Figura professionale: Ricercatore

Nome Cognome: P. B.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Analista Funzionale / Analista Tecnico
Sede preferita: Brescia, Milano

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Big Data


Scientific Activity
Current Affiliation PostDoc at SISSA
General Interests Data science; machine learning; internet of things.
Theoretical solid state physics. Strongly correlated materials; transport properties; topological
properties; dissipation. Many-body theory; density functional theory; topological band structure.

Current scientific activity Energy dissipation in the Kondo effect
Past scientific Activity Topological Kondo insulators; SmB6; quasiparticle interference, impurities in topological insulators;
strong correlations in topological phases.
Transport in magnetic nanocontacts. Joining DFT and many-body techniques to describe the Kondo
effect from first principles (as a PhD student).
Study of semiconductor nanostructures and their transport properties, focusing on superlattices (as an
undergraduate student).
Informatics Abilities

Good knowledge of Fortran, Python (numpy, scipy, pandas, scikit-learn, keras), Jupyter, Bash and
LaTeX. Basic notions of C, C++, R, SQL, Mathematica, MatLab, PowerBI, git and Libre Office.
Github (
Plotly (
Arduino (

Education and training

July 2017
Participant to “ The CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Applied workshop on IoT/Big-Data

August 2016
Participant to “The CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science”

April 2016 – Present
PostDoc at SISSA

January 2013 – February 2016
PostDoc at the TU Dresden under the supervision of Prof. M. Vojta

October, 29th 2012
PhD degree in “Theory and simulation of condensed matter” with thesis “Kondo conductance
anomalies from first principles” under the supervision of Profs. M. Fabrizio and E. Tosatti

From November 2008 to October 2012
PhD student at SISSA, Trieste.

May, 19th 2009
Diploma at IUSS-SUS (Scuola Universitaria Superiore), with the thesis “Fotoni entangled: analisi 
dell'evidenza sperimentale” (“Entangled photons: analysis of experimental evidences”), supervisor
Prof. V. Degiorgio

 June, 29th 2008
Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Fisiche (second level degree in Physics) at Pavia University; thesis
“Semiclassical analysis of electronic transport in semiconductor superlattices”, supervisor Prof. L. C.
Andreani, co-supervisor Prof. R. Ferreira; mark 110/110 con lode

From September 2007 to June 2008
Guest student (pensionnaire étranger) at ENS, Paris

July, 21st 2006
Laurea triennale in fisica (first level degree in Physics) at Pavia University; thesis “Sistemi
superconduttivi e trasformazione di Bogoljubov-Valatin” (“Superconductive systems and BogoljubovValatin
transformation”), supervisor Prof. S. Boffi; mark 110/110 con lode

From October 2003 to July 2008
Student at University of Pavia, Collegio Ghislieri and Scuola Universitaria Superiore, Pavia

July 2003
Maturità scientifica (high school degree) at Liceo C. Golgi Breno (BS), mark 100/100

English: certification B2 French: certification A2
German: certification B2 Basics of Slovenian and Spanish

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