Figura professionale: Sviluppatore Java Junior

Nome Cognome: F. F.Età: 28
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Settore Generale / IT
Sede preferita: Lugano, Svizzera

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Sviluppatore Java Junior


I am a very inventive person, interested in programming and in all its creative and
mathematical aspects. I have excellent problem-solving skills and I have developed
excellent team-work skills by working on numerous group projects throughout college.
Over the years I have developed many passions, including writing and making music
(soundtracks and electronic music). In addition, since I was 13 years old, I have participated
in math competitions (Bocconi mathematical games), consisting in solving logical problems.

Master degree in Computer Science And Engineering – Artificial Intelligence
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
AI Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Text Mining, Game Theory,
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Machine Learning
Other Relevant Courses: Software Engineering 2, Database 2, Computer Security

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science And Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
Mathematical analysis, statistics, probability and logic.
Algorithms, computational complexity, data structures, theory of automata and
Software engineering (requirements, desing UML, testing), database, computer
architecture and OS.

High School Diploma in Information Technology
I.T.I.S. Magistri Cumacini, Como, Italy

Online Portfolio (React, Javascript, CSS):
ARCOS Thesis (Python, teamwork): a methodology for the identification and ML-based
anomaly detection of human activity in the Arctic region based on satellite pollution data.
MyWorld (React, Javascript): a three-dimensional graphical visualization application for
charts and three-dimensional objects.
Bip Project (Matlab, teamwork): data-set analysis and manipulation and machine
learning model comparison for sales forecasting.
SafeStreets (RASD, DD, teamwork): specification definition for the development of a
system to solve the problem of parking violations.
GeoDiscarica (Java, Javascript, SQL, teamwork): Development of a web application for
the validation of aerial images of locations at risk for the presence of illegal dumps.
Traffic Monitor (Java, teamwork): Implementation of a monitoring system for integrated
traffic control.
Scrabble (C++): Development of the Scrabble game.

Java o o o o o o
Javascript o o o o o
React o o o o
Python o o o o o
C++ o o o o
VB o o o
Database (SQL) o o o o
Matlab o o
Teamwork o o o o o o
Problem solving o o o o o o
English o o o o
Git o o o
Photoshop o o o o
LaTeX o o o
QGIS o o
Microsoft Office o o o o o

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