Figura professionale: Project Management

Nome Cognome: C. L.Età: 45
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Emilia Romagna

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Project Management


from 04/2011 – 04/2018

Name and address of employer

I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A. , Torre Annunziata (NA)

Type of business or sector

Consultant at ERILAB (Pagani) (Ericsson)

Occupation or position held

Software designer and maintenance engineer

Main activities and responsibilities

–  AXE-10 Software Designer

–  Designer for Maintenance activity  within RES area.

–  Function tests made using SEA tool for a preliminary requirements tests.

– Due to new Ericsson job process, courses about project software design with using of  

   dedicated internal tools (CLEAR CASE,FURAX,EMUDUMP


from 10/2009 to 07/2010

Name and address of employer

I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A. , Torre Annunziata (NA)

Type of business or sector

Consultant at Poste Italiane ( Roma, Italy)

Occupation or position held

Call Center

Main activities and responsibilities

– Thecnical support

from 03/2009 to 09/2009

Name and address of employer

I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A. , Torre Annunziata (NA)

Type of business or sector

Consultant at Metronapoli (Napoli)

Occupation or position held


Main activities and responsibilities

– maintenance

from 07/2008 to 02/2009

Name and address of employer

I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A. , Torre Annunziata (NA)

Type of business or sector

Sibel course (relation database,sql – elementi di programmazione ad oggetti/linguaggio java) (CRIAI – Portici, Italy)

Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

from 04/2000 to 06/2008

Name and address of employer

I.T.S. Information Technology Services S.P.A. , Torre Annunziata (NA)

Type of business or sector

Consultant at ERILAB (Pagani) (Ericsson)

Occupation or position held

Software designer and maintenance engineer

Main activities and responsibilities

Software Design for  Alice 1.5 and Alice 2.0 projects

Maintenance Engineer UAB

– basic test (EMU tools)

– Market corrections designer and maintenance

Education and training

: 1986- 1991

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Perito Tecnico Industriale “A.Volta” in Napoli (Italy)

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered

• Title of qualification awarded

Perito Tecnico Industriale with 48/60 vote.

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)

Personal skills

and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.

Mother tongue


Other languages


Reading skills


Writing skills


Verbal skills


Technical skills

and competences

With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.

Working as software designer and tester by many years I’ve used different kinds of equipments as workstation SUN with Unix OS or Windows machine with XP,NT,Vista OS.

In particular, working for Ericsson exchange system, I’ve an high experience with ASA language and with all the tools useful for simulated environment testing phase (UNIX,WINDOWS,LINUX)

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