Figura professionale: Digital Marketing

Nome Cognome: G. B.Età: 37
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Milano

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Digital Marketing


Digital Specialist / Graphic Designer – ThemaCreart Branding and Design Studio
June 2016 – present
Digital Specialist, Graphic Designer and PM on multiple projects. I manage the whole online presence of my clients, from their website to their adv campaign to their Social Network. I study, write and design the content by analysing datas such as customer behaviour and user experience. I am also the copywriter for both italian and english languages.

Edinburgh – Scotland
July 2013 – September 2014
During this amazing year abroad I worked in a restaurant as a bar tender and, subsequently, in a kilt shop as a shop assistant. I perfected my English while also winning a lot of fears concerning living in a Country where you only know a handful of people and gaining confidence in your own skills.

Graphic Designer – ThemaCreart Branding and Design Studio
September 2011 – June 2013
I started my days in ThemaCreart as a pure Graphic Designer. I was responsible for both print and digital graphic design. My day to day activities included the study of logos, primary and secondary packaging, catalogues, brochures but also adv banners, landing pages and web design.


Ninja Academy – Web Academy specialised in Marketing Education October 2016 – March 2017 Online Master in Digital Marketing. The course focuses on all aspects of Web Marketing from the study of an efficient Dgital Strategy to the execution of all the activities to translate it into the Marketing Plan.

Libera Accademia di Belle Arti – Brescia October 2007 – February 2012 Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design Multimedia. Dissertation “The use of post-production in the Fashion Industry”

Art High School “Bruno Munari” – Crema (CR September 2012 – June 2007 Graphic Design Curriculum.

Skills Mac and Windows OS Social Networks for business HTML language (basic) CMS such as WP and PS SEO copy writing Adobe software Fluent in English Project Management Problem solving Team Working Meeting deadlines Working on multiple projects

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