Figura professionale: Programmatore, ingegnere informatico, software developer
Nome Cognome | : M. U. | Età | : 40 |
Cellulare/Telefono | : Riservato! | : Riservato! | |
CV Allegato | : Riservato! | Categoria CV | : Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev. |
Sede preferita | : Emilia Romagna: PiacenzaLombardia: Lodi, Milano |
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- ? PROGRAMMING: Visual C#.NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Delphi, ASP.NET 2.0 using C#, VC++, C & C++ on Windows and Linux, Perl, HTML, AJAX, Infragistics, Entity Framework, MVC, PHP.
- ? TOOLS: Visual Studio, Rational Rose, Visual Studio.NET, Matlab, Dreamweaver, JBuilder, Borland & Turbo C++, MS Office, Intersystem Cache System Management Portal, Borland Developer Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench.
- ? PLATFORMS: CACHE, TFS, MS DOS, MS Windows 9x/2K/XP/VISTA/7, Linux, Windows Mobile 5.0/6.1/6.5, Windows Phone 7, Android.
- ? ORM: nHibernate, XQuery.
- ? Experience in Analysis, Design, Architecture Writing, Development, Roll Out & Maintenance of Software Systems.
- ? Experience in finalizing Application Architecture, deciding Integration Agreements (IA) between applications.
- ? Schedule, Compress, Restore, Mount, Backup and Adhoc DB patches update of Cache Databases for PMS and HIS Environment.
- ? Exposure of client DB setup, technical and live support services to Clients, Managers and Business Analysts, troubleshooting and maintenance of our running HIS and PMS Systems.
- ? Configuration of PMS in Servers located at USA and configuration of client computers.
- ? Hands on experience of installations like Prescription Printers, Fax, IIS Setup, CACHE Deployment, DB Mounting, Data Migration, Applications Setups, Voice Enabled Setups and installations on PDA’s etc.
Settembre 2014_Master in Computer EngineeringSettembre 2005_Bachelor of Science(Honors), Computer Sc
Marzo 2015 – Oggi
Figura ricoperta Senior Software Engineer
Datore di lavoro InfoSolution S.p.A
Luogo Milano
Principali attività e responsabilità
DeskIoT Simulator
DeskIoT is a interactive and intelligent conference room table that facilitates the particepents with all the automation features of the conference room, integrating through KNX devices.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 4.5, UDP Communication, Enigma Protocol.
Cheonix Smart City Configurator
CHEONIX is a reality that provides innovative technology and services for the accounting of water, heat, gas, electricity.
Using RF 169 protocol communicating with different meters to configure them according to your convenience, when and how to transfer meter reading and other possible configurations.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 4.5, Serial Communication.
Hardware: Cheonix WMT 169, Pulse-169
Cheonix Smart City Configurator (Friendly Interface)
Friendly Interface for final Users with auto configuration and less manual efforts. It a wizard patern interface for the Users to achieve there purpose with less possible time anf efforts.
Platform: WPF(MVVM), C#.NET Framework 4.5, Serial Communication.
Hardware: Cheonix WMT 169, Pulse-169
Pulse-169 Banco di Collaudo (Hardware Testing Bench)
Using Arduino Automated a tool to test all the componets of the Hardware for production and riparing.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 4.5, Arduino, Serial Communication.
Hardware: Pulse-169, Arduino, Golden Sample, MSP430 Flash Emulation Tool
Maggio 2010 – Marzo 2015
Figura ricoperta Senior Software Development Engineer
Datore di lavoro S5 Tech S.p.A
Luogo Milan, Italy
Principali attività e responsabilità
? Android Application to manipulate ESL
Using NFC(Near Field Communcation) enabled Anroid devices to communicate with the ESL and manipulate related operations.
Platform: Java (Android)
Harware: Andriod device with NFC complince
? Functional driver for ESL
ESL is basically a hardware device (CC2530) for electronically labelling the products on the stores, these labelling could be the prices of the products and few details like discounts and offers available.
