Figura professionale: Software & Game Developer

Nome Cognome: S. G.Età: 31
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Office, Tech Buildings

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Software & Game Developer


Rasyonet, 2015 – …

Game developer and software specialist

• Responsibility and capability to coordinate, lead a team inside a project.

• Great capability to research alternate coding methods to fix bugs that were otherwise unsolvable.

• Creating daily/weekly reports about game bugs and possible solutions.

• Following the transition of beta stages to market-ready product unveiling.

• Expert in Unity3d Engine. Big experience of using third party SDK's in Unity 3D (such as NGUI).

• Visual Studio, Mono develop, XCode, Android Studio, SQL Server Management Studio.

I am currently working in particular on a MMO Strategy Game, soon to be released.

Concerning network communication, we are using Photon Unity Networking (PUN). PUN has a really good and strong infrastructure permitting users to send small data within ultimate speed.

As every MMO game, this game has its own applications and I wrote them from scratch.

 I am responsible for the creation and maintenance of the servers and, moreover, I am in charge to coordinate the efforts of the other people inside our team.

Gamewog, 2014-2015

Game developer

• Following the transition of beta stages to market-ready product unveiling.

• Write clean code with best practices of OOP and design patterns.

• Knowledge in data structures, algorithms and computer graphic.

• Web skills: HTML, CSS, JSON, XML, ASP.NET  MVC.

• Good knowledge on .NET and technologies such as WFA, WPF, WCF.

• Full-cycle of game development process from concept to publishing of ten particular game projects, as following: Rubbery Rubbers (July 2015), GardenKeeper (June 2015), Bunny Boo (May 2015), Millenium Race (April 2015), Millenium Race University league (March 2015), Ottoman Slap (February 2015), Pomen (February 2015), Çanakkale Air Wars (January 2015), Çanakkale Runner (January 2015), Çanakkale is Impassable (January 2015).

E D U C A T I O N Bachelor’s Degree Beykent University 2015-2017 Description: Engineering degree with particular focus on image processing, Artificial Intelligence, programming in Java, C, C++

Associate’s Degree Ayvansaray Uni. 2012-2014 Description: Experienced in Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET MVC, WFA, WCF ,WPF Knowledge of Objective C and XCode Extending internet connectivity beyond physical devices (IoT)

High School ITO Technical HS 2008-2012 Description: High school diploma in electronic

A W A R D S A N D C E R T I F I C A T E S Certificate of High Honor – Beykent University (2017) Certificate of Honor – Ayvansaray University (2015) Unity Game Design and Programming – 3D Academy (2014) Computer Programming – Bilge Adam (2013) Software Specialist – Bilge Adam (2013) Asp.Net Data Controls – Bilge Adam (2013) Linq to Object, Linq to XML – Bilge Adam (2013) Linq to SQL – Bilge Adam (2013) MVC 4.0 AJAX – Bilge Adam (2013) MVC 4.0 Routing – Bilge Adam (2013) MVC 4.0 Ajax Seminar – Bilge Adam (2013)

S K I L L S Awesome Very Good Good Not Bad Learning

L A N G U A G E S English Turkish

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