Figura professionale: Service Manager

Nome Cognome: V. L.Età: 64
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Italia

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Service Manager


January 2008 – 31st May 2017: employee of Company world leader in the laser industry, bending and waterjet cutting, as HEAD OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.

May 2007 – January 2008: employee of SOITAAB srl located in Ronco Briantino (MB) and used in the role of SERVICE – CUSTOMER SERVICE – AFTER SALES – SPARE PARTS MANAGER.

August 2004 – May 2007: employee of WATERJET srl located in Monza, the world's leading manufacturer of cutting system for all types of material, operated by CNC and used in the role as SERVICE – CUSTOMER SERVICE – AFTER SALES – SPARE PARTS MANAGER. Add, to have contributed decisively to the ISO 9001 certification.

July 2003 – August 2004: employee of ROBERT AEBI AG in Zurich – Switzerland, located in the headquarters of the Canton of Ticino, an importer of machinery for the construction, forklifts from inside and outside, shelving and warehouse (tunnel) "key construction in hand "; in the role as Head of Technical Support – Customer Service. In this role managing a team of technicians and Customer Service I continued the training of technical personnel as well as running in full, the area of the AFTER SALES: complaints management reporting – management workshop – management technical assistance – order management spare parts – offers management and / or quotes – administrative management.

November 1991 – July 2003:  employee OM FORKLIFT S.p.A. Lainate (MI), the world leader (Linde Group) for the production of forklifts from inside and outside application. I was placed first in Customer Service, where I hired the trainer Technical tasks and to be able to provide the correct media, have been transferred to the production centers of MODUGNO / BARI and SUZZARA / REGGIO EMILIA, and pole Warehouse and Service in ROZZANO / MILAN for about fifteen months; in this new reality is inserted in the areas of: PRODUCTION – PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT – RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTS to learn all the technical knowledge, in depth, the characteristics of the models produced both of them electrical, electronics and mechanics. Back at home, I continued to train technicians of dealers, subsidiaries and importers, not to mention absolutely my kind of Technical Assistance; the experience led me to the natural transition into the role of Inspector Technician following customers, importers, subsidiaries and dealers from all over Europe, the Middle East and the Italian EST area. During the verification by the independent Certifying I was engaged as "Auditor" Technical assistance for the Service, following the whole process until the ISO certification. In addition, in the role of consultant, I have joined the Marketing where I had the opportunity to complete my experience available in the market and that allowed me finally to fill the role of Group Leader for Customer Service industry.

June 1981 – October 1991: employee of ARTEMIDE S.p.A. Pregnana Milanese (MI), a world leader in the production of indoor and outdoor lamps; first used as a repair technician; Later, in Quality Control of the finished product and Head of Production limited to certain models of lamps: I was at the head of an induced small industries and suppliers that I ran up to the storage of the lots in the main warehouse. I operated on a technical level, the opening of the new branch in the USA (New York) training of staff until AFTER SALES and in parallel, approaching the new MS-DOS software. As Head of RESI and REPAIRS department, and the experience acquired, it was given the chance to build within the classroom technique I used for the training of technical staff, both internal and external (dealers, Italian subsidiaries and importers and/or foreign).

January 1981 – May 1981: employee of HI.MI.EL of Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI), a supplier of electrical and electronic equipment for civil and industrial environments, used as an installer and test of electrical/onic civil and industrial sites.

June 1978 – September 1979 / September 1980 – December 1980: at the company CEA S.p.A. Milan, I collaborated in the production of wiring and since installation for industrial and civil use.


Luglio 1979  Diploma di Perito Industriale Capo Tecnico specialità Elettrotecnicaconseguito presso l’”Istituto Tecnico IndustrialeStatale G. Giorgi” di Milano con valutazione finale di 42/60

Corsi di Formazione

Ho partecipato a corsi di formazione, aggiornamento ed approfondimento per le seguenti attività:

ð        Servizio Assistenza Tecnica (dal 1981 con cadenza annuale)

ð        Customer Service (dal 1981 con cadenza annuale)

ð        Marketing (dal 1981 con cadenza annuale)

ð        Vendita (dal 1981 con cadenza annuale)

Conoscenze Informatiche

o    PC. sistemi operativi:

o    Windows95/98/NT/Me/2000/2003SERVER/7/8/10/Unix – conoscenza avanzata

o    utenteAS40 – BAAN – ESATTO – SAP – conoscenza avanzata

o    Applicativi:

o    Pacchetto Office – conoscenza avanzata

o    Programmi di posta

o    Exchange, Outlook – conoscenza avanzata

o    Internet

o    Explorer – conoscenza avanzata


·         Inglese:

o    Capacità di Lettura – buono

o    Capacità di scrittura – buono

o    Capacità di espressione orale – buono

·         Francese:

o    Capacità di Lettura – sufficiente

o    Capacità di scrittura – scolastica

o    Capacità di espressione orale – sufficiente

·         Spagnolo:

o    Capacità di Lettura – sufficiente

o    Capacità di scrittura – scolastica

o    Capacità di espressione orale – sufficiente

·         Tedesco:

o    Capacità di Lettura – scolastica

o    Capacità di scrittura – scolastica

o    Capacità di espressione orale – scolastica

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