Figura professionale: Software Engineer (Java)

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Software Engineer (Java)


RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Sep 2016- Current Research Assistant Ubiquitous Computing Lab Department of Computer Engineering Kyung Hee University South Korea Mining Minds Project: Development of mining minds core technology exploiting personal big data Funding Agency: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Korea) Lab: UCLab, KHU, South Korea Website: Responsibilities: Member of Service Curation Layer (SCL) of “Mining Minds Project”. Responsible for smooth inter layer communication in the project. Furthermore, development of the reasoner which provides forward reasoning capability over the healthcare knowledge base for providing on-request recommendation to users. Moreover, Coordination of team in open source activity of MM v2.5 ( Intelligent Medical Platform (IMP) Project: Development of Intelligent Medical Platform (IMP). IMP innovates the existing medical services industry through intelligent medical service commercialization. Funding Agency: Ministry of Science and ICT Korea, 2017-2020 Lab: UCLab, KHU, South Korea Website: Responsibilities: Team Lead (Descriptive Knowledge Acquisition). Acquire knowledge from medical/health articles and represent it through knowledge representation scheme (Ontology). Smart CDSS Project: Development of Smart CDSS Description: Guideline enabled data driven knowledge acquisition that produces refined clinical knowledge model (R-CKM) which is derived from the predication model (created from patient data) and validate and evolved from the clinical knowledge model (CKM) – a guideline based knowledge. Lab: UCLab, KHU, South Korea Website: Responsibilities: Silo (CDSS) for New-Onset Seizure Evaluation in Adults. Working with Neurologists for the development of a decision support system for diagnosis and treatment of new-onset seizure in adults and adolescents. Cisticola Master’s Thesis: Large-scale entity resolution on multi-typed graphs. Description: Entity resolution is the task of linking or grouping the same real-world entities within a knowledge base or across multiple knowledge bases. The proposed approach provides a distributed scheme for efficiently performing dense graph summarization for entity resolution on multi-type graphs, which collectively encloses a set of vertices (addressing to the same entity) in a single supernode in the final summary graph.

INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Dec 2012 – Aug 2016 Senior Software Engineer, Team Lead Group Skunk Works Lab: Orbit Software Solutions (Xululabs) Branch: Evacuee Trust Complex, F-5/1, Islamabad, Pakistan Website: Venture Lenz, Lenzplus and xSBIR Description: Unparalleled insight into customer psychology and behavior through the application of advanced big data technologies and predictive analytics. millions of profiles and brands visualized, billions of communications analyzed Responsibilities: Data visualization, analysis, processing and knowledge graph generation. Website: Twitter Swiss Army Knife (Open Source) – Java Description: A simple command line utility + UI that allow a user to interact with Twitter's public API Responsibilities: Team Lead. Strategy development, motivating the team, Plaining and defining milestones. Dealing with and resolving issues, documentation, monitoring and reporting progress Website: Gephi Swiss Army Knife (Open Source ) – Java Description: GSAK provides a simple and interactive web based graph analysis and visualization platform, inspired by Gephi Responsibilities: Team Lead. Website: Xmetadata (Open Source) – Java Description: Small yet useful service for extracting Meta information from various databases running on various servers. Developed using vertx micro services. Available as an open source on GitHub Responsibilities: Team Lead Website:

TEACHING ASSISTANT – Kyung Hee University, South Korea Sep 2016 – Current Year Semester Undergraduate Courses Graduate Courses 2018 Spring Object Oriented Programming 2017 Spring CSE1020X Programming Basis CSE750500 – Semantic Web Fall CSE1020X – Programming Basis CSE850100 – Expert System 2016 Fall CSE1020X – Programming Basis

