, Hibernate 3, Spring core, Oracle 9
• Dates Since 10/2004 to 12/2004 and since 04/2005 to 07/2005
• Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Customer Finsiel s.p.a. – ISTAT
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Analysis, development e refactoring of ISTAT portal: web application for showing statistical data on indicators. Web application for reporting ISTAT statistical surveys in pdf format. Desing and development of a new web application for updating tables of indicators in XML format after extraction from DB. Test execution.
• Computer skills J2EE,Tomcat 3.2.3 e 4, Struts, Oracle 8
• Dates Since 2/2005 to 3/2005
•Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Cliente Theorematica – SISAL
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Prototype of internet portal for sport betting (Matchpoint portal). Analysis of a cache system for memorizing results of sport events. Transmissions of results through JMS messages.
• Computer skills J2EE (JMS,Servlet,JSP), Oracle Application Server (OC4J, JOC)
• Dates Since 12/2004 to 2/2005
• Name of Employer Building Application Systems s.r.l.
• Customer –
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Analysis and development of a web application for management of judicial auctions in the courts: listing of auctions, registration of payments and withdrawls from banks.
• Computer skills J2EE, Tomcat 4.1, MySQL
• Dates Since 1/2004 to 7/2004
• Name of Employer Nexse s.r.l.
• Customer Accenture s.p.a. – SKY Italy
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Porting of system for signing of contract SKY from Siebel 99.6 to Siebel 7.5. Analysis and development of servers in C/C++ for interfacing CRM Siebel with external system for payments, for delivering services, for programs transmission and for management of stock warehouse. Usage of Tuxedo’s queues and COM Objects. Refactoring of existing services from Windows to Unix enviroment. Development of Siebel business services. Development of static libraries (.lib) e dynamics (.dll) in C/C++.
• Computer skills C/C++ (in Windows and Unix), Pro C, Visual Studio, Bea Tuxedo Server 8.1,Siebel 7.5, e-script, Oracle 9
• Dates Since 11/2003 to 12/2003
• Name of Employer Nexse s.r.l.
• Customer Reply s.p.a. – SIA (Società Italiana Archivi)
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Prototype of web application for storing documents of SIA (Italian Company Archive). Analysis of authentication and authorization system with Struts framework.
• Computer skills J2EE, Tomcat, Struts, Apache.
• Dates Since 8/2003 to 10/2003
• Name of Employer Nexse s.r.l.
• Customer Accenture s.p.a – WIND
• Position held Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Development of web system for subscription, delivering and charging of mobile WIND services (Valued Added Services). Development of business components.
• Computer skills J2EE, ATG Dynamo 5.6, Web Logic 6.1, Tomcat, Apache SOAP.
• Dates Since 5/2003 to 8/2003
• Name of Employer Art & Pop
• Customer Buongiorno sp.a. – TIM / Jamba
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Development of J2ME games and apps for mobile phones. Publishment of game “BasketMania Shootout” on portals Tim and Jamba.
• Computer skills J2ME,MIDP 1.0 e 2.0, API Nokia, API Siemens. Emulatori: J2ME Wireless Toolkit,Nokia 3650 (s60),Nokia 7210 (s40),Nokia 3510i (s30),Motorola SDK v3.1,Siemens Mobility Toolkit,Ericksonn P800 e T610,Samsung.
• Dates Since 10/2001 to 4/2002 and since 10/2002 to 11/2002
• Name of Employer SISnet s.r.l
• Customer IDI (Istituto Dermatopatico dell’Immacolata)
• Position held Analyst / Developer
• Main activities and responsabilities Web application for management of medical records of Istituto Dermatologico Italiano (Italian Dermatological Institute). Development of a web application for management and monitoring list of all personal computers of IDI.
• Computer skills J2EE Servlet , Access
• Dates Since 1995 to 2002
• Title of qualification awarded Electronic Engineer (degree 5 years)
• Name and type of organization providing education and training University La Sapienza in Rome.
. Languages:
Java (J2EE, J2ME, J2SE, Servlet, JAXB, Portlet, web services, services RESTful, EJB 3, JSF PrimeFaces, JMS),
C/C++ (Pro C, OpenGL),
HTML 4/5, XML, Javascript (jQuery, AJAX), TypeScript (Angular 7), Lua, SQL, PL-SQL.
Operating System: Windows (95,98,NT,2000,XP,7,8,10), Unix (AIX), Linux (Red Hat AS, Suse ES, Ubuntu 14,16,18 desktop & server), Mac OS x 10.9
DB: Oracle 8/9/10g, MySql 5.x, SQLServer, IBM DB2, Access.
Web Server & Application Server: Apache, Tomcat 3.x/4.x/5.x/7.x/9.0, WebSphere 5/6/8, JBoss 6.2/ 7.1/Wildfly 10, nginx, BEA Tuxedo Server 8.1, Oracle AS 10g, BEA Web Logic 6.1.
Portals: Exo Portal 1.1.4/2.0, Liferay 4.3/5.0/6.x/7.0, IBM Portal Server.
Enterprise Server Bus: ServiceMix 3.2.
Workflow Engine: Jboss JBPM, OpenEmcee Microflow.
Framework: Struts 1.x , Spring (Spring Core / Spring JDBC Template / Spring WS / Spring Data JPA / Spring MVC / Spring Security), GWT, JUnit, Apache Axis, Apache XMLBeans, Apache Felix.
IDE: Eclipse, IntelliJ, IBM RAD 6/7 e WSAD, Visual Studio Code, JBuilder 3/8, NetBeans 6.5, Spring Suite Tool, Visual Studio 6.0, iReport
CRM & ORM: Salesforce 2018, Siebel 7.5, Hibernate 3.0, ATG Dinamo 5.6.
Security and authentication systems: CAS Server, Acegi Security, OpenLDAP 2.0, Softerra LDAP Administrator 3.0, SSL Explorer.
Network protocols: HTTP / HTTPS / WebDAV, VoIP, SSL, protocols VPN.
Repository: Subversion, GIT, CVS, Visual SourceSafe, CMVC.
Build tools e continous integration: ANT, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins.
Application generator: JHipster
PBX: FreeSWITCH, Asterisk
Virtualization & DevOps: VMware, VirtualBOx, vSphere, Vagrant, Ansible, Docker
Other software: SqlDeveloper, PL/SQL Developer, Squirrel SQL, SoapUI, Apptus CPQ, Ericsson BSCS iX, Liquibase, IBM TivoliWorkloadSuite, Wireshark, Apache JMeter, Postman, Filenet 8.
Methodologies: UML.
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