Figura professionale: Data scientist
Nome Cognome | : R. P. | Età | : 53 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH |
Sede preferita | : Milano |
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Feb 2018 -> Freelance – Milan. Data Scientist, Bioinformatician: I’m particularly focused on machine learning projects, applied to various fields. From Feb to Jul 2018 I have worked at a project with University of Pavia on methylation analysis, concerning a group of SLA affected subjects, developing a model to find patterns in methylation profiles. After studying literature and existing pipelines on the argument, I implemented an R program to process, normalize and clean data and to discover differentially methylated regions. I focused also on rare variability, performing an association analysis on selected regions previously identified as enriched ones.
Apr 2018 – Jun 2018 IIS Evangelista Torricelli – Milan. Maths Teacher: I was substitute teacher at Industrial & Technical Institute with four classes, from first to fourth.
Apr 2017 – Feb 2018 Medical and Genomics Statistic Unit – Department of science of nervous system and behaviour – Pavia. Internship Project as Data Scientist working on genomics: I developed a tool to make genotype-phenotype association analysis on data derived from NGS techniques. The goal was to find the optimal model that would describe this association and could predict new outcomes. It consist in a bioinformatic section, that allows to speed and automate a series of steps, generally performed manually in bioinformatic laboratories, and to implement quality control on subjects and on variants. It also allows to capture all genetic information available, inferring the genotype for each subject on each variant identified, using coverage analysis. This section is built in Python with gui Tkinter and produces file suitable to be analyzed with main statistical tools as plink, R, Sas. The second part, written in R, is the statistical one and performs exploratory analysis on the variables, cluster analysis on subjects and phenotypic variables, quality control, checking for structure in the population using Genomic Control and Principal Component Analysis and finally the association analysis. For the association I used a regression model that cycles on each variable of interest and adjusts only for the principal component associated with that variable. I implemented also a model with the interaction of rare variability to understand if and how that variability could modify the effect of the polymorphic one. I applied the pipeline to a sample of subjects with possible Marfan or Marfan-like pathology, provided by Istituto Auxologico of Cusano Milanino, achieving some interesting result on a set of snps, that I discussed with biologists to reach a biological interpretation.
APR 2000 – JUL 2017 Puma Italy – Milan. IT & Operations: It was my most durable and substantial experience, that let me challenge many issues and test myself in many roles. At the beginning of my experience in Puma the Italian branch was a startup, so I contributed to the fulfillment of the erp system, especially from my side to commercial and logistic processes, to the implementation of retail channel and of the sales force automation system. After I performed the position of Responsible of application development, supply chain and reporting, in which I had to define the application architecture, to analyze company
processes, introducing solutions for their optimization, choosing between make or buy and defining company standard for software, projects and documentation. Over the last years, as Senior Analyst, I have worked on Business Intelligence, implementing the country system to monitor sales, supply chain and logistic activities, both internally and with the headquarter, and contributing to spread data knowledge, also teaching Ms Excel to the users.
1998 – 2000 Siemens Informatica – Milan area. IT Department: Office Automation This was my first experience in a big company and I learned to work in autonomy and to take part of complex projects. My team handled the relationship with helpdesk provider, having to supply the IT tools to the users, I developed some tools to automate processes connected with that supplying and to spread the IT costs.
Education MAR 2016 – FEB 2018 Università degli Studi di Pavia – Second level master – Medical and Genomic Statistics Give a specialized and highly qualified education post degree in medical statistics, genetic epidemiology and genetic statistics to meet a rising need, due to recent and speed technological development in genetic and genomics field. 2005 STOGEA, MANAGERIAL EDUCATION SCHOOL – EXECUTIVE MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOR TECHNICAL PROFILES 2005 Luigi Bocconi University – Milan Directional Informative Systems and Enterprise Resource Planning 1998 – 2004 Università degli Studi di Bologna – Statistics Science, Rimini Master's degree, Statistics and Computer Science for Business. Applied dissertation on the development of solutions to blend spread grid file in peer to peer network. 110 (With Honors) 1993 – 1997 Università degli Studi di Bologna – Statistics Science, Rimini Bachelor's degree, Statistics and Computer Science for Business. 1985 – 1991 Scientific High School Einstein – Rimini Degree of scientific maturity
Industry Knowledge Machine Learning, Predictive Modeling, Big Data, Software Development, Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, Programming, Bioinformatics, Statistics, Genomics, Statistical Modeling. Tools & Technologies Python, R, Matlab, SPSS, SAS, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Databases, Bioinformatic tools (PLINK, SAMTOOLS, BEDTOOLS, GATK, IGV, PICARD) Other skills Genic co-expression analysis; Annotation, Enrichment and Pathways analysis; Network Analysis; Observational and Clinic Studies design and analysis, Linkage, Family and Population studies, Genome-Wide Association studies; Multivariate Statistics; Statistical Inference; Causal Inference; Survival Analysis. Languages Mother tongue: Italian, Other languages: good knowledge of English.
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