Figura professionale: Telecommunication Engineer

Nome Cognome: O. A.Età: 40
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Engineering
Sede preferita: Torino

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Telecommunication Engineer


09/10/2018 – 12/07/2018 UAV-UGV

Camera-based Aided Positioning (Loose Integration of external positioning
Politecnico di Torino – Torino – ITALY
Perform a simulative/feasibility study on the loose integration between GNSS-based
solution of an UGV (rover) and external vision-based observations of the UGV by an
UAV. A highresolution
camera mounted on the UAV provides precise observations of a given ground marker
installed on the rover. Such an information is exchanged with the UGV to improve
capabilities of its GNSS code-based (and carrier-smoothed) positioning.

02/08/2010 – 07/31/2013 Manager/Supervisor
Neighbourhood Cafe – Sapele – NIGERIA
The project involves the upgrading of computers and telephones, the formatting and
installation of software problems. My job was to detect and eliminate any technical
problems from the devices. In addition, when a software problem occurs, I resolves the
situation and / or provides replacement for all defective devices. I was also involved in
the teaching of new students.
Permanent Employment

02/05/2007 – 09/24/2007 Electrical Engineer intern
Power Holding Company of Nigeria – Delta State – NIGERIA
Maintenance of electrical equipment. Also involved in replacing spoiled electrical
components. Steam turbine monitoring and formatting of computers.

EDUCATION 01/15/2018 – up to present * 2nd level Specializing Master Navigation And Related Applications Politecnico di Torino 09/20/2013 – 04/07/2017 * Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering Politecnico di Torino Thesis: MODULATION SCHEMES FOR SINGLE-LASER 100GB/S LINKS: MULTICARRIER Supervisors Curri V. Final grade 89/110 09/22/2003 – 06/30/2008 Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering Power and machine – Anambra/Nigeria Thesis: Modelling and analysis of a current transformer Using matlab, I analyse the activities of a current transformer, showing how different factors affect it. Final grade 3.59/5

TRAINING 01/22/2018 – 12/07/2018 Satellite Navigation Engineer (duration 12 months) Politecnico di Torino – Torino – ITALY Certificates obtained: specialization

LANGUAGE SKILLS Mother tongue English Other languages Italian B1

COMPUTER SKILLS OPERATING SYSTEM good level PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE/CODE intermediate level PROGRAMS/SOFTWAR E intermediate level DATABASES basic level CAD basic level GRAPHICS basic level SPREADSHEET intermediate level OTHER Microsoft Office, Electronic workbench

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