Figura professionale: Software Engineer

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Sede preferita: Campania

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Software Engineer


11/ 2016  • Name and address of employer T&T SOLUTIONS (by Engineering S.p.A., Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Railways • Occupation or position held Software Engineer • Main activities and responsibilities Development of a Data Warehause for monitoring railways’ stations and trains, doing analytics and data mining. Main Technologies: JavaEE and J2SE (ver. 1.7), WSO2 CEP, WSO2 AS, WSO2 MB, Axis2 web services.

06 / 2016  10 / 2016 • Name and address of employer T&T SOLUTIONS (Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Railways • Occupation or position held Software Developer • Main activities and responsibilities Maintenance and little evolutions and bug-fix of a documental software for RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana). The software is already done but it was merged with a CAS (Central Authentication Service) and the software need to be tested again. The bug-fix is related to browser iussue (ajax communications, widget controls) and Alfresco-CAS-Tomcat integration. MAIN TECHNOLOGIES: ALFRESCO, JAVA, TOMACAT, MySqL.

07 / 2015 – 05 / 2016 • Name and address of employer T&T Solution (by ANSALDO-STS, an HITACHI RAILS Company, Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Railways • Occupation or position held Software Tester (T&T Company Consultant) • Main activities and responsibilities Test and debug of the software mounted on the trains. Two different projects and type of HW and SW: ERTMS/ETCS (European Rail Traffic Management System/European Train Control System) and SCMT (in Italian langue “Sistema di Controllo Marcia Treno”, for the Italian trains’ systems). Software written in pure C and tested with proprietary’s simulation tools (sometimes the debug was made with VISUAL STUDIO 2010).

07 / 2014 – 06 / 2015 • Name and address of employer VITROCISET (Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Defence, Aerospace and Public Administration • Occupation or position held Software R&D Engineer • Main activities and responsibilities Research and Development in the area of Web-prototype, GIS, Sensor's data acquisition, RuleBased Engine, Network Communications. Analisys and implementation of algorithms for ship's shape-recognition and reconstruction in a graphical UI. Main Technologies: Java, Maven, SVN, Smooks.

04 / 2011 – 12 / 2013 • Name and address of employer TBS Group (Triest, Italy) • Type of business or sector Clinical Engineering and Information Systems in Clinical Environment • Occupation or position held Software Engineer • Main activities and responsibilities Developing a web application with PHI-TECHNOLOGY, a framework developed by TBS. Main technology: JBOSS, DROOLS, Hibernate, SEAM, JAVA, MySql, Health Level 7 (HL7). In particular:  Technical Analisys: understanding of the problem (or the client’s request) and searching of strategies for the resolution of the problem (or the realization of the required functionality).  Component’s Design: using the Company's tools (GUI builder developed by the company and embedded in Eclipse), drag-n-drop of pre-installed widgets and related drawing management.  Software Development Frontend: customization of the widget ,previously created, with JS/jQuery code or XHTML code inside the automatically generated web page; small improvements for the login page, managing the JS on the login page to better access to the DB (and java classes); writing of customized JS/jQuery script for the user interaction, such as, the manipulation of the “j-tree” for the multiple-selection in the login and the employee's configuration phases;  Software Development Backend: creation of Java classes, according to the Company's style and criteria; creation of new criteria for new requests or re-use of the existing, such as, creation of specific classes and algorithms for the manipulation of HEADER and FOOTER for an automatic generated PDF (with third party software also, such as iText); bug discover and bug fix in the Company's framework (included as jar project in the solution projects);  jBoss installation and configuration, DB configuration, DB script execution in MySql and Oracle 9, jar file and third party installation, related documentation, test e debug on the single components and for the entire Solution (componenttest, functional-test and integration-test);

02 / 2011 – 04/2011 • Name and address of employer CRB Software Division (Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information and Communication Technology • Occupation or position held Internship paid by “Italia Lavoro” • Main activities and responsibilities Developing a web application to manage data from various type of sensors. In particular:  Technical Analisys;  Intallation and Configuration of a LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySql-PhP) and Eclipse for Linux  Software Development in C language;  Test e Debug; In collaboration with C.A.R.S.O. (Center for Advanced Research in Space Optics)

07 / 2010 – 11/2010 • Name and address of employer Selex Communications (Genova, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information and Communication Technology • Occupation or position held Stage • Main activities and responsibilities A realization of a mini-system for a testing environment. The minisystem is based on a Simulation Software able to generate a data flow to test another software of Command and Control. It is useful for network and software tests, both in normal or stress condition. I developed some adjustment in Java language for the simulation software, some automation's procedure in Pascal Scripting and a parsing tool to retrieve some data from a SQL file and generate a set of XML files needed by the Simulation software itself. Main Technologies: XML, JAVA (publish/subscribe), Pascal Scripting, Telnet and related TCP/IP configuration on Selex router.

09 / 2009 – 12/2009 • Name and address of employer University of Sannio (Benevento, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information Technology • Occupation or position held Research & Development • Main activities and responsibilities A Decisional Support System (DSS) for phisicians' support. A study on security's technologies and a realization of a little web-prototype for the trasmission of clinical data(in xml format) in a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure). On the project in detail. Main Technologies: XML (for HL7-CDA2 in clinical environment), JAVA.

01 / 2009 – 09/2009 • Name and address of employer Unlimited Software (Naples, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information Technology • Occupation or position held Research & Development • Main activities and responsibilities A new type of “Data Entry” on mobile phone in collaboration with University of Salerno (with J2ME on smartphones). Related publication in the “Scientific Publications” section.

2003 – 2003 • Name and address of employer Jacson School (Torre del Greco, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information Technology • Occupation or position held Teacher • Main activities and responsibilities Description, installation and basic configuration of linux environment. Lan configuration. Some programming concepts in C/C++ language.

1997-2002 • Name and address of employer Computer Net (Torre del Greco, Italy) • Type of business or sector Information Technology • Occupation or position held Hardware/Software installation and technical support • Main activities and responsibilities Win95,98,XP, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop

EDUCATION AND TRAINING • Dates (from – to) 12/2009-12/2010 • Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Genova • Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Department of Engineering in Computer Science, Electronic and Telecommunications. • Title of qualification awarded Italian “Master” (Post Degree of level II) in “ICT & Security, for innovation in productive context and development of new markets”. • Level in national classification (if appropriate Italian “Master in ICT & Security, for innovation in productive contexts and development of new markets ”. Grade: 103/110 MAIN ARGUMENTS: Homeland Security, Embedded Systems, Software Development, IT Security, Real Time Operating Systems, New generation networks, Image processing, Fusion of multisensorial data, Telecommunications of new generation, Remote control, Automation. • Dates (from – to) 1999-2008 • Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Salerno • Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Information Technology • Title of qualification awarded (Italian) Doctor in Computer Science (5 years) • Level in national classification (if appropriate) Italian “Laurea in Informatica” / Degree in Computer Science (5 years) Grades: 90/110 • Dates (from – to) 2005 • Name and type of organisation providing education and training Jacson School (Torre del Greco, Italy) • Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Java J2SE Ver. 1.4 Platform • Title of qualification awarded Certification “SUN CERTIFIED PROGRAMMER” • Dates (from – to) 1992-1997 • Name and type of organisation providing education and training High School: “Liceo Scientifico Statale” A. Nobel – Torre del Greco (Naples) – • Title of qualification awarded Italian “Maturità Scientifica” – grades: 47/60

MOTHER TONGUE ITALIAN OTHER LANGUAGES • English language B2  German Language B2



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