Figura professionale: Software Architect & Project Manager

Nome Cognome: A. C.Età: 39
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Milano

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Software Architect & Project Manager


  • PHP 5, Java, Zend, Doctrine, Node.js
  • Javascript, jQuery, Angularjs, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, D3.js Mobile ObjecIve C, Adobe Flex Database MySql, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS SQL Server,
  • Oracle Systems Linux administraIon, Mac, Windows APIs REST, JSON -­” Google AnalyIcs, TwiTer, Facebook, Google DFP, Flickr Pla
  • DFP, Google Apps, Google Webmaster Tools Versioning GIT, SVN


March 2013 -­‐ present, SoHware Architect & Project Manager, 3rdPLACE, Milano

•      Internal Project Manager for the SSIX project (ssix-­‐, consorIum funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and InnovaIon Programme ICT 2014, involving companies and universiIes from six European countries. Development of an architecture aimed to create a social senIment index based on the analysis of structured and unstructured data from the web. Responsible for the technical deliverables, internal resources and financial budget. AdministraIon of the personnel involved in the competence work package, transversal to all the companies involved in the consorIum.

•      Responsible for the creaIon of new Pan-­‐European consorIa parIcipaIng in upcoming Horizon 2020 calls. RelaIons with commercial and academic partners, preparaIon of technical project documentaIon, budget and costs  esImaIon.

•      Project Manager for the service layer and front-­‐end development of the proprietary sodware FinScience ( Management of the costs for internal human resources. IntegraIon with a plaeorm owned by the client London Stock Exchange.

•      Management of contracts and relaIons with technical providers. Management of the costs for renIng and administering the server farm (around 30 machines).

•      Development of an automated infographic sodware module for Nestlé Italy, merging data coming from internal reports and external social plaeorms. Hybrid soluIon combining a no-­‐SQL technology (MongoDB) and a relaIonal database (PostgreSQL).

May 2012 -­‐ March 2013, Senior So-ware Engineer, 3rdPLACE, Milano

•      Design and development of 3rdEYE, a web based so9ware for marke;ng reports, compe;tors’ monitoring and trend analysis, built using PHP, Zend, Javascript, jQuery and Backbone.js. The so9ware is used by top players among retailers (Nestlé Italy, Euronics, IBS), publishers (DeAgos;ni, AGI) and other brands like Ferrari and QVC.

•      Leader of the team of 6 working on the product’s front-­‐end and crea;ng the PHP back-­‐end services for data extrac;on and manipula;on.  Introduced Node.js, Angularjs and D3.js in the new version of the product.

•      Managed the birth of, the first catholic adver;sing network sponsored by the Va;can. Worked on the crea;on of the user panel, built in Zend, and the integra;on of the Google DFP API.

•      Ac;vi;es of research and benchmarking on Big Data technologies and Javascript frameworks.

November 2011 -­‐ March 2012, So-ware Engineer (contractor), Diamond Key InternaIonal, Melbourne

•    Joined the front-­‐end team for a 4 months contract in order to develop the new interface of Omega 5000, so9ware used in petrochemical industry to manage the storage, transfer and distribu;on of bulk liquid and gas products.

•    Refactor of the PHP back-­‐end services for data extrac;on from Oracle database.

January 2009 -­‐ May 2012, Freelance So-ware Engineer, WebLogik, Milano

•    Designed and developed the web interface of MoneyController, a tool for the analysis of stock porbolios, built in PHP and jQuery, published on the most popular financial websites in Italy (Wall Street Italia, Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore)

•    Designed, developed and released the iOS and Android version of MoneyController, built in Adobe Flex 4.6 and compa;ble with mul;ple devices. The app has been released worldwide and supports 8 languages.

•    Designed and developed web based consoles in PHP5 and Adobe Flex for the management of prin;ng systems and document workflows. Among the clients: DHL Italy, Number 1 Logis;cs Group, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.

•    Implemented and tested Java so9ware for bank checks prin;ng, in accordance with cryptographic requirements and security guidelines.

August 2007 -­‐ December 2008, Security So-ware Engineer, DFLabs, Milano

•    Designed and developed PTK Forensics, the web based interface for the Sleuth Kit, an open source collec;on of u;li;es for the forensic analysis of disk images on Linux systems. The so9ware, built in PHP5 and jQuery, has been used worldwide by police corps and internal security offices.

•    Designed and developed IncMan, a web based incident tracking so9ware.

•    Implemented so9ware for penetra;on tes;ng built in Delphi, used to stress and test  high  traffic  produc;on systems (e.g. the IT infrastructure managing the circula;on of high speed trains in Italy).

•    Ac;vi;es of digital forensic and log analysis.


2007 -­‐ Bachelor’s Degree in Informa&on Technology

Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Informa9on Technologies, Crema, Italy Final mark 96/110

2002 -­‐ Senior High School -­‐ Classical Studies

Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri, Crema, Italy Final mark 94/100


PTK:  An  Alterna-ve  Advanced  Interface  for  the  Sleuth  Kit”,  Proceedings  of  the  Interna9onal  Workshop  on Computa9onal Intelligence in Security for Informa9on Systems CISIS 2008, Springer (2008)

Technical Skills

Back-­‐end                                  PHP5, Java, Zend, Doctrine, Node.js

Front-­‐end                                 Javascript, jQuery, Angularjs, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, D3.js

Mobile                                     ObjecIve C, Adobe Flex

Database                                  MySql, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS SQL Server, Oracle

Systems                                    Linux administraIon, Mac, Windows

APIs                                         REST, JSON -­‐ Google AnalyIcs, TwiTer, Facebook, Google DFP, Flickr

Pla<orms                               Wordpress, Google AnalyIcs, Google DFP, Google Apps, Google Webmaster Tools

Versioning                               GIT, SVN

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