Figura professionale: Giuntista Fibra Ottica

Nome Cognome: G. Q.Età: 44
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Sede preferita: Napoli

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Giuntista Fibra Ottica


15/10/2012–today Post-Doc Researcher University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Teaching course: – Course for the PhD program in information engineering: "Fiber optic sensors: from theory to industrial applications" (2016). – Course entitled "Main practical applications of fiber optic sensors " supported under the OPTOFER project, (2015). – Course entitled "Main practical applications of fiber optic sensors " supported under the SICURFER project, (2013). Research activities: Design, realization and testing of optical fiber gratings along the fiber axis and on the optical fiber tip for multi-parametric measurements (nano-molecules detection in the biomedical field, dose detection in high energy field, temperature, strain, bending detection in the chemical and physical field). Role: Responsible for planning about realization and testing of optical fiber devices (long period gratings, LPGs, FBGs and LAB-on-Fiber sensors) Practices & Tools: Tools: Labview, Matlab, Micron-Optics-Interrogator (MOI), MOI-ENLIGHT, Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA), Light Sources (SLED), fusion splicer, micromachining excimer laser (KrF, λ = 248 nm), components passive optical fiber (fusion couplers, optical isolators) in the second and third telecommunications window. Simulation tools (COMSOL) for the design of optical devices in the third resonant TLC window. Skills: Excellent sklils about laboratory instrumentations for the optical devices realization based on long period optical fiber gratings (LPG) and LAB-on-Fiber sensors onto the optical fiber tip. Excellent sklils about laboratory instrumentations for testing of optical devices based based on long period optical fiber gratings (LPG) and LAB-on-Fiber sensors onto the optical fiber tip.. Excellent sklils about laboratory instrumentations for connectorization (splicer for optical fibers) and testing of optical devices.  Collaboration with external organizations such as: – FGBS (German company) for FBGs purchase opportunely spaced in wavelength to realize the FBG multiplexing. Collaboration with external organizations such as: – CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) of Geneva for the testing probe at high energy of the realized optical devices. – CNR (National Research Center) of Portici for the functionalization of the realized optical devices. – CNR (National Research Center) of Milan for the functionalization of the realized optical devices. – INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) of Naples for the testing probe at high energy of the realized optical devices. -ATL (German supplier company of excimer laser) for the maintenance of micromachining laser. – OPTEC (Belgium supplier company of excimer laser) for the maintenance of micromachining laser. – LINDE (German supplier of gas cylinders Company) for purchase of KrF and ArF cylinders. – FIBERCORE (English company provider for writing fiber gratings) for the purchase of photosensitive fibers

1/10/2007–1/12/2007 Post-Doc Researcher University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Research activities: Experimental characterization and final validation of the demonstrators developed in the SMART project under the Project SMART-CIRA Search Role: Tester for innovative optical fiber grating Practices & Tools: Tools: Matlab, Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA), fusion splicer, fiber optic passive components (fusion couplers, optical isolators) in the second and third telecommunications window, Oscilloscope, MachZehnder optical modulator, VNA. Skills: Excellent sklils about laboratory instrumentations for connectorization (splicer for optical fibers) and the testing of an optical delay line based on Bragg gratings short, FBGs step.


01/07/2009–01/07/2012 PhD in INFORMATION ENGINEERING 8 University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Thesis: Lab-On-Fiber technology for sensing applications The doctoral research and the various research grants activities also focused on nanotechnologies with a special look at the development of multifunctional optical fiber devices (on the micrometer and nanometer scale) for the realization of the wavelength-selective filters utilized as band-stop and passband filter (in the telecommunications field) and for the simultaneous detection of physical, chemical and biological parameters (in the sensing field), also integrated on the optical fiber tip. This period has also seen the interface and subsequent use of tools for the construction and morphological characterization of nanometric structures (Laser micromachining at λ = 193 nm, Laser micromachining at λ = 248 nm, Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)). 01/01/2006–18/12/2008 Master Degree in Telecommunication Engineering 7 University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Thesis: Hybrid cavity interferometry-based network of uniform and tilted Bragg Score: 109/110 01/09/2001–01/01/2006 Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Engineering 6 University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy Thesis: Experimental characterization of an electrically controlled optical delay line based on fiber Bragg gratings Score: 85/110 05/0892013–13/09/2013 Summer School Participation School of Photonics 2013: “Where photonics meets electronics”, Cortona, Arezzo, Italy. 20/09/2011–25/09/2011 Winter School Participation Winter College Advanced School on Physics: Nanoantennas and Hybrid Quantum Systems, Physikzentrum di Bad Honnef (Colonia – Germany). 01/02/2010–15/02/2010 Winter School Participation Winter College on Optics and Energy presso la scuola “The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics”, Miramare (Trieste).

PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue(s) Italian Other language(s) English B1 French B1

Technical skills System architecture: Excellent knowledge of optoelectronic setup for testing and automatic data acquisition able to analyze the DUT performances. Programming language and computer: Good knowledge of LabView software; Good knowledge of Matlab software; Good knowledge of COMSOL software; Good knowledge of reporting performances devices; Excellent knowledge of Office software package. Operative System: Windows 98/ME/XP Hardware: Good knowledge of LabView software to program graphical interfaces to remotely control various instruments such as the Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) or the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). Excellent knowledge of the following laboratory instruments: – Optical spectrum analyzer (OSA); -Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and optical microscope; – Micromachinning excimer laser (λ = 193 nm ArF, KrF λ = 248 nm); – Maintenance of micromachinning excimer laser (λ = 193 nm ArF, KrF λ = 248 nm); – Light Sources (tunable lasers, SLED, SuperK); – Couplers and isolators of fiber optic light; – Oscilloscope; – Power meter; – Micron-Optics-Interrogator (MOI); – Components of an optoelectronic laboratory (high-precision cutter, splicer for optical fibers). Network Systems: – LAN, WAN, VPN, TCP/IP, IP BROAD BAND, WI-FI, VOIP



Completa il mio profilo la passione per l'apprendimento, il pragmatismo, le buone capacità interpersonali e la comunicazione, eccellenti capacità manageriali e organizzative, eccellenti capacità di scrittura e presentazione, flessibilità e un forte spirito d'iniziativa.

Mi piacerebbe iniziare una carriera in un ambiente di lavoro stimolante, sfruttando le competenze acquisite durante i miei studi e attività di ricerca.


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