Figura professionale: Ingegnere Elettronico

Nome Cognome: F. B.Età: 52
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Sede preferita: Pisa

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ingegnere elettronico


  • Sistemi operativi Windows 95/98, NT(2000,XP) e dei sistemi UNIX/Linux.
  • Buona conoscenza dei linguaggi Pascal, C, C++, Fortran.


Aug 2015 – now Occupation or position held EMC defence systems engineer srl Main activities and responsibilities Development stepper motor control board with microcontroller for turn table project and Labview development GUI control board interface. PCB design with Altium of a USB / optical transceiver. Testing military EUT, MIL-STD-461G ,DO254 Testing encompasses a wide variety of test methods for Military and Systems such as; Surface Ships, Submarines, Army Aircraft (Flt Line), Navy Aircraft, Air Force Aircraft,), Army Ground, Navy Ground, and Air Force Ground. Testing and design for the following:  CE101: AF Currents, Power Leads  CE102: RF Potentials, Power Leads  CE106: Antenna Port  CS101: Power Leads  CS103: Antenna Port, Intermodulation  CS104: Antenna Port, Rejection of Undesired Signals  CS105: Antenna Port, Cross-modulation  CS109: Structure Current  CS114: Bulk Cable Injection (RF)  CS115: Bulk Cable Injection (Impulse)  CS116: Damped Sinusoidal Transients  CS117: Lightning Induced Transients  CS118: Personnel Borne ESD  RE101: Magnetic Field  RE102: Electric Field  RE103: Antenna Spurious & Harmonic Outputs  RS101: Magnetic Field  RS103: Electric Field  RS105: Transient Electromagnetic Field

1 March 2017 – now Occupation or position held Consultant for Eurocontrol spa Main activities Implementation ip Pal to HDMI converter on CycloneIV FPGA

15 February 2015 – now Occupation or position held Consultant for Echoes srl Main activities and responsibilities Implementation on High Speed processing boards of algorithms for passive radar multistatic systems. Use of Vivado® Design Suite for implementing different elaboration boards based on Zynq-7030. Development of dedicated FPGA IPs for signal processing and hardware interfaces. Development of drivers PetaLinux on Zynq . Testing and verify the radar system and developing a verification platform in System Verilog and UVM language. Setup an UVM environnemnt to test and Verify AXI-4 and AXI- Streams interfaces. The developed project in UVM is done with the CADENCE design suite INCISIVE .

15 February 2015 – 14 February 2013 Occupation or position held Cosultant Fpga design Main activities and responsibilities Development of IP on FPGA of image vision for military applications. Simulation with environment Aldec Active HDL 10.1, synthesis with Precision RTL. Knowledge of Zynq platform and Vivado SDK Xilinx development environment, development of IP with AXI interface (Axi4lite, Axi stream). Design on Smart Vision Development Kit (Picozed), analysis of Gige Vision ip core and implementation of

15 March 2013 – 31 January 2012 Occupation or position held Technician to CNIT High Speed Photonic Group (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications). . Main activities and responsibilities Testing with AWG 71000 of ADC and DAC "CHAIS" at 56 Gs / s (Fujtsu), evaluation of performance and chipset band.Cohrent optical detection on Simulink and implementation on FPGA (Virtex 7). -electronic sensor board development for detecting oil turbidity .

01 January 2012 – 28 February 2008 Occupation or position held Electronic engineer to Thyssen –Krupp spa Main activities and responsibilities I worked on the electronic / electromechanical design of stairlifts and elevators using SPAC,Autocad tools. PLC programming (Telemecanique) to perform test cycles for the various types of systems, installation of machines with customers. Design and construction of a display card for elevators. Implementation of test equipment with PLC to test system boards.:

02 February 2008 – 31 July 2004 Occupation or position held Electronic engineer to TD Group spa Main activities and responsibilities I worked on the study and development of smart patches in rfid technology (Toumaz) developed on flexible PCBs. Development a transponder on Ettus board (Gnuradio) in particular I analyzed the analysis and realized a 433 Mhz FSK modulator according to the ISO18000-7 standard for geotracking application. Development hardware and firmware boards for Zigbee sensors using the PIC18f452 and the Chipcon 2420. I worked with the Xilinx Virtex-4 FPGAs and with the related development board and simulation tool

31 February 2004 – 12 Februar 2003 Occupation or position held Electronic engineer to Arts Lab to Sant’Anna Pisa Main activities and responsibilities Development analogic digital design of signal conditioning interfaces related to the Umanoide project (neurophysiological models applied to robots) and Cyberhand. Microcontroller programming (8051 compatible core platform). I have also worked with Bluetooth for its implementation on home automation systems and Wearable electronic systems for the surveillance of prisoners.

1 February 2003 – 1 February 2001 Occupation or position held Electronic engineer to INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) Pisa Main activities and responsibilities Static and dynamic measurements of electronic devices and microstrips for particle detectors for the BaBar experiment in cleanroom environment .Simulations of semiconductor devices with the help of ISETCAD in collaboration with IRST (Trentino scientific research institute). Study and simulation of CSA (Charge Sensing Amplifier) for the BaBar Front-end through the use of CADENCE. Iinspections of wafers and complex electronic circuits using probing test machines and with the aid of microscopes and vision systems (Mitutoyo).

Education and training Dates 01 January 1992 – 31 December 2000 Title of qualification awarded Degree in Electronic Engineering . Principal subjects / occupational skills covered . Thesis title “Numerical simulation of mesoscopic devices in the presence of magnetic field and noise measurements”. Supervisors. Professors Massimo Macucci, Bruno Pellegrini ,Bruno Neri Achievement of the qualification to practice the profession of: ENGINEER on 11/04/2001, with a degree 104 / 110. Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Pisa, Department of Eletronic Engineering Via Diotisalvi, 2, 56124 Pisa (Italy)

Personal skills and competences Other language(s) English B2 Independent user  French A2 Basic User

Technical skills and competences Microcontroller family: Stm32 Pic24 TMS320F28377S Single-Core Delfino Msp430 CC2540 Microcontroller Eda tools: Keil, Iar PLC (Telemecanique SR3B261BD). Labview Matlab Pcb tools: Altium . Cadence Allegro. Hyperlinx Signal integrity course Microwave tools : Keysight ADS 2015 Feko Microwave office Fpga Family: Zynq, Spartan6. Lattice Fpga tools: Simulation and Synthesis Vivado Design Suite. Aldec , Modelsim Rtl Precision UVM tools: Cadence Incisive , QuestaSim. Technical skills and competences : Laboratory equipment: Measures on RTSA7000 (real time signal analyzer). -band-widht oscilloscope). Measures Anritsu MS2668C Spectrum Analyzer (9KHz 40 Ghz). Agilent Measurements 86142B OpticalSpectrum Emi receiver , antenna broadband amplifier and microwave amplifier equipment

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