Figura professionale: Sviluppatore WEB

Nome Cognome: M. C.Età: 39
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Developer / Web dev. / Mobile dev.
Sede preferita: Milano, Roma, remoto

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Sviluppatore WEB


Freelance 10.2006 > Current
– Developing websites that have a consistent feel and look throughout all web properties
– Developing and maintaining the functionalities of websites (Front End & Back End)
– Participating in discussions with clients to clarify what they want.
– Devising SEO strategies based around specific keywords.
– Monitor & Analyze website performances
– Determine website goals and objectives
– Manage A/B testing
– Adwords Campaigns Management
– Technical assistance: on site and remote

Web Developer – Digicamere 11.2005 > 10.2006
– Development of 5 accessible templates for the internal CMS
– Website development for the project “Premio Fausto Sartori”

– Computer Science Degree / Università degli studi dell’Insubria
– Diploma: tecnico della gestione aziendale – informatico / IPC EINAUDI

Web Development | Web Analysis | SEO | SEM | Database Management | Web Accessibility |
Technical Assitance

Technical Skills  Web Development: PHP | MYSQL | HTML | XHTML | XML | Java Script | jQuery | JSON | CSS
| SASS | JADE | Bootstrap | Symfony | Doctrine | Twig | Git | Wordpress
Google Services: Google Analytics | Google Tag Manager | Youtube | Adwords
Other: Office Suite | Photoshop | Social Networks

Italian (native) | English (Professional working proficiency)

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