Figura professionale: UX Designer
Nome Cognome | : V. B. | Età | : 41 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Web Designer/Social/Marketing |
Sede preferita | : Lazio: Latina, Roma |
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UX Designer @ BNL Bank – BNP Paribas Group
October 2016 – Present
I work in an Agile Team that develops an operating portal for the Corporate Market Managers.As the UX Designer I have been involved in improving the users' operational processes.I began to start with Design Thinking sessions which combined user needs with Bank Business value and Technology issues. I drew wireframes and a high-fidelity graphic prototype. I wrote tasks for usability testing with users in the laboratory. I helped the Business team to analyze the requirements. I supported the IT leader and developers in the prototype realization. I met other designers to ensure a common approach to projects.
After one year from the first release in production, users were interviewed. The results were extremely positive in all the dimensions investigated.Users have stated that they can now manage their portfolio simply and optimally. This has brought benefits to the Business level with an increase in growth in business activity (loans: + 0.6% vs. 2017).
Technologies: Axure RP, Power Point, Premier, Illustrator, Zeplin, Page Layers, Morae
UX – UI Designer and Web Developer
MCR Group
December 2015 – October 2016
I worked in the technical direction of a company that deals with IT consultancy.My job was to improve the user experience of projects developed within the office (both for internal company processes and for customers).It was the first time the company had adopted a user-centered approach. So, we decided to work with the Agile Scrum methodology.I took care of design, presentation to customers and, often, development.I developed user interfaces for websites, portals, e-commerce, management software and SEO optimization.These new services, offered by the company, have led to an increase in new customers (especially SEO optimization) and an improvement in the internal commercial process (time saved in the management of CVs).
Technologies: Axure RP; Balsamiq; PowerPoint; GIMP; Illustrator; Marvel App;HTML5; CSS3; AngularJS; Bootstraps; Java 1.6; Spring tool suite; Tomcat; Hibernate 4.1.6; JSON; CVS; PostgreSQL; Linux CentOS; Javascript; Wordpress;Google my business, Google Analystics, SpeedPage di Google, Semrush.
Software Analyst and Back-end Developer
MCR Group @ Accenture
March 2011 – November 2015
AVS (Accenture Video Solution) is a software for streaming content on demand and live events.As a Java developer and Analyst I worked in the AVS Recommendation Engine and back-end sections for several customers: KPN (Netherlands), STAR Sport (India), CuboVision (Telecom Italy), Infinity (Mediaset – Italy).I worked on development, customization and support for demo development, the purpose of which is to showcase customers.In the last two years I was the software analyst for the STAR Sport (India) project. My main responsibilities were: to draft wireframe diagrams and integration with Backend interfaces and other related documentation;analysis, support, review, and coordination between the front end of the various devices (Android, ASHA, iOS and PC) and Backend.In 2011 the platform was sold to Mediaset and KPN, over 2 years customers using AVS have tripled. This is thanks to the abstraction work done to create a solid product that can be resold for every need.
Technologies: Java 1.6; Eclipse SDK; ClearCase; ANT 1.7.1; DB Oracle 11g; Toad for Oracle; JUnit; Putty; JBoss Tools; JBoss 7; Hibernate 4.1.6; JSON; SVN; MySQL 5; Toad for MySQL; DB Visualizer 7.0.4, Jmeter; Java Servlet; Bash scripting.
Java Developer Database Developer Help Desk and Data Entry
MCR Group @ ReplyMCR Group @ TIM and Telecom Italia HRP Informatica @ INAIL
June 2010 – March 2011 October 2006 – May 2010 February 2004 – May
UX and UI tools
Software Development
Axure RP
HTML 5 and CSS3
Angular JS
Adobe XD
UX Research Techniques
Google Products and SEO
Wireframe and Mockup
Google Analytics
High level Prototype
Google Search Console
Usability test in Lab- Creating Tasks
Using Standardized Questionnaires
Google Adwords
Thinking aloud
Usability Heuristic Evaluation
Methods and processes
Experience Map – Customer Journey
Agile Scrum
I am an empathetic person with a good regards to teamwork.
I have excellent organizational skillsthat I haveachieved by combining various activities: university, work and private life.
I have the ability to work and achieve goals even in stressful situations. I am able to make decisions, explain them to the team and take responsibility.
I am able to listen and find solutions to facilitate the work process.
I have an intellectual curiosity and the ability to quickly learn new concepts and technologies.
Native language : Italian
Other language : English (B1)
Doctor in Psychological Sciences and Techniques
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Faculty Medicine and Psychology
Degree Course: Psychological and Social Sciences and Techniques of Communication and Marketing
Thesis title “Online Public Administration Services and Responsive Design: Limits and Opportunities”
Menthor: Francesco Di Nocera Professor of Cognitive Ergonomics
Final mark: 95/110
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
Master's degree in Psychology
Faculty Psychology
Degree Course:Cognitive Processes and Technologies – Human Computer Interaction and e-learning
Matriculation: 2018 – Dates expected graduation: 2020
· Mobile UX Design
· Agile Scrum Methodology
· UX Design & Usability
· HTML5 and CSS3 Web Development
· Java Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPS
· Workshop UX realization of a project from A to Z
· Android Course
· S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) and Web Marketing
· Client Server Architecture Course in ORACLE 8
UX Analyst
January 2013 – January 2014
I contributed to the development of the BigUD (Work Capital Award 2012 Award for Best Start-Up Award). It is a web tool for automatically profiling the user based on social networks.
Technologies: Facebook Developer, SQL, power point, Balsamiq, Google Drive, Dropbox, Basecamp, Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Cytoscape, Google Docs
User Experience Analyst
CATTID – "La Sapienza" University of Rome
March 2012 – January 2013
Internship Pre-Graduate: Study of the main methods and techniques to measure the user experience an interactive system, the basic fundamentals and practicalstrategies to conduct tests withusers, as well as plannedapproach of User-Centered Design (ISO 13407).
Technologies:Balsamiq, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Basecamp, Wordpress, Microsoft Office, Cytoscape
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