Figura professionale: Engineer Metallurgy and Siderurgy Technology

Nome Cognome: b. c.Età: 20
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Engineer Metallurgy and Siderurgy Technology


Resident inspection in terrestrial, submarine pipeline laying and installation of submarine equipment Castoro 7 and 10, Wellservices, Olimpic Taurus, Z&P 440 testifying fat/sit equipment and instruments, END Interpretation by RT, PT, MT, IV, HT, ME, UT. Evaluation of paint Sist and Sand Blasting. Inspection of calibration plates and internal cleaning in pipe system. Review of Qa/Qc documentation, welding specification and welder rating. Preparation and Review Technical specifications of quality in order purchases / contract.

From: April. 2011 to Actual.
PDVSA PROJECTS OFFSHORE EPC Maintenance Dock / I.P.C. Gas pipe line Dragon CIGMA Submarine – ground / Gas Plant Construction/
Submarine Equipment Installation–PDVSA Quality Assurance Quality Control Inspector.
From: May 2007toApril 2011.
From: March 2006toMay 2007.
IPC Project Adequacy and Construction of the Steam Recovery Units Facilities.Jusepín Industrial Complex.Corinpet O.Mechanical Inspector.
From: Oct. 2004toMarch 2006
Intake Traps Adequacy Project and Pressure Regulator Process Train Construction COA. PDVSA -Pta de Mata.Corinpet O. Mechanical Inspector.
From:Jan. 2003to Oct. 2004
HAMACA AMERIVEN PROJECT – CONFURCA,Clusters Construction and pipe laying.QA/QC Inspector.
From:Oct. 2002 to Dec. 2002
C.R. PARAGUANA – HAFRAN C.A. A.V.2 y C.D.4Oil/Gas Turnaround Plant. QA/QC Inspector.
From:Jun. 2002 to Aug. 2002
C.R. PARAGUANA HAFRAN C.A. HDAY -2, NFAY-2 y PSAY-2.Oil/Gas Turnaround Plant.QA/QC Inspector.
From:Jan. 2002 to April 2002
C.R. PARAGUANA – HAFRAN. C.A. DCAY.Oil/Gas Turnaround Plant.QA/QC Inspector. 

From:Sept. 2000 to Sept. 2001
C.C. JOSE PROJECT SINCOR.Flag.Instalaciones.Welding Supervisor.QA/QC Inspector.
From:May 1999 to July. 2000
From:Jun. 1998 to Oct. 1998
C. PETROQUÍMICO EL TABLAZO – PVC II Project. Costa Norte C.A. QA/QC Inspector.
From:April 1998 to Jun. 1998
C. PETROQUÍMICO EL TABLAZO RIVACO C.A. Olefinas IITurnaroundPlant. QA/QC Inspector.
From:Jan. 1998 to Feb. 1998
C.R. PARAGUANA – INSPFALCA. ALAY e ISAYTurnaround Plant.Static Equipment Inspector.
From:Jun. 1996 to Dec. 1997
C. PETROQUÍMICO EL TABLAZO – TESTEK. MVCI & II Olefinas I y II, Cloro Soda andFertilizers Turnaround Plant.Static Equipment Inspector.
From:Sept. 1995 to Oct. 1995
C.R. PARAGUANA – Radio Inspections. Static Equipment Inspector.
From:Feb. 1995 to Jan. 1993
Industrias Metalmecánicas (FUROCA – ARAGUA / MENACA –Zulia / IVEFA. C.A. –Cojedes.QA/QC Inspector. 

*Normative OMI 1.1 Training Tía Juana –Zulia.
*Helicopter Underwater escape training. Tía Juana –Zulia.
* Standard ISO, Structure and Analysis. Cumana –Sucre.
*Non-Conformities Treatment and Detection. Cumana –Sucre.
* Coating aplication. VLNA DE PINTURAS. Valencia – Carabobo.
*Industrial Radiographic Recertification Level II. ROTARI.CA Maracaibo -Zulia.
* Penetran Liquids Recertification Level II. Bureau Veritas. Valencia – Carabobo.
* Magnetic Particle Recertification Level II. Bureau Veritas. Valencia -Carabobo.
* Safety Standards. Corinpet Oriente. Maturin -Monagas.
* Industrial Radiographic Level II. CODISPOCOD R.S Maracaibo -Zulia.
* Penetran Liquids Recertification Level IICODISPOCOD R.S Barcelona -Zulia.
* S.H.A. Training Pet. Ameriven El Tigre -Anzoátegui.
* Safety for Supervisors. DAYAL VINCENT,C.A. El Tigre – Anzoátegui.
* ISO -. 9000 books confection. CONORDEM. Puerto La Cruz -Anzoátegui.
* ISO.- 9000 Implementation. CONORDEM. Puerto La Cruz -Anzoátegui.
* Quality Audit. CONORDEM. Puerto La Cruz -Anzoátegui.
* Confined Space. PDVSA CIED. Punto Fijo -Falcón.
* H 2 S. PDVSA CIED. Punto Fijo – Falcón.
* Industrial Radiographic Level II. CODISPOCOD R.S. Maracaibo – Zulia
* Basic English. Ince. Valera -Trujillo.
* Operative SystemIntro. J.M. Sistemas. C.A. Caja Seca -Zulia.
* Final Line Audit. Maracaibo – Zulia.
* Hacia la Excelencia Laboral. Maracaibo – Zulia.
* Penetrant LiquidLevel II. Protet, CA. Maracaibo- Zulia.
* Magnetic ParticleLevelI. Protet, C.A. Maracaibo-Zulia.
* Quality Total Control A.T.Z.U. Maracaibo – -Zulia. 

Bachelor Degree as Mechanical Engineer and College degree as Metallurgy and Siderurgy Technology 

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