Figura professionale: Programmatore plc

Nome Cognome: S. Y.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Firenze

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Programmatore plc


  • Plc rockwell, robot fanuc,siemens scount


Work experience Dates; May2012 – Now Occupation or position held: Technician – PLC Programmer Name and address of employer: CTpack s.r.l 355/D, Via Argine Volano, 44034 Fossalta (FE) Italy Type of business or sector: Catering industry (Packaging Machine )

Education and training Dates: December 2009 – March 2012 Title of qualification awarded: Master¿s Degree of computer and automation engineering (Automation), 2nd level degree (35/S class in Engineering) Thesis title: Programming an industrial motion control system for the study of flying shear application (development environment: RSLogix 5000) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Control technique, Robotics, Mechanical vibrations, , identification of models anda Data analysis, database, energy systems, economics and business organization Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Università degli studi di Ferrara 1, Via Saragat, 44122 Ferrara (Italy) Level in national or international classification: ISCED 5

Dates September 2005 to December 2009 Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor¿s Degree of Information engineering (Automation), 1st level degree Thesis title: Simulation of an identified process with PID self-tuning (enviroment: Matlab) Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Industrial automation, automatic controls, electronics (analog and digital), operating system and electronic calculators, fundamentals of mechanical and automatic machines, Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Università degli studi di Ferrara 1, Via Saragat, 44122 Ferrara (Italy) Level in national or international classification ISCED 5 Pre-university studies Title of qualification awarded: Secondary school diploma: Industrial technical certificate (Electrotechnology & Automation) School-leaving examination taken in (year): 2005 Italian secondary school diploma Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Electrotechnology, Systems, Technologies and Design, design of electrical plants, Name and type of organisation providing education and training I.T.I. N.Copernico ¿ A.Carpeggiani¿ 25, Via Pontegradella, 44123, Ferrara (Italy) Level in national or international classification: ISCED 3

Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s): Chinese Other language(s): English, Italian,

Social skills and competences: -Team Spirit ( I have been a part of a student team to prepare a specific project regarding the univerisity courses, I worked with HMI designer in the master¿s degreen thesis) -Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience in CT pack. s.r.l d

Organisational skills and competences: sense of organisation, social interactions, self dependence, motivated to achieve a professional carrier Technical skills and competences: During my preparation of the Bachelor thesis i experimented data from a heating system to get the Mathematical model to be used to construct a self-tuning PID controller (simulated in Matlab) During my preparation of the Master thesis I have developed a program for flying shear application (in RSLogix5000) PLC and HMI Rockwell Automation Fanuc Robotics KUKA Siemens Scout

Computer skills and competences Operating systems: windows, Microsoft office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Access), internet, networking, Multimedia Programming languages known: C, PLC programming language, Specific software: Matlab, RSLogix5000, RSStudio2000, RobotGuide(Fanuc), KUKA, Siemens Scout

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