Figura professionale: Technical Leader and Senior Developer Java

Nome Cognome: F. I.Età: 46
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Lugano, Svizzera

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Technical Leader and Senior Developer Java


Self-motivated, enthusiastic, analytical and creative agile developer with over 5 years' software development experience. A proven track record of meeting deadlines with a high level of quality assurance. An excellent communicator at all levels of the business; understands user issues and requirements quickly.

Senior Java Developer and Tecnical Focal Point
Aduno-gruppe(Switzerland): (November 15 – present)

Developing new functionality for the CRM of Aduno-Gruppe.  The services of the Aduno Group mainly comprise the issuance of credit and prepaid cards, the associated payment processing (including terminals) and consumer financing. These business units are organized into three independent companies under the umbrella of Aduno Holding AG. Developing a new Architecture of project passing through monolitich to microservice to allow at the business to make lots of deploy.

May 2017 – Present

Backend Language: JDK 1.8
Application Framework: Spring Boot 2.3
ORM: Hibernate 4
DB: Oracle 19.C
Web Container: Tomcat 9.0.34
Test: TDD with Junit 4.12, JMeter
Build Automation Tool: Maven 3.5.3
WebServices: Resteasy 3, Axis 2
JMS: RabbitMQ 3.5.6
Security: Mutual Authentication
IDE: Eclipse / IntellJidea

November 15 – May 2017

Backend Language: JDK 1.7 
Application Framework: OSGI
ORM: Scout
DB: Oracle 19.C / PL/SQL

Web Container: Tomcat 9.0.34
Test: TDD with Junit 4.12, JMeter
Build Automation Tool: Maven 3.5.3
WebServices: Resteasy 3, Axis 2
JMS: RabbitMQ 3.5.6
Security: Mutual Authentication
IDE: Eclipse

Senior Java Developer and Team Leader
Unicredit(Milan): (April 14 – November 2015)

Developing Rest service for the project BABEL.
BABEL is an appication to analize the value of a client using datasource from Unicredit. The architecture is composed of a back-end developed using scala with Hadoop. Rest webservice take information from hadoop and transform it in  json for the front-end. Front-end realizead with angular with bootstrap. Creating of JUNIT and checking with Coberture to know the percentage. 

Backend Language: JDK 1.8
Application Framework: J2EE
ORM: Hibernate 4
DB: Hadoop with Hive
Web Container: Jboss wildfly
Test: TDD with Junit 4 / Coberture
Build Automation Tool: Maven 3.5.3
WebServices: Resteasy 3

Senior Java Developer
Directline(Milan): (October 11 – April 14)
Direct Line is the online insurance company Direct Line Group and is the largest company direct car insurance in the UK.
Project: BAU( Business as Usual) 

Backend Language: JDK 1.6
Application Framework: Spring 4, Apache CXF
ORM: Hibernate 4
DB: Oracle 10
Web Container: Jboss wildfly
Test: Selenium
Front-End: Javascript, JQuery
Build Automation Tool: Maven 3.5.3
WebServices: Rest easy / Axis
IDE: Eclipse

Engineering(Rome) SPA: (Febraury 08 – October 11)
Senior Java Developer

Project: GECO (August 10 – October 11)
Project of construction of a computer system for managing the accounting of the materials of stakeholders in an office Consip creating webservices

Backend Language: JDK 1.6 / JSP
Application Framework: Spring 3 MVC, AOP, Security
ORM: Hibernate 3
DB: Oracle 8
Web Container: Tomcat 6
Front-End: Javascript, JQuery
Build Automation Tool: Maven 2 
IDE: Eclipse

Java Developer    
Project: DLB PUBBLICO (February – 2008 /  August 2010)
Project for the management of the budget forecasts annual spending Consip for the Public sector

Backend Language: JDK 1.6 / JSP
Application Framework: Spring 3 MVC
ORM: Hibernate 3
DB: Oracle 8
Web Container: Tomcat 6
Front-End: Javascript, JQuery
Build Automation Tool: Maven 2 
Test: Stress test Jmeter
IDE: Eclipse

Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (CX-310-065) (SCJP 6.0)
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (CX-310-083) (SCWCD)
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (CX-310-091) (SCBCD)
Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Services Developer Certified Professional Exam (1Z0-862 (SCDJWS)


Sept 1998 – Mar 2007
University Of Catania –– Information Techonology(5 years)
Technologies: UML, Java Threads, C, C++, Sockets, Java RMI, CORBA
Project: Management and Design of the Complex Organic Distributed Architecture (CODA) Middleware Visibroker's ORB for Java, Java Swing

I regularly play tennis, soccer and go to the gym. I like to travel a lot. I like to do trekking    


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