Figura professionale: Software Engineer

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Software Engineer


Software Engineer (Java) NOV 2017 – Present Nisum Technologies

Full Stack Java Developer JUL 2016 – SEP 2017 Geeks Software Consultancy, Hyderabad

PROJECTS: Collect Data Tools Development Phase Description: The project for the Nisum client Macy’ Platform that handles transaction of setting up store and collect sales data from Macy’s super stores throughout USA. Persisting data, perform data analysis for maintaining stock. Technologies: Spring Boot, Micro-Services Architecture, Web services, Tibco, Oracle, IShop Web Based Management System Sep 2016 Description: Platform for shop owners to manage the shop from any device. There were domain areas for employee, product information and placing order and receipt printing and dynamic rights for every employee currently logged in. Technologies: Spring Framework, JSP, Servlets, MVC Pattern, Html5, Css3, JS, JQuery, Ajax, MySQL, Birt Reporting, HighCharts.js, The Renaissanse Model United Nations May 2017 Description: Complete website for the updates, and registration of participants for event TRSMUN. Website consist of 8 web pages including admin panel for record updating and committee assigning operation. Technologies: PHP, Html5, Css3, JS, JQuery, Ajax, MySQL 

COMPETITIONS: Winner at Gaditek ERD, Use case competition 2017 at NED Karachi Runner Up in Project Exhibition at ICube Isra University 2015 Android Based Location Tracking System

SKILLS Server Side Technologies: Geeks Software Consultancy, Hyderabad Spring Boot, Hibernate ORM, Micro-Services Architecture, Maven, Elastic Search, Kibana, Spring Data, Web Services, Java EE, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, PHP, Tibco Front End Web Technologies: Html5, CSS3, JavaScript Frameworks: Backbone.js Bootstrap, JQuery, HighCharts.js , Ajax, React Desktop Application Development: JavaSE, C++, Java Swing Frameworks: Java Collection Framework, JDBC Databases: MySQL, Oracle, SQLite, JDBC Reporting & Server: Birt, Jasper, Apache Tomcat, Red Hat Jboss, Heroku. Other Technical Skills: Jira, Git, Bash Scripting, Automation Testing, Unit Testing, 

EDUCATION B.E in Software Engineering 2014-2017 Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro

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