Figura professionale: UX & UI Designer

Nome Cognome: K. K.Età: 45
Cellulare/Telefono: Riservato!E-mail: Riservato!
CV Allegato: Riservato!Categoria CV: Web Designer/Social/Marketing
Sede preferita: Torino

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UX & UI Designer


28 May, 2016- Present;UX & UI Designer;  ULIXE SOLUTION – REPLY HERMES No.83, Cardinal Massaia St., Turin, Ialy. [], [] My main responsibilities: Web & App development, UX & UI Design, Wireframe and Rapid prototyping. Design, 3d modeling and creating the animations. For these issues I’m using: Visual Studio, MVC, C#, AngularJS, Html, Javascript, Unity 3D, Blender, Axure and Fireworks. MEDIALAB AMSTERDAM Wibautstraat 2-4, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1091 GM. ADVERTISING RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CREATIVE MEDIA 

3 Sep, 2015- 20 May, 2016 Part time online designer; ARVIN RESANEH No.7 – 69 Bldg., Eghbal Melli st., North allameh Ave., Tehran, Iran. I had two main responsibilities: First web development, UX/UI design and wireframe. Second I was responsible for design, 3d modeling and preparing the animations of products, interiors and exhibition booths, which came from the clients, meantime responding their requests and also participating in problem solving with the groups via internet. For these issues I used: Html, Css, Javascript, Axure and Fireworks.

Jun. 2015 – 1Mar, 2015 Researcher and developer; MEDIALAB AMSTERDAM; Under this project my main role was Scrum Master (head of design group) which put me in charge of; arranging meetings, setting the agendas, connecting people, responding emails and coordinating team. But at the same time I was responsible to research and study the new technical possibilities such as; body motion registration, Virtual reality for app and web, head-mounted devices, in order to design and develop the animations and VR environment. Software & programs; Unity 3d, html, Css, Blender and Maya. CREATIVE MEDIA

1Sep, 2014 – 15Mar, 2015 Internship; Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), Amsterdam (Netherlands). RESEARCH ON INNOVATIVE INTERACTIVE MEDIA APPLICATIONS

1Mar, 2009 – 30Dec, 2011 University lecture; UNIVERSITY OF KURDISTAN (UOK) AND AZAD UNIVERSITY OF KURDISTAN, Sanandaj, Iran. www. – Solid Works & 3D Max – Sketching and Rendering EDUCATION

21Aug, 2011 – 15Jul, 2011 Designer and Modeller; FORMINIC Co. and JAHAN SHAHR Consulting Engineers. Tehran, Iran. I was part of design team and in charge of design products and interiors, contacting clients to know more about their requests. Software: Solid works, 3Ds max, Adobes

3Feb, 2009 – 1Aug, 2010 Designer and Modeller; NAGHSH NEVISSA No 56, Armita building(430), Kashani St., Tehran, Iran. I was a designer there and in charge of design and solving the clients problems. Software: Solid works, 3Ds max, Adobes


10Seb, 2012 – 24Jul, 2015 Master of Eco-Design ; POLITECNICO DI TORINO; Atelier inside/outside: Smart City, Green design, User center design, Soundscape and Lightscape, Renewable energy. Virtual Design: Virtual reality, Animation, Story telling. Component Design: Product design, User center design, material culture history, chemical/physical processes of production. Open system: Systemic design, Economic management of production, Procedures for environmental sustainability, Theory and history of systemic design Distributed programming: Html, Css. Thesis title: Other Sight: the first virtual fashion show. Supervisor: Prof. F. Valpreda, Total GPA: 106/110.

Seb, 2004 – Jun, 2009 B.Sc. Industrial Design; IRAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (IUST) Tehran, Narmak, Iran. Thesis title: Kids patient bed’s foldaway desk Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Koleini Total GPA: 18.4/20 (92/100)

Seb, 2000 – Jun, 2004 High School Diploma, Mathematics and Physics; SHAHID BEHESHTI HIGH SCHOOL, SAGHEZ, IRAN.

Seb, 2014 – Present Online Training via internet; Html programming: w3schools Css programming: w3schools, Codecademy Javascript: Codecademy


Mother tongue(s) KURDISH & PERSIAN

Other languages English Italian Arabic Turkish

Digital Competence

Good command of web design and development; HTML/CSS/JavaScript/C#/AngularJS. Proficient in wireframe and rapid prototyping software such as Axure & Firework. Proficient in Graphic Editor (vector & raster) and Publishing software; Adobe Illustra- tor, Photoshop and InDesign. Android app developing. Game development; Unity 3D and Unreal game engine. Proficient in 3D Graphic Computer programs for making 3D modeling, animations and games, such as; 3Ds Max, Blender and Maya. Proficient in Solid Modeling design & engendering (CAD & CAE); Solidworks, Auto CAD and Catia. Good command of hand sketching, problem solving and brainstorming. Platform:Windows, Android. Microsoft Office (Word,Excel,PowerPoint)


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