Figura professionale: Sviluppatore iOS

Nome Cognome: N. F.Età: 32
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano

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Sviluppatore iOS


Work Experience

MCEngineering, Milano (Italia)
22/06/2018 – Now
 iOS Developer – Swift
• Working as a consultant for Reply S.p.A. in Nexi Payments S.p.A,
developing NexiPay iOS App with continuous integration in Agile Scrum methodology.
02/10/2017 – 22/06/2018

DecHit, Milano (Italia)
iOS Developer – Swift
• From 11/17 to 04/18 – as a consultant: Banca Popolare di Milano
(Webank) with continuous integration. During this time i went to a courses in: Advanced Swift – Espero
▫ From 04/18 to 06/18 – Rewritten App for dyslexic children from Obj-C to Swift

 SAS Italia, Milano (Italia)
Developer – Smalltalk
• Software development for terminal/scheduler on factory machinery • Installation
• Maintenance of software
• Specialized telephone assistance
2015 – 2016
While studying iOS technologies, I've developed apps in collaborations with social organizations.
They concerned about:
• Organize Christmas gifts
• Purchase of food products online using Paypal API for a wine shop
• Use of QR Code to speed up the purchase of food in a oratory, using
online database (Parse)

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