Figura professionale: Senior Web Developer, Product Owner
Nome Cognome | : M. F. | Età | : 58 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Roma |
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Product Owner, Senior PHP Developer, WCMS Solution Architect, Full Stack Developer, PAAS International Provider, Arcade Games Producer.
AWS, Drupal Standard and headless, MVC, Docker, MySQL, GitHub, Trello, Slack, Doctrine, Laravel, PHP Storm, Symfony, Wordpress, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/LESS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Nodejs, Highcharts, Git, Adobe Package, Agile Scrum methodology
Rome – Italy, Jan 2019 – Current
Skills and Tools: AWS, Drupal Standard and headless , MVC, Docker, MySQL, GitHub, Trello, Slack,
Doctrine, Laravel, PHP Storm, Symfony, Wordpress.
My work consists of the following tasks:
• Manage projects and the people that work on projects, from initial brainstorming to completion, and
every step in between.
• Daily responsibilities include motivating workers, evaluating progress, and troubleshooting issues
that will inevitably arise.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Technical Leader and
System Architect
Rome – Italy, May 2005 – Dec 2018
Skills and Tools: AWS, HTML5, CSS3, SASS/LESS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Nodejs,
Highcharts, PHP, MySQL, Git, Adobe Package, Scrum methodology
WCMS: TYPO3, Drupal, Wordpress, Concrete5, Joomla, PHPNuke
My work consists of the following tasks:
• Coordinate and supervise the implementation of new requested DRUPAL and TYPO3 features
and modules in support of the customers and corporate Web publishing activities;
• Establish and supervise technical best practices for the maintenance of the WCMS platform, in
particular for the tasks related to the plug-ins installation, roll-out and development; content tables
management; performances monitoring; and code optimization based on specific requests from
technical departments;
• Research, monitor and supervise the further development of the social modules needed for
• Ensure Intranet and Internet web site development for DOs as per their needs liaising with senior
staff across the decentralized office network
• Provide expert advice to Senior Users and End-Users in order to assure the best user experience
related to the supported WCMS;
• Coordinate user training sessions
• Ensure that the help material is up to date and in line with the organizational needs;
• Undertake duty travel or video conferences in order to support Field offices in the WCMS
development, content management task and settings; Eventually train staff across the Regional,
Sub Regional and DOs regarding the best practices in WCMS implementation and administration;
Coordinate and supervise PSA and external consultants for the development of WCMS plug-ins;
Documentation of all of the above in English; and other related duties as necessary.
• Lead the code optimization and performances monitoring of the corporate WCMS; Lead user
training sessions;
Geyser 3 S.p.A.
Project Leader and System Architect
Rome – Italy, June 1999 – May 2005
Skills and Tools: Sales Manager and Project Leader
Assigned as Account Manager for :
• I.N.A. Assitalia Sede Centrale
• BNL Multiservizi (Sharepoint)
• I.C.E. IT (Domino)
• Laziomatica S.p.A. (Usi Civici e Diritti Collettivi)
• SOGEI (Sistema Territoriale Geo-referenziato)
• C.S.M. (Centro Sviluppi Materiali)
General Services and Technologies S.p.A.
Senior C++ Developer / System Architect
Rome – Italy, January 1997 – May 1999
Skills and Tools: C++, VBA, HTML, SAP, ABAP.
Assigned as senior developer and project coordinator for Agip Petroli S.p.A. (ENI) in Rome
IT Consultant
Content Manager and Information Architect
Rome – Italy, 1990 – 1999
• (PAN ELECTRIC S.r.l.) Contract programmer and DB architect
• (P.C.M.) Data processing operator at “Centro Elaborazione Dati della Presidenza del Consiglio
dei Ministri”.
• (SINERMATICA S.r.l.) Data analysis and elaboratrion for the major oil industries such as ESSO,
• (S.T.E. S.r.l.) Consultancy as installer of sever-client architectures including configuration and
maintainance of WINDOWS NT networks at AgipPetroli S.p.A. offices.
University of Rome “La Sapienza” 1987 – Bachelor of Computer engineering
I completed two years of my degree but I deferred it to focus in work full time.
Michelangelo Institute Roma
High school diploma, Social science
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