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Published Journal Papers 1. Rahman Ali, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Sadiq, Maqbool Hussain, Taqdir Ali, Asad Masood Khatak, Do Hyung Kim and Sungyoung Lee "Knowledge-Based Reasoning and Recommendation Framework for Intelligent Decision Making". (Expert Systems), (SCIE, IF: 1.18) July 2017. 2. Muhammad Bilal Amin, Muhammad Sadiq, Maqbool Ali, Bang Jae Hoon "Curating Big Data for Health and Wellness in Cloud-centric IoT", The Journal of the Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, Vol.35 No.2, 2018.1, 42-57. (2018). Conference Papers As First Author 1. Muhammad Sadiq, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal, Musarrat Hussain, Anees Ul Hassan, Sungyoung Lee "LogMap-P: On Matching Ontologies in Parallel”, 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM IMCOM 2018), Langkawi, Malaysia, Jan 5 – Jan 7, 2018 2. Muhammad Sadiq, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Sungyoung Lee “Parallel Entity Resolution with Iterative Propagation”, 2018 Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2018), Jeju International Convention Center (ICC JEJU), June 20th – 22nd As Co-Author 3. Muhammad Bilal Amin, Muhammad Sadiq, Wajahat Ali Khan, Asad Masood Khattak, Usman Akhtar, Sungyoung Lee "Configurable Data Acquisition for Cloud-centric IoT", 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ACM IMCOM 2018), Langkawi, Malaysia, Jan 5 – Jan 7, 2018 4. Anees Ul Hassan, Jamil Hussain, Musarrat Hussain, Muhammad Sadiq, Sungyoung Lee, “Sentiment Analysis of Social Networking Sites (SNS) Data using Machine Learning Approach for the Measurement of Depression“, 2017 The 8th International Conference on ICT Convergence October 18-20, 2017 / Jeju Island, Korea 5. Musarrat Hussain, Jamil Hussain, Muhammad Sadiq, Anees Ul Hassan and Sungyoung Lee "Recommendation statements identification in clinical practice guidelines using heuristic patterns", 19th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (IEEE/ACIS SNPD 2018) June 27 -29, 2018, Busan, Korea 6. Musarrat Hussain, Anees Ul Hassan, Muhammad Sadiq, Byeong Ho Kang and Sungyoung Lee "Missing Information Prediction in Ripple Down Rule based Clinical Decision Support System", 16th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics Designing a Better Future: Urban Assisted Living (ICOST 2018), 10th – 12th July 2018, Singapore, Singapore

CONFERENCE VISITS  2018 Korea Computer Congress (KCC 2018), Jeju International Convention Center (ICC JEJU), June 20th – 22nd  18th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Medical Informatics (CJKMI 2017) Oct. 16th-17th 2017, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, South Korea.  43rd seminar and winter conference on information sciences and collaborative workshops on national and industrial research (KIISE 2016) Dec. 21st-23rd 2016, Phoenix Park, Gangwon-do, South Korea.  Beyond AlphaGo: 2016 International Symposium on Perception, Action, and Cognitive Systems (PACS 2016), Oct. 27th-28th 2016 aT Center, Seoul, South Korea.

COMPUTER SKILLS Analysis, Design and Architecture  Good experience in object oriented analysis and design  Experience in full software development life cycle (SDLC) analysis, Design, Development, Documentation,  Experience in Version Control, and Continuous Integration (Git)  Good experience in parallel & distributed iterative algorithm designing Programming & Scripting Languages  Proficient in Java  Proficient in C/C++  Proficient with Python  Proficient in PHP  Proficient in JavaScript, HTML Tools & Technologies  Spring, Spring Boot, REST Services, Neo4, Gephi, Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch, MongoDB  Application Servers, Maven, Hadoop MapReduce, Giraph  Relational Databases, SigmaJs, Weka, RabbitMq  Fimiliar with Windows, Linux, MAC and DOS platforms

EDUCATION Research Assistant Kyung Hee University) South Korea September 2018 – to date Assisting professor and colleagues with ongoing Research and Development (R&D) Projects in the Lab Academic Advisor: Professor Sungyoung Lee MS, Computer Science and Engineering Kyung Hee University South Korea September 2016- August 2018 Title: Large-scale Entity Resolution on Multi-Typed Graphs (A Distributed multi-typed graph summarization approach) Academic Advisor: Professor Sungyoung Lee Under graduation, Computer Science University of Peshawar Pakistan Jul 2010- March 2012 Title: English to Pashtu Lexicon for Pashtu Language Academic Advisor: Professor Rahman Ali

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