Figura professionale: Sistemista
Nome Cognome | : O. F. | Età | : 46 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Sistemista / Tecnico informatico |
Sede preferita | : IS-CB-PE-NA |
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Systems Administrator
NEUROMED I.R.C.C.S. Pozzilli, Isernia
Attività giornaliere di manutenzione degli apparati.
Troubleshooting/Problem Solving
Rapporti con fornitori.
Ricerca tencologie per implementazione progetto Big Data, e dimensionamento infrastruttura
Implementazione dominio con Active Direcotyr e gestione policy utenti
Windows Distributon System
Desktop Terminal Service
DNS local (bind9 e Microsoft DNS)
Squid/SquidGuard ACL , Baisc Authenication gestione ACL (whitelist,blacklist), C-ICAP e ClamAV
Capitve Portal (pfsense/freeradius), registrazione ed autenticazione tramite sms (php/mysql)
Virutalizzazione Vmware
Gestione sistemi RIS/PACS
Implementation of a local Domain with active directory,Gpo Windows Distribution
System,sysprep to clone installed windows os and deploy it on new workstations through pxe
clients. Remote Desktop Services
Local DNS server, bind9 Microsoft DNS (master and slave)
Realitation of a captive portal with sms authentication through freeradius with mysql database.
Installation and configuration of vTiger CRM
Installation and configuration of OpenMeeting
Ntp server with linux
Proxy Squid/squidguard/dansguardian with basic auth, whitelist and blacklist access, on
Debian Linux, with RAID 1+0
Installations and configuration of FreeNas, for NAS devices
Virtualitation with vmware
System Administrator
Company NameNEUROMED I.R.C.C.S.
Dates EmployedMar 2017 – Present
Employment Duration7 mos
LocationMolise, Pozzilli, Isernia
Manage the day by day activities .
1MAG. 06 – 1 AGO. 07Imprenditore e dirigente, servizi alle imprese
E-Business Solutions , Isernia (Italia)
Gestione lan
Supporto remoto hardware e software
Assemblaggio di PC
1SET. 05 – 1 FEB. 06Programmatore
Ideaware Srl , Roma (Italia)
Sviluppo applicazioni PHP/Mysq
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