The CC2530 is a true system-on-chip (SoC) solution for IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee and RF4CE applications. It enables robust network nodes to be built with very low total bill-of-material costs. The CC2530 combines the excellent performance of a leading RF transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8-KB RAM, and many other powerful features. The CC2530 comes in four different flash versions: CC2530F32/64/128/256, with 32/64/128/256 KB of flash memory, respectively. The CC2530 has various operating modes, making it highly suited for systems where ultralow power consumption is required. Short transition times between operating modes further ensure low energy consumption.
Combined with the industry-leading and golden-unit-status ZigBee protocol stack ( Z-Stack™) from Texas Instruments, the CC2530F256 provides a robust and complete ZigBee solution. Combined with the golden-unit-status RemoTI stack from Texas Instruments, the CC2530F64 and higher provide a robust and complete ZigBee RF4CE remote-control solution.
Platform: IAR Embedded Workbench.
Harware: TI – CC2530 (2.4-GHz IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee)
? Communication System between Network and Backend for ESL (Electronic Sample Labeling)
ESL is basically a hardware device for electronically labelling the products on the stores, these labelling could be the prices of the products and few details like discounts and offers available. Parallel to the implementation of this backend system, it was a requirement that a salesman passing by update the ESL devices through any hand-held device. S5Tech manufactured their own device capable of reading through barcode scanner and communicates to the server through WiFi. Using hand-held device salesman can update price and assigning the specific ESL device to any product in the market. I am on a leading role to develop this project within the timeline, with a junior developer under me.
A soft, friendly, easy to use standard version of this application is also developed with limited functionality keeping in mind new Touch Sense UI Interfaces.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 3.0, ASP.NET 2.0.
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
? PDA Support for ESL (Electronic Sample Labeling)
ESL is basically a hardware device for electronically labelling the products on the stores, these labelling could be the prices of the products and few details like discounts and offers available. Parallel to the implementation of this backend system, it was a requirement that a salesman passing by update the ESL devices through any hand-held device. S5Tech manufactured their own device capable of reading through barcode scanner and communicates to the server through WiFi. Using hand-held device salesman can update price and assigning the specific ESL device to any product in the market. I am on a leading role to develop this project within the timeline, with a junior developer under me.
A soft, friendly, easy to use standard version of this application is also developed with limited functionality keeping in mind new Touch Sense UI Interfaces.
Platform: C#.NET Compact Framework, WM 6.5 for Windows Mobile
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
? Multi-Touch Object Identification and Ordering System
Managed an existing application and also developed a new applications for the advertisement of our clients specifically for marketing purpose as well as for providing services to the customers in front of the table.
Platform: C#.NET, WPF, Microsoft Surface.
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Gennaio 2011 – Dicembre 2013
Figura ricoperta Senior Software Development Engineer
Datore di lavoro European Investment Consulting S.r.l
Luogo Milan, Italy
Principali attività e responsabilità
? AIC –EIC Services Automation
Providing services to Pernsion Fund Capitalization organization like PERVIMODA and FONTEDIR, with the collaboration of Accenture Innovation Center. Services consist of delivering Contribution/Performance Analysis of the funda and giving reports on the basis of those analysis. These services automatically provides service on the daily, monthly, and annually reports.
Contribution analysis automatically calculates the return contributions of underlying assets in a proforma portfolio and/or fund of funds giving the resulting analysis to be displayed in a tabular and
graphical presentation. This nicely compliments our other portfolio construction and modeling tools, further assisting our clients as they seek to better understand the elements that are contributing to the overall performance of their portfolios.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 3.0, ASP.NET 2.0
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
? EIC Performance Attribution System
Performance Attribution System is for Financial market analysis with historical data. Historical and future analysis of different investments types on the basis of Performance attribution model. Support the financial consultants to take decisions on historical and future data. Analyze the financial markets and suggest the suitable investment type.
Database management and administration. Suggest the optimal solution to retrieve and store data. Suggest the feasible technologies solutions. Efficient data access and retrieving techniques.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 3.0, ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft SQL Reporting Services
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
? Migrating EIC Performance Attribution System to WEB
Exsisting Performance Attribution System has some drawbacks and among themthe most untollerable are not being used outside the network, to slow in responding and in some cases like generating reports and initiating analysis it is restricted to be used by one user at a time.
