Figura professionale: Web developer
Nome Cognome | : T. F. | Età | : 37 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Slovenia |
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Web developer
Studio in corso
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Civil engineer
Istituto di istruzione o formazione Faculty of Civil Engineering Ljubljana
Luogo Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conoscenze linguistiche
Lingua Italiano
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua
Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua
Conoscenze informatiche
Capacità e competenze informatiche
Web application developer
1.8.2016 – 20.1.2017
- Wrote a demonstration single page application with Angular JS
- Developed secure and mobile web application using OOP PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap, using MVC architecture in PHP Nova Framework
- Identified and solved security issues with Zed Attack Proxy
- Implemented data statistics and graphic presentation with DataTables and jqPlot
- Designed and implemented relational databases using MySQL and PDO
- Implemented authentication and authorization system
- Engineered Apache test server on Linux-based CentOS 7
iProm d.o.o.
JavaScript developer
1.12.2014 – 30.10.2015
- Developed advanced online advertising formats in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
- Designed and created online advertisements with iPROM tools and Photoshop
- Used GIT version control for developed applications
- Maintained and tested iPROM AdServer system
- Monitored and updated back-end data
Raycap ex Iskra Zašcite
Web developer and admin
1.2.2012 – 30.9.2013
- Developed and maintained Joomla modules in PHP
- Maintained and designed MySQL databases
- Administered and styled web page
- Brought Photoshop designs to life with CSS and HTML
Hobby web development
From November 2011
- Created website to help students of Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering to learn and review their knowledge of a subject Stavbarstvo:
- Setup and re-design of web pages on WordPress platform for example and
Sensee ex myAirBubble
- Created the idea and lead the project
- Assembled and managed the team
- Attended meetings with potential investors
- Inspired multiple people to help with the project
- Produced and designed PR materials in Photoshop, InDesign, Gimp
- Administered Facebook and Twitter page and provided materials for it
- Created a list of 500 technology journalists to form a MailChimp campaign
- Organized several photo shootings and video creation
- Produced 3D model of a product in Blender
- Prototyped a product with a 3D printer
- Researched for optimal electronic components
- Negotiated with subcontractors for mass production
- Ordered manufacturing supplies and produced prototypes
- Tested air flow and sensor reactions with produced prototype
- Developed and designed the website with HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Photoshop
- Tracked website user experience to improve site performance
- Used Google tools to implement website SEO and to research optimal keywords
- Presented the project on Jozef Stefan Institute
Zevs ex AppSwitch
- Created a template for project website in WordPress
- Produced and designed PR materials in Photoshop
- Administered Facebook and Twitter page and run several PR campaigns
- Carried hundreds of interviews with potential buyers regarding the problem we wanted to solve and interpreted the data to make pivots if necessary
- Cooling Inno
- Developed admin web application using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax
- Integrated live temperature graph display with Highcharts
- Implemented remote control of the cooling device
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