Figura professionale: DBA Oracle

Nome Cognome: A. A.Età: 46
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CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: DBA/Oracle/SQL Server/Mysql
Sede preferita: Napoli

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DBA Oracle


Dal 2010 ad Oggi Oracle DBA Braintech

▪  Braintech is born as something complementary to the core business of Mate Consulting Group, since inception, the group presents itself as an integrated center Which brings together expertise and advanced skills in the IT industry. employed at TelecomItalia with the job of:

▪  SEC.IT.A.SSA Oracle DBA (INFRASTRUCTURE) TELECOMITALIA Management, Administration, performance and tuning. Create and Manage object of the production Oracle Database which contain data relating to the management identity, policy and corporate regulations, the above data are managed by a complex architecture Server physical and virtualized servers using VMware. Backup and recovery performed using Oracle RMAN and Legato Networker. Import/ export schemas and object using Oracle EXDP/IMPDP (DATAPUMP). Manage Oracle logical and physical database structure/ storage.The platforms are structured and managed through OS (Windows, Unix,Linux), Windows Server 2003,2005, Red Hat Linux, AIX and SunOS / Solaris OS and Exadata systems that host the following databases: Oracle Database 9i, 10g, 11g in RAC / dataguard and Stand Alone architecture. Microsoft SQLServer database. In The Database object contains many sensitive data related to the analysis, risk management measures and management of user privacy, DEALER ID, companies and users both inside and outside the telecomitalia. Application Management-centered database including Oracle Business Intelligence portals Telecomitalia created ad hoc: IAM, CASC,IDV,PGU,IDM,projected in the network through different Application Server including Apache Tomcat, Jboss, IIS. Architecture managed using Oracle weblogic (OSB) and Oracle OIM identity managment.  Access to the users via LDAP, Kerberos, and other tools for Strong Autentication. Management software, documentation, anomalies, evolutionary and ticketing using PVCS, TSSC, JIRA, TTM-iT.TIS, BMC Remedy and Juniper.

Attività o settore  SEC.IT.A.SSA TELECOMITALIA

 Agosto 2016 Oracle DBA Braintech

▪  DBA Oracle CEN Napoli

▪  Management, Andministration performance and tuning of Oracle database RAC and Stand-alone production environment.

Attività o settore  Ministero Interni

Agosto 2015 Oracle DBA Braintech

▪  DBA Oracle CEN Napoli

▪  Management, Andministration performance and tuning of Oracle database RAC and Stand-alone production environment.

Attività o settore  Ministero Interni


 maggio 2010

Certificazione Oracle DBA


Oracle University

▪  Oracle Database architecture, creating an oracle Database, managing the oracle instance, configuring and managing the Oracle Network, managing

▪  the database storage structures, administering the user security, manging

▪  schema objects, data concurrency and undo data, implementing oracle

▪  database security, database maintenance and perfformance management,

▪  Backup and Recovery, moving data.

▪  Oracle Server teccnologies, exploring the database architecture, preparing

▪  the database environment,creating an oracle database, managing the

▪  oracle instance,database storage and schemas object structures, undo

▪  data and concurrency, implementing oracle database security, configuring

▪  the oracle network environment, administering user security, database maintenance, recovery concept, performing database backup and

▪  database recovery with RMAN.

 Novembre 2011

PVCS – Change e Configuration Management del SW

SSC (now Telecom Italia Information Technology (TI.IT) s.r.l.)

▪  PVCS – Change e Configuration Management del SW

 maggio 2010

PL/SQL Developer


Randstad Italia

▪  Oracle Database 10g: Program with PL/SQL

 maggio 2010

Oracle DBA

Oracle University

▪  How to Escalate a Service Request within Oracle Support

▪  My Oracle Support configuration manager for IT

▪  Oracle Database 10g: Program with PL/SQL 

Novembre 2009


Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico

▪  ECDL (Patente Europea del Computer)

 Novembre 1998


Diploma di scuola media superiore


 Lingua madre


Altre lingue

Inglese B1/B2

Tedesco B1/B2

Competenze comunicative

▪  Ottime competenze relazionali e capacità nel comunicare con persone culturalmente e socialmente

differenti tra loro, acquisite grazie alle esperienze lavorative pregresse, fatte in italia e all’estero.

Competenze organizzative e gestionali

Durante le mie esperienze lavorative compresa quella in corso, ho potuto sviluppare una buona

capacità organizzativa. Oltretutto, durante il periodo di leva ho ricoperto il grado da Caporale congedandomi infine con pieno merito ed elogio scritto.

Competenze professionali

Conoscenza della struttura dei database Oracle e dei linguaggi SQL e PL/SQL documentata da


Installazione e configurazione dei Database Oracle su piattaforme Windows e

GNU/Linux. Gestione e amministrazione del Database Oracle.

Database “Enterprise Edition”

Gestione e Amministrazione del Database attraverso Enterprise Manager.

Database control e SQL Developer.

Database Application Express ( APEX).


Application Server enterprise Edition e Oracle Portal.

Conoscenza Statspack /AWR.

Backup & Recovery.

Oracle RMAN Secured Backup.

Oracle Enterprise Linux

Database Oracle RAC.

Data Guard.

Competenza digitale

Ottima conoscenza delle varie piattaforme Windows e

GNU/Linux nonché dei relativi software in esse contenuti, come

office, openoffice, gestione dei sistemi Windows (Xp, Vista, Seven).

Gestione dei sistemi Unix e Gnu/Linux (Solaris, Ubuntu, Debian).

Linguaggi di programmazione conosciuti: SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, PHP, Java script,

Basi di Python.

Altre competenze

Una decennale esperienza nel campo dell’informatica

attraverso la consulenza e riparazione Hardware e

Software e nell’insegnamento dell’uso dei computer su

piattaforme GNU/linux e Windows a privati.

Sviluppatore e traduttore Software Ubuntu in launchpad

Membro Oracle Mix


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