Figura professionale: Fullstack developer

Nome Cognome: T. D.Età: 37
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Italia

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Fullstack developer


Mercer Human Resources Consulting – Full stack developer From January 2016 until now (currently working, undetermined time contract, full time job) Tasks: I have join Mercer in January 2016 to help the development area for the private pension fund administration business. I am a full stack developer in Mercer, though I have secondary roles. My main routine tasks are to attend tickets for bug fixing and also for enhancements, to work in short and medium local projects, to follow up global IT projects, to support other developers in technical problems, to be in constant contact with the local business team and also to administrate some TFS features. During this almost three years in this company, I had the chance to participante in several important and challanging projects, which made me grow up a lot professionally

OranSys – Web Developer (Project contract) From August 2015 until November 2015 Tasks: Project follow up in pharmacist industries for governamental legal obligations (Anvisa organ). During this project I worked allocated in the client's industry site, developing customizations for the product, following up the project, and daily reporting the status to the management area to assure that the scheduled tasks were executed on the planned time.

Ipsos – Analyst Developer (Project contract) From June 2014 until April 2015 Tasks: Development web applications which were used on the companie's intranet, such as office material request, IT requests, travel reimbursement.

 Kantar TNS – Analyst Developer From July 2013 until April 2014 Tasks: Development of different kind of software to support the internal business team, but their main purpose was to collect market research answers, process them, generate reports and release the results.

T-Systems – Web Developer From November 2011 until June 2013 Tasks: I was responsible for Volkwagen Brasil's cost engineering area IT 3rd level support for web aplications. My main tasks were to attend tickets for bug fixing and to apply enhancements, to work on small projects, change orders creation, and analysis for 'problems' (ITIL definition) and I was also responsible to administrate some SNV features, like to create branches, grant and revoke access and run merge processes for other areas. All the processes to attend the clients were strictly controled and monitored through ITIL V3 methodology, which I am certified.

Active/Siemens – Analyst Developer From Setember 2010 until November 2011 Tasks: Software development for pharmaceutical industry. Those softwares offered to the industries more administrative control on their productive processes, complementing and integrating it with the ERP systems. My main tasks were the product customization development, integrations with the ERP and following up the entire project inside the client, from the planning until the go-live.

 Alfacom/Ipsos – Developer From June 2007 until November 2010 Tasks: In the beginning as started as a treinee developer, to learn Visual Basic 6, SQL Server and help the team with simple tasks. After this, aproximatelly 90 days later, I was promoted to junior developer, when, gradually, I started to develop softwares that processed data collected on market research, generated different kind of reports, on excel, powertpoint and other formats, and also published the results on an web application. This was a time of great experience and learning, where I could start my carreer and create a very solid base of knowledge.

• Education 1. Bachelor degree in Computer Science 2. ITIL V3 certification 3. Technique IT course • Languages 1. English: Fluent (C2) 2. Portuguese: Native (C2) 3. Italian: Intermediate (B1) 4. Russian: Basic (A2)

• Development skills (consider 5 as high experienced and 1 as low experienced for all below) ▪ C# (5) ▪ VB.Net (5) ▪ NET Framework (5) ▪ HTML (5) ▪ XML (4) ▪ JSON (4) ▪ Visual Basic 6.0 (4) ▪ JavaScript (4) ▪ CSS (4) ▪ Jquery (4) ▪ Entity Framework (3) ▪ MVC (3) ▪ Bootstrap (3) ▪ VbScript (3) ▪ Angular JS (2) • Database skills ▪ MS SQL Server (5) ▪ T-SQL (5) ▪ Tunning (4) ▪ SQL Integration Services (3) ▪ PL-SQL(2) ▪ Oracle (2) • Other skills ▪ TFS (5) ▪ Strong communication (5) ▪ IIS (4) ▪ Scrum (4) ▪ ITIL (3) ▪ Sharepoint (3) ▪ Design Patterns (3) ▪ Software engeneering (2)

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