Figura professionale: Developer Web, Ingegnere Informatico

Nome Cognome: A. B.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio-Emilia, Arezzo, Firenze, Pisa, Siena, Bolzano, Trento

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Ingegnere Informatico


  • Design and development of real-time and multi-threaded applications
  • Test-driven development
  • Qt (Excellent)
  • Linux (Excellent)
  • Python (Excellent)
  • C++ (Excellent)
  • MySql (Excellent)
  • Git (Excellent)
  • Sip (Good)
  • CMake (Good)
  • Java (Good)


Professional experience

Employer Aep Ticketing Solutions – Indefinite ( Feb 2018 – Currently)
Professional role Senior Embedded Software Engineer
Responsability Architecture design, software development and integration of new features in existing
Skills Scrum, Kanban, Yocto, TDD, Qt, QML, c++, git, svn

Employer Amaris – Indefinite (Dec 2016 – Feb 2018)
Professional role Experienced Consultant at Thales RCS
Responsibilities Architecture design and software development of the software for (1) Bordeaux
Metropole City and (2) Doha new ticket vending machines.
Provide tutoring to junior developers.
Skills Scrum, Kanban, Qt, QML, c++, git

Employer Alfazero S.p.A. – Indefinite (Oct 2015 – Dec 2016)
Professional role Senior Embedded Software Engineer
Responsibilities Architecture design and software development for (1) the cluster of an electric vehicle
and (2) for the control of smart charge systems.
Skills Scrum, TDD, Yocto, Qt, QML, c++, git

Employer Diesse Diagnostica Senese – Indefinite (Mar 2012 – Oct 2015)
Professional role Software Engineer
Responsibilities Design of software platforms for microbiological analytical instrumentation.
Skills Scrum, TDD, Qt, QML, c++, Python, git

Institute Università degli studi di Siena (Oct 2009 – Feb 2012)
Qualification Master of Science degree in Software Engineering (110/110)
Thesis “Study and development of image processing techniques for the analysis of turbidity of urine”

Internship Diesse Diagnostica Senese S.p.A. (Sep 2011 – Jan 2012)

Institute Università degli studi di Siena (Oct 2003 – Apr 2009)

Qualification Bachelor of Science degree in Software Engineering (90/110)

Additional skills
Native language Italian
Other languages English (Lived in London in August 2013)
Reading / Writing / Oral Excellent / Excellent / Good

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