Figura professionale: Chief Technology Officer, Business development manager
Nome Cognome | : f. l. | Età | : 56 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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Qualification: University Degree on Computer Science at State University in Milan. Graduation thesis: “Server Consolidation Methodologies”.
Languages: Italian mother tongue, good verbal and written communication skills in english.
Summary Experiences
Over 25 years of experience in the implementation, organization and innovation of information systems.
In my professional career developed in multinational companies I have been able to develop technical competence, managerial and leadership skills with excellent results in complex and mission critical environments.
I have dealt with all the IT management issues; Operations, Infrastructure, Application Development, Security and Architecture Management.
Always passionate about innovation and technology, I send in my work this enthusiasm and the desire to achieve the goals. Flexibility to the unexpected and to changes imposed in the professional market and complete your personal profile.
Posizione corrente
Cargeas Assicurazioni – Gruppo Bnp Paribas
Head of IT . Da Settembre 2019
Company ICT Director, I’m responsible for the strategic development of the information system and its alignment with the business. Under my responsibility 5 reporting lines covering the activities of; Application Development, Architecture and Infrastructure Management. IT Operations, IT Governance & Risk, Security and Budget Control.
In agreement with the other structures, I define the evolution strategy of the systems management as regards the processes, the sourcing policies and the technological choices. Trusted advisor of the corporate functions for the use of technologies, for the simplification of business processes and the achievement of corporate objectives.
Budget assigned to my facility is around 15M Euros.
Some of the most important results:
• Definition of the strategy of aligning IT to business.
• Creation of the IT Governance system.
• Remediation of IT structural obsolescence.
Current position
S2E – Solution to Enterprise
Chief Technology Officer/Innovation Manager from April 2018 to September 2019
My job is to ensure the correct relationships and the necessary information passage between the commercial and technical functions of the company.
I manage the presale and business development team with the aim of increasing the company's visibility and network and developing new customers. I am responsible for S2E's offer engineering.
I create new products / services, I innovate the offer by scouting new technologies and new ways of working. Finally, I keep it updated both from a conceptual and documentary point of view.
I maintain relations with customer CxOs and take care of the presentation of the company offer.
I coordinate the offer of the 5 technical delivery Business Units through all their technological specializations, infrastructure, application development and security. I take care of ensuring the quality of the delivery of cross BU projects and the provision of services.
Some of the most important results:
• • Review of corporate offerings.
• • Relationship with CxO customers.
• • Change of model for cross BU project management.
• • Introduction of new products in the portfolio.
AgosDucato Italy
Chief Technology Officer. from September 2013 to April 2018
Director of the technical department of the company; responsible for the development of IT infrastructure, refresh and evolution of enterprise technologies and their day by day maintenance. I take care of the definition of enterprise architecture for both applications and infrastructure and of information security standards.
Under my responsibility 5 reporting lines covering activities of project infrastructure management, IT Operations, IT security, IT architecture and service desk for a total of 30 internal people and 30 consultants.
Technology ranges spread from mainframe to open systems and network passing through the major vendors of the market as SAP and SAS.
Responsible of ICT department evolution strategy, defining; processes, sourcing strategy, organization, consolidation and technological innovation. Trusted advisor for business functions to simplify business processes using technology during monthly directional board meetings.
Manager in charge of Innovation cross-team, build-up to test new business and technological solution. The Innovation team has the goal to conduct Proof of Concept in a very fast way on Digitalization and Mobile Market in order to check complexity, cost and find out an integration path in Agos architecture.
The budget assigned over 15M Euro.
Some of the most important results:
• New IT Service oriented Organization.
• Architectural guidelines definition.
• New virtual and network infrastructure with a building block architecture.
• Vendor consolidation.
• New governance and process development ITIL based.
• New sourcing strategy.
• Startup of company “Bigdata”
• Startup dell’innovation team.
• Proof of Concept execution on App, Document management, Bpo.
ING Direct Italia
Head of IT Delivery. From January 2011 to September 2013
I lead the team responsible for the development of all company technology platforms having also the responsibility for the strategy of the application portfolio in line with the guidelines and strategies.
Under my supervision are all the disciplines of software development lifecycle from analysis, design to support post release. I coordinate a team of over 120 people divided over 4 lines managerial composed of internal and external staff.
The budget assigned to my structure is over 12M Euro.
Having a strong capability in IT Governance and management service providers I have been involved in the IT outsourcing project, leading the selection of suppliers, the internal reorganization of the whole structure and the training and retraining of resources.
Some of the most important results:
• Outsourcing of IT Factory development.
• Reorganization of IT with the reduction of 15 FTE. And 1.5M in savings.
• Creating and organizing a team of Service Management.
• Increased IT Factory production by 25%.
• Introduction to Earned Value Model.
• Reduced lead times 10%.
• More than 30,000 man / days provided.
• Dashboard Integrated Control SDLC.
Head of Infrastructure & IT Operations – IT Manager. January 2007 to January 2011
Manager of the Infrastructure & IT operations of the company with a team divided into three functional areas consisting of managers, engineers, consultants and area managers for a total of more than 70 people.
Responsible for providing support services to the Bank, which guarantee SLA according to the agreed levels with the different business lines, in a 7×24 highly critical enterprise environment.
My activity covers the hardware and software, including middleware, database, network infrastructure and security. Maintenance of physical infrastructure and the Business Continuity complete the range of my responsibilities.
Some of the most important results:
• Construction of a new Datacenter with migration of all systems.
• Increased levels of service from 99.32% to 99.76%.
• Introduction of new architectural infrastructure:
• Virtualization complete with all systems.
• Review network layout.
• Introduction of new systems Storage.
• Implementation of the Service Desk.
• Re-organization of the department according to ITIL.
• Increased engagement of the team according to the survey "Winning Performance Culture" from 56% to 82%.
Previous Positions
SUN Microsystems March 2000 to 2006
Senior Service Manager. – Client Solutions Practice
After his experience as Project Manager in server Consolidation and disaster recovery projects for some telecom companies have been able to take care as Service Manager of outsourcing services provided by Sun Microsystems.
In this role I had the full responsibility of the customers assigned to me and the quality of service delivered during the contract term.
During the six years of business I have worked for major clients in the banking and telecommunications gaining experience in managing big budgets and management of larger workgroups.
Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. From 1998 to March 2000
System administrator coordinator.
Coordinator of the group of systems and database administrator I was responsible for production services-based business-Aix and IBM DB2 reporting to the IT Director.
I worked in downsizing from mainframe systems to AIX open systems and to all the activities related to millennium bug, implementing a new structure for storage / backup a new platform for centralized control and monitoring systems.
IBM Italia. From 1993 to 1998
Customer engineer – European Backend.
For 5 years in charge of issues related to the operating system of IBM Aix at the center of Italian support.
Specialist performance analysis and Support Center platform RS6000/SP2.
I held this position for a long series of tests at the laboratories of IBM in New York / Poughkeepsie during a period of 6 months.
I authorize the treating of the personal details according to ’art.13 Dlgs 196/03, with the aim of an evaluation of my curriculum vitae.
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