To resolve all the issues related to Performance Attribution in a feasible way is to refactor all the System and switch it to Web Solution.
Platform: ASP.NET 2.0, Ajex, Microsoft SQL Reporting Services
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
? FactSheets Automation
Company publishes every month factsheets of different funds. The goal of the project was to automate the process of publishing the factsheets in Italian and English lanugae. We designed a standard template using the windows form which gets the data from excel and text files and print the factsheets in pdf format.
Platform: C#.NET Framework 3.0, Migra Open Source Library, Zend Graph Library, Google Translate API
Database: File System
Agosto 2007 – Settembre 2009
Figura ricoperta Senior Software Engineer (Development Lead – CPRS Team)
Datore di lavoro KABOT International Pakistan
Luogo Lahore, Pakistan
Principali attività e responsabilità
? Practise Management System (CPMS)
I was leading the team of eleven. Patient Record Application is Delphi open source. Registration, Scheduling, Laboratory, Billing and Administration applications are .NET built applications. Middle tier of the application is built using Windows Communication Foundation for Web Services (WCF Services), nHibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and the presentation tier is built on ASP.NET . Application Middle Tier is set up using Microsoft Web Service Software Factory and presentation tier is set up using Microsoft Web Client Software Factory. Microsoft Patterns and Practices Enterprise Library blocks of Caching and Logging are used both on presentation tier and middle tier. I developed number of use cases in this module. Later I led the team that resolved UAT issues and rolled out the system in Production. Currently our product CPMS is deployed and under production phase in three major practises in US i.e Surgical Associates of Dallas, Arkansas Cancer Institute and Greenville Nephrology Associates.
Complete Patient Management System (CPMS) follows complete flows of Practise Management System (PMS). PMS includes registration, scheduling, pharmacy, laboratory and Patient Record Applications. CPMS is well integrated and fulfils CCHIT standards.
Environment: C#.NET Framework 3.0, ASP.NET 2.0, Delphi, MUMPS
App Server: Intersystem Cache, SQL Server 2005.
Database: CACHE (VISTA)
? Voice Support for Practise Management System (CPMS)
As a continual of CPMS, I provided voice support to my application by using Dragon NaturallySpeakingTM 9 (DNS) product from Dragon Systems. I utilized its API’s and controls for recognition of our business projects processes. Place Orders and Prescribe medications, Select patients, View results and details, Compose e-mail messages, notes and fill templates, Create reports, and much more all by speaking. It’s over three times faster than typing and almost six times faster then performing use cases by mouse or keyboard. I have done automation of my business flows as per client requirements. It gave us an immense and extra ordinary speed and automation to our many and commonly used use cases.
? PDA Support for Practise Management System (CPMS)
As a continual of CPMS, this software was developed for PDA’s too using Mobile Client Software Factory. A physician can register, encounter, schedule or create any visit for a patient using PDA.
? SureScripts Certification
As far as this project is concerned, I was providing consultancy and leading team of four with my peer Project Lead. This is highly integrated with CPMS so that Physician can send prescription electronically. This team is developing an e-Prescription system based on EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to be integrated with Pharmacy Health Information Exchange operated by SureScripts (largest network to link electronic information between pharmacies and physicians).
? Electronic Patient Record System
KABOT is targetng the US healthcare industry and the its main product EPRS is basically the combination of both re-engineering and scratch development.
Initially, as an analyst I had looked in depth MUMPS(Server side coding) for its broker and already developed module and on core domain of health care industry like Billing, Registration, Scheduling, ADT, Pharmacy and Lab modules.
As this is a re-engineering project, we are building this application parallely in C#. Middle tier of the application is built using Windows Communication Foundation for Web Services (WCF Services), nHibernate for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) and the presentation tier is built on ASP.NET . Application Middle Tier is set up using Microsoft Web Service Software Factory and presentation tier is set up using Microsoft Web Client Software Factory. Microsoft Patterns and Practices Enterprise Library blocks of Caching and Logging are used both on presentation tier and middle tier. Being the heart of this enterprise product, we have to provide different web services to the our ancillaries. So regarding order entries and patient demographics I have handon experience of these web services as well.
