Figura professionale: Data Scientist, blockchain, Data analysis

Nome Cognome: A. F.Età: 50
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Business Intelligence / Data Scientist / DWH
Sede preferita: Milano

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Data Scientist, blockchain, Data analysis


I always present myself as a researcher, independently from the job which I am applying
for. This is because my intimate skills have always been to solve complex problems using
a solid mathematical background. I am very rapid to come in confidence with new
working enviroments, problems, technological framworks, scientific challenges. I am
curious by nature and I love to face conceptual difficulties. I like also a lot working with
data, finding the best way to clean them and to build a conceptual framework to interpret
In the years I also devoleped strong technical skills, mainly using all that frameworks and
sofware tools that live under the name of Data Science. I am actually fluent in Python and
have operative knowledge of main frameworks for data science and machine learning
In the last 4 years I get involeved in a blockchain startup and I developed a technical
competence in principal blockchain open protocols and frameworks (BTC, ETH) and a
techincal competence in datacenter air-flow design and functioning, remote monitoring
and control protocols (modbus) , TCP/IP LANs design and operations, ASIC control and
2000 -2003 My Ph.D. thesys: “Causality and information in quantum theory”
2003-2006 In my post-doc years I have extensively worked on dataset coming from
biological neural networks to find statistical patterns of non-local quantum
correlations in electrical activity. In these period I deeply studied neural networks and
deep learning traditional techinques trying to decelop a quantum neural network learning
2006 I have worked in musical data mining, machine learning and clustering in a
Microsotf Lab project
2010-2012 Worked as consultant in Timeware, Milan in a machine learning project to set
alarms in a big retail network triggered by anomalous economical activity.
2014-2019 Worked in WDMA, Suisse on blockchain projects, making:
– data analyses on price value and action in crypto market.
– collaborating as testing partner in H2020 program Boden Type One
– developing Ai model for mining financial work flow
– setting up modbus server form ASIC remote control

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