Figura professionale: Big data engineer

Nome Cognome: M. B.Età: 30
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Italy

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Big data engineer


Work experience
Eesti Energia | Tallinn, Estonia — December 2019 to Present
Big Data Engineer
— Fault prevention/Predictive maintenance of low voltage substations
— Various data loading and analysis projects
TATA Consultancy Services — Aug 2016 to October 2019
Big Data Engineer — for a German bank's multi-tenant hadoop 2 stack
based data and analytics platform offered as a managed PaaS.

Roles and Responsibilities
• Deploying, automating, scheduling and maintaining Machine Learning models.
• Design and development of scalable, automated and secure ETL pipelines — using tools like NiFi, python, pentaho.
• Perform POCs and demonstrations as per requirement.
• Transformation of raw data from varying sources into useful components of the data lake using sqoop, pyspark etc.
• Automation of pipelines and scripts using control-m.
• Hadoop cluster – performance testing, benchmarking andoptimisation.
• Creation of edge node packages for Hadoop and spark.
• notebook env setup – zeppelin, Jupyter.
• data analysis and visualisation – pandas, matplotlib
• Cluster upgrades for Hadoop and other components like
spark, unravel, datameer etc.
• Inter cluster data migration and data synchronisation
• Help offer the data and analytics platform as a managed PaaS
• Ad hoc Ansible playbook development for server
configuration upgradation of components like java,anaconda.
• Creating automated Housekeeping and monitoring scripts
• Implementing end to end monitoring solution for different services like streamsets, Oracle DHS.

• Hadoop distributed cluster setup in a firewalled and sandboxed environment
• Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Farmer’s welfare using ICT — Android App, R
• Employee Management System — HTML, Javascript, PHP, MySQL
• Stationery Management System — C++
• Retail Banking Application — C++, Pro*C, Oracle
• NSE index dashboard
• Wikipedia infobox data extraction
• Windmill sensor data format conversion flow

Technical Skills
Frameworks and Libraries : Hadoop stack, NiFi, Spark, Ansible,
Conda, pandas, numpy, matplotlib
ETL : Pentaho, Sqoop, NiFi
Automation, Orchestration and Scheduling: Airflow, Oozie
Languages : python, R, HQL
Data Storage and Analysis : HDFS, hive, HBase, Impala, Oracle,
MySQL, Excel, Vertica
Automation and Scheduling : control-m, NiFi
Containerization : Docker
Notebooks : zeppelin, Jupyter
Monitoring : geneos, Zabbix

Volunteering experience
Tallinn animal shelter – January 2020 – at Tallinn, Estonia
TATA proengage – January 2018 – August 2018 at ASPIRE India, New Delhi.
TATA proengage – January 2019 – June 2019

MOOCs, Courses and Trainings
• Innovation and IT Management. IIMBx
• Introductions to R. Microsoft DAT : 204x
• Introduction to Apache Hadoop
• Android App Development at NIVT India
• ILP – Unix, C++, Oracle : TATA Consultancy Services
• IBM Data Science Professional Certificate*
• Data Engineering, Big Data and Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform* specialisation 

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