Platform: ASP.NET, nHibernate, Delphi 7
App Server: Intersystem Cache
Database: Oracle 9i
? Hospital/Practice Management System Analysis
I have been working in this company almost right since its inception and have been involved in the complete SDLC of a product i.e. analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. We had to develop a US hospital/practice management system for private sector from scratch, based on an existing system VA VistA, which is being used in US Veterans’ Hospitals. Initially we started from a detailed analysis of VA VistA, in which I was responsible for ADT, Registration, Scheduling, CPRS, Pharmacy, Orders, Clinical Reminders, Problem List, Lexicon and MEDS modules.
The analysis covered the understanding of detailed flows of the existing system, identifying its strong & weak points, understanding the business flows/domain and suggesting improvements.
Settembre 2005 – Agosto 2007
Figura ricoperta Software Development Engineer (Developer – USB Team)
Datore di lavoro Mentor Graphics Pakistan
Luogo Lahore, Pakistan
Principali attività e responsabilità
Mentor Graphics is a multinational company working on Embedded Technology, I was acting as a Software Developing Engineer in USB Team (Function Controller Divission).
– Upgrading all the USB function controller.
– Provided support in few releases.
– Added Nucleus Middleware Initialization (NMI) support in CCID Class Driver, RS232 Class Driver and Printer Class Driver.
– Builded an Application to communicate between USB Camera and USB Printer.
– Scaled CCID Class Driver.
– Worked on Printer OTG Application.
– Added Uninitialization Functionality in Class Drivers, removing Memory Leaks.
– Wrote Mass Storage Class Driver and its Bug Fixing.
Istruzione e Formazione
Settembre 2014
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Master in Computer Engineering
Istituto di istruzione o formazione Politecnico di Milano
Luogo Milan, Italy
Settembre 2005
Titolo della qualifica rilasciata Bachelor of Science(Honors), Computer Science
Istituto di istruzione o formazione University of The Punjab, Pakistan
Luogo Lahore, Pakistan
Conoscenze linguistiche
Lingua Italiano
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Buono
Capacità di espressione orale Buono
Lingua Inglese
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Ottimo
Capacità di espressione orale Ottimo
Lingua Urdu
Capacità di lettura/scrittura Madrelingua
Capacità di espressione orale Madrelingua
Conoscenze informatiche
Capacità e competenze informatiche
? PROGRAMMING: Visual C#.NET, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Delphi, ASP.NET 2.0 using C#, VC++, C & C++ on Windows and Linux, Perl, HTML, AJAX, Infragistics, Entity Framework, MVC, PHP.
? TOOLS: Visual Studio, Rational Rose, Visual Studio.NET, Matlab, Dreamweaver, JBuilder, Borland & Turbo C++, MS Office, Intersystem Cache System Management Portal, Borland Developer Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench.
? PLATFORMS: CACHE, TFS, MS DOS, MS Windows 9x/2K/XP/VISTA/7, Linux, Windows Mobile 5.0/6.1/6.5, Windows Phone 7, Android.
? ORM: nHibernate, XQuery.
? Experience in Analysis, Design, Architecture Writing, Development, Roll Out & Maintenance of Software Systems.
? Experience in finalizing Application Architecture, deciding Integration Agreements (IA) between applications.
? Schedule, Compress, Restore, Mount, Backup and Adhoc DB patches update of Cache Databases for PMS and HIS Environment.
? Exposure of client DB setup, technical and live support services to Clients, Managers and Business Analysts, troubleshooting and maintenance of our running HIS and PMS Systems.
? Configuration of PMS in Servers located at USA and configuration of client computers.
? Hands on experience of installations like Prescription Printers, Fax, IIS Setup, CACHE Deployment, DB Mounting, Data Migration, Applications Setups, Voice Enabled Setups and installations on PDA’s etc.
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