Figura professionale: Project manager

Nome Cognome: S. B.Età: 47
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Project Manager/Architetto SW/ IT Manager
Sede preferita: Ticino

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Project manager


  • Project Management, software development, system administration


Perito in Informatica


February 2015 – Today Ateikon Internet & Multimedia Srl, Software house.
Reporting to General Manager, I dealt with management of an international project for implementation of a system for optimization of concrete dispatching:
• documentation writing;
• organization of demonstrations;
• project and budget management;
• requirements analysis;
• front end support;
• coders support.

July 2014 – November 2014 Fahrenheit Srl, transport company.
Reporting to General Manager, I dealt with the renew of the IT systems:
• analysis of the current system;
• design of the new system, including virtualization, backup and disaster recovery, data security, location and ERP selection
• project and budget management;
• management of external resources for the realization of programs;
• Systems administration.

July 2007 – June 2014 Cassa Edile di Venezia e Provincia, corporate organization for construction area.
Reporting to General Manager, I was in charge of managing the computer systems and of the design of internal procedures to improve the efficiency of processes:
• functional analysis and application design;
• project and budget management
• organization of corporate resources to increase the efficiency of processes;
• management of external resources for the realization of programs;
• qualitative analysis of information system and improvements in order to
increase technology level of institution.

July 2006 – July 2007 ENEL Servizi Sr.l, a subsidiary of ENEL for I&CT infrastructure development


Reporting to Project Manager, I dealt with analysis and programming using using PL/SQL and Delphi:

• analysis for implementation of procedures for low voltage current dispatching and optimization;
• data analisys and reporting.

April 2003 – June 2006 Fiorital Srl, Europe’s leading import and export of live, fresh, frozen and finished fish, 200 employees, turnover € 200,000,000.
Working within a team of 4 people and reporting directly to EDP Manager, I was in charge of the Systems Administration, the Hardware and Software Selection, analysis and resolution of internal issues, such as:
• project management for ERP Navision vertical solutions in the logistics and accounting areas;
• identification of data backup management systems, according to business needs;
• SAN and server implementations, managing suppliers directly (25% saving compared to the provisions of the budget);
• creation of VB-Excel programs for data manipulation and user related staff training;
• software selection for management application of Venice fish market sales and support to implementation;
• according with store manager, I dealt with reorganization of management process for live fish department, creating an interface for weighing incoming and outgoing goods;
• system analysis for warehouse automatization.

February 2000 – March 2003 Gruppo Coin, a leader in the marketing of clothes.


I dealt with the analysis and implementation of applications for logistic area. Particularly, I created a system capable to reduce the opened DB2 connections to one per computer via OLE interface, in parallel with developing a unified reporting system. I also revised the EDI system in order to make it more manageable and efficient.

March 1999 – January 2000 Sirac srl, a company working in the IT industry, 8 employees.


September 1998- February 1999 Micromega Sas, a software house involved in the development and distribution software


September 1997 – August 1998 Sia SpA, a leading producer of software for the insurance